Hunter S. Thompson on Finding Your Purpose in Life

15  2015-05-25 by NiggaInABuick


ME: Been all in with HST for months now. Don't get why he isn't on Gawker or Buzzfeed. Got Roland working on getting him on.

But a man who procrastinates in his CHOOSING will inevitably have his choice made for him by circumstance.

A simple thought but simply brilliant.

I did so much drugs after reading his stuff as a teen.

Me too, but honestly I would have done them anyway.

Are you me?

Am I you? (Woah)

He's path ended up being eating a bullet. What a crazy and interesting dude. I remember reading an article about him calling some executive in the middle of the night, trying to pitch a new sport; Golfers would try to play their best game, but the opponent would have a rifle to shoot the ball with while it's in air. I loved that guy.

Hitting a golf ball with a rifle while its flying through the air is practically impossible. Was this guy a drinker?

it depends where you stand, if you are standing halfway down the hole near its apex in the air, good shooters could probably hit it with a shotgun.

Oh great. I've been waiting for him to come out with new stuff for ages.

Tsst his name should be hunter's machinegun or sumpthin...tssst

Fawkin out of the park cocksucka

Haven't even followed the link yet. I expect it's great. All I need to upvote it is to see the Hunter Thompson.

gotta love hunter

I like Anthony's purpose in life: "FIND A TALENT!!"