Jesus Christ, Sam is ugly

19  2015-05-24 by arobben


more fat hiding from troy.

Sam looks like the first caveman with Down syndrome.

this is the perfect description of him. I always just said he's extremely odd looking but you nailed it.

I forgot who said it here but he is also Karl Pilkington with hair.

Sam is a genetic disaster with a 3 inch quasi-penis covered in surgery scars. He is biologically reprehensible. He is Bobo plus 15 IQ points.

That's a rude fucking thing to say about Bobo.

Bobo is a charmer and a sweetheart, though.

As his face matures, he looks more and more like Richard Simmons.

Clint Howard


Finally, a pair of boobs I don't want to see in a hot tub.

well crafted, mister

Totally heard that in a Rodney Dangerfield voice.

Two aging men trying to look young

Sam was born in 1983 and you sir?

'94 assface

Troy has gotten so old and pudgy. It feels like only yesterday he looked like this.

"If you take both of us inside of you, we can guarantee a semi-monthly show of 'Girl Code Radio' for you and Carly as long as you back-up Chris DeStefano's fuck-stories.

"You should also bring some fabricated stories about how this 34 year-old pro-wrestling nerd and this 39 year-old skateboarder were totes cool and fucked all the hot chicks in the Jacuzzi."

He has a face for radio, but is lacking the voice.

....a mulatto, mongrel race....

both races would be destroyed

The shades do help to cover that catastrophe.

both Sam and Troy look like they were photoshop'ed in

I guess his wife is now "towning around" with a real man of color. Not a little boy with an afro and a John Cena shirt.

That girl they are with looked way hotter from the night before. Now it just looks like Troy and Sam split the cost of a tranny hooker.

Where is his wife?

I'm sure Whoo Kid knows

He could fuck her easily no doubt.


LOL I'm only foolin'

I don't know, I think he looks nice with blonde hair.

Cock blocking Troy

What's most bothersome is how cool he thinks he is. He loves wrestling. No one over the age of 13, who loves wrestling, is cool. He's a bore. He eats chicken nuggets at Ruth's Chris.

He's going to look like Krusty the clown when he gets abit older

Instead of the sideshow bob look he has now.

Only thing missing from this photo is a plugged-in toaster.

You've heard of Resting Bitch Face?

Sam Roberts has Resting Liar Face.

Also, if I had Sam's eyebrows, I would slam my head in a car door until I died of my injuries.

You could just have your eyebrows threaded or plucked

No, if you really Schink about it, the car door solution is really the only way to be sure.

Final solution

Are they all wearing Groucho Marx Glasses with the mustaches removed?

He looks like he was photoshopped in.

I'd hit it.

Forwarded to Sam's mom.

Now you're gonna get it, mister.

I wouldn't mind getting it from Sam's mom, so the joke's on you, sir.

I'm surprised they allow him in a public hot tub. I'd be concerned you could catch something from that mutant.

He kinda looks like Karl Pilkington with hair.

Do we need 'em?

And the sky is blue. Tell us something we don't know.


Yer a fagget, Harry!

He looks normal there. What are you a fag?


You know Troy was hittin that later...

Who's the blonde dude in the front?

She's some comic, I forget her name but she's pretty hot. She got at-mentioned in one of their pics. Im sure she's not funny, and is waging the war against "rape culture." Like every dumb cunt in LA that can hold a microphone.

Few images are as unpleasant as sam's chin from a side angle

god, i hate troy. i hope his face gets the ol' Coco Cogliano treatment.

Yeah he's maaaad ugly but aren't you just a little jealous of his life? I wonder how much he makes talking about pop culture for a living?

I like that this sub is not afraid to comment on the looks of another dude.............
