The majority of us agree that Patrice was absolutely brilliant. Having said that, no one is perfect. What are some points of contention you have with Patrice?

0  2015-05-23 by MarshallWatts

Patrice is my hero, no hyperbole. I try to Conduct most of my relationships after his tenets for ultimately i look at him as a philosopher as well as a comedian. He was effortlessly funny and almost cult leader like in the level of charisma he exuded. However, he was still a man and no man is perfect. So, in your opinion, what are some disagreements you have with him; may it be his views, method of stand up, just general personality traits etc.

For me personally, and I had to think hard to find this, he was very gullible regarding conspiracy theories.


Leave it alone.

He was black

Does he look like a bitch?

Any time someone has him stuck he calls it "white mans logic" and dismisses it.

Patrice always claimed white magic when he was backed into a corner.

I wish I knew what all the white tricks were

Your comment is just WHITETRICKS

this is like going on MSNBC and talking about the drawbacks of the New Deal.

I was honestly baffled by the level to which he fell in with the Alex Jones crowd. For such a smart guy, he believed some truly insane shit. He believed that high levels of government were dominated by devil worship. He said that federal income tax is slavery. He once argued that the Illuminati engineered the folding-the-dollar-into-the-burning-WTC trick as part of some Satanic ritual to fuck with us.

He said that federal income tax is slavery.

Obviously a bad comparison and exaggeration, but I see what he was getting at. You have no choice but to take the deal: their protection for your money. Hand over the cash, and we'll deter savages from fucking with you, with armed men and a corrections system. And if they do fuck you over really bad, we'll do our best to at least give you justice. And if we can't give you either, keep sending in those checks in April.

That there's a democratic government imposing that deal on you doesn't make it any different than a 10th century king or lord doing it. Or the mafia, for that matter. Why do we get to do this job of ruling? Because we're the fucking king. The biggest baddest meanest motherfucker in the area and we said so, that's why. You want to be the king? Bring it, then.

People like to think it's different somehow, but it's not by much. Of course if you live in the first world, it's not a bad deal. But I guess that's a matter of opinion. Like how Redban argued the Stitcher deal was a good one, and was probably right, but Bill Burr felt like he should be the one to make that choice, and I never read a single comment that disagreed with him.

Oh, I don't disagree that all government is an extortion racket in some sense of the phrase, but that wasn't what he was getting at. He was specifically arguing about federal income tax (in the form adopted in 1913) as opposed to, say, property tax or other state taxes, which he described as legitimate.

Well then that's pretty dumb, and that's where I'd contend with him. The fuck's the difference?

Patrice always shot too high and then laughingly gave a few concessions. That was his art. It was his way of breaking (I won't say Ivory. I just won't do it) ceilings.

Ivory wouldn't be the right thing to say anyway. You mean Ivory Tower or glass ceiling, neither of which are a great fit for the point you're trying to make.

Actually both are perfect. I just don't know how to say either one of them without using hacky faggoty words to do it.

But you're wrong. It fits like a glove.

Trust me son, I'm smarter than you are. Ivory towers and Glass ceilings are entirely different things. Look them up!

Income tax isn't a voluntary expenditure, it hurts people before it hits their pockets. Raising tax from voluntary transactions isn't coercion. These are fine points that you need to take time to understand, not to roll your eyes like a typical low information voting faggot and go back to voting for Republicans or Democrats.

Property tax is pretty goddamn coercive.

Yes but you do choose to buy the property and to structure your income for tax purposes. I don't like the idea of property tax, and an alternative would of course be demanding a standard of upkeep that property owners must adhere to, but that wouldn't be a racket.

Some of his conspiracy theories were fucking nuts

In his stand-up, he would often do a thing where he would say those internet sex term & just laugh while saying them. Like "dirty sanchez", "angry pirate", "donkey punch" & "angry pirate". He didn't come up with them, he just said then on stage in a routine for laughs.

It's just interesting that someone as righteous as Patrice would do something so clearly, for lack of a better word, "hack"

In fairness, guys were already talking about the dirty Sanchez and Donkey Punch before the internet really took off, from my recollection. Way before, at least.

Definitely the conspiracy horseshit. The weird thing about that (and I could be wrong) was that it seems like he began going off the deep end with the Alex Jonesian crap pretty much around the exact same time Ant got more and more infatuated with race -- ie, when Obama got elected.

Though in contrast, at least Patrice had the sense to not let"personal interests" get in the way of the funny.

He's dead. That peeves me.

i can only find one point of contention and it lies within his 'bitch management' saturday night virus show. he constantly had on a certain jeffrey gurian, whom he somehow seemed to respect. i never really understood their connection.

gurian and a week-old corpse could see themselves head to head in an intelligence test.

Patrice informed the way you conduct your relationships? Please elaborate.

That he never took care of his diabetes. I've lived with it for over 25 years...not that fucking hard to do if you put in a little effort.

Some of his choices for best films were awful

I liked his pick for best comedy. Midnight Run isn't readily seen as a comedy by most people, but it was really funny. And it's probably a better movie overall than all the favorites that fit the genre better.

Probably the conspiracy theories and extreme political stances. Keep in mind that what he said is crackpot lunacy to the overwhelming majority. also, what you publicly and privately think are different. Patrice was already off the deep end on that stuff for 90 percent of the public, and that was almost certainly him holding back. This is by no means a knock on him, though. He was great. But even Isaac Newton was a fucking alchemist.

he believed in conspiracy theories which even stupid people would hesitate to believe in. i also hate that weak men everywhere, especially on this sub, use his image to deal with women. the image of a six foot black guy telling a woman to stfu is one all the people who like patrice wish they were. i think most of his audience were men who're just scared of women.

 I try to Conduct most of my relationships after his tenets for ultimately i look at him as a philosopher as well as a comedian


I got 2 down bitches ready to fuck at a moments notice so you tell me if its yucky. One of em is black, and if it wasn't for his advice I would've never gotten with a black bitch.


I don't want people to misconstrue the purpose of this. I'm just opening up a discussion regarding a great thinker, as I would in a philosophy subreddit. This is not meant to shit on him.

Not nearly as intelligent as people think. Kind of dumb actually. But a funny motherfucker obviously.

I remember him giving Danny shit once over not wanting to put a virus on his computer.

His conspiracy theory bullshit

His sexism, somewhat. He was kinda brilliant with that stuff, but sometimes it's a bit much. Never really offended me or anything though so eh.

His bridge burning I guess wasn't smart at times, but eh.

The conspiracy stuff was the worst. He just seemed to smart to go with that Alex Jones horseshit.

Patrice and Carlin are not just my favorite comedians, but two of my favorite people ever in general. But yeah, as the title says, neither were perfect.

You should be arrested for even suggesting that Patrice might have any faults.

The amount of times his presence meant race/women talk bugged me. "Black people do this but white people do that!" type shit.

He was religious and he let it affect his politics.

I'm curious, can you please expand?

One day he came in wearing a pope hat and threw holy water on Anthony.

Whose fault was that really?


You want to discuss the faults of a dead man? Has there ever been anything less productive in human history

Can't analytical readings/discussion of great thinkers of past be boiled down to "discussing faults of a dead man"? Having accepted that, if you still maintain this is pointless then we live in different worlds.

Sure you're right, but you're talking about a relatively unknown comedian who blurred the lines of what he really thought and what is funny. I'm not sure how much there is really to be discussed when it comes to a guy making jokes on the radio.

That's the thing though, I don't see him merely as a guy making jokes on the radio.

You see him as a father figure because your whore mother couldn't keep the dicks in her ass and out of her pussy?

How dare u, my mom was the best in town in keeping dicks in her ass. She went unrivalled.

Go outside, dude. The fuck is the point of this thread? Patrice gave me a lot of entertainment. I'm not going to think of something negative to say about a very funny man that has passed. Go piss on someone else's grave.

I hate when people say "go outside." How about you go outside? And I'm no fan of this topic but fuck, we're all inside, or you're outside and on your phone so you might as well be inside. Stop shaming people for coming on here in between masturbating sessions on this beautiful Memorial Day Weekend.

Why don't you come back here and shut up.

After work, I usually bullshit on here while sitting on my patio smoking/drinking. Best of all possible worlds!

It seems as though my level reverence for him is coming off wrong. Like I said I think of him as a philosopher, and people still like to discuss Wittgenstein or Socrates regardless of their death. I'm not shitting on him, merely treating him as anyone would with any great thinker; starting up a open discourse regarding his teachings.

I love Patrice as much as anyone here, but let's cool it with the Socrates and Wittgenstein comparisons.

What, you haven't read Patrice's works on certainty and the utility of language? Nigger Vs nazi is a modern day language games experiment sir!

Ok, i'll give an answer then. He's black.