Anthony needs to somehow get the major news networks to stop mentioning race so TACS can be free of race talk

0  2015-05-23 by [deleted]

Have that douchebag Keith call CNN or whatever, I really don't give a fuck how you guys do it. Get it done though or I'm cancelling, motherfucker.


This is a bullshit excuse by Ant. Its weird how I can listen to Bennington everyday without race issues being brought up. Even if it was all the news ever ran with ( its not ) theres still other things to talk about.

Then don't listen? I hate the O&J show so I don't listen to it. I'm not super fond of TACS so I only listen to parts I would find interesting. Do you people just enjoy getting all worked up over nothing? It's like becoming a slave by volunteer and then bitching about the pay.

Are you fuckin retarded? Why have an opinion on anything. Why does Ant rip on Adam Sandler films or scorch? Why doesn't he just not listen. A message board is for talking about things not just mindless praise you cunt

I realise your post was not bitching. I take back my hostility, good sir.

Well to answer you questions I don't expect mindless praise but mindless bitching is just as terrible. Either like something or find the fun in making fun of something you find terrible. The threads goofing on how bad Opie is or on ants creepiness are great, but the daily barrage of people posting about how they don't like something with no humor in it is just tedious and unnecessary.

You got told by Lilcumia. You should shut the fuck up.

Sorry O&A fans, but TACS is now catering to racists such as myself and I don't see it changing. Just because you babies think no one wants to listen to race talk, doesn't make it true. Ant is a rich old fuck who will probably be dead within this decade so he doesn't care what you want or if you unsubscribe. He probably just wants to talk about what interests him and accepts that he will have a smaller audience because of it.'re a cringingly misguided creep, but you're basically right in this regard. The Anthony we all knew and enjoyed from O&A is dead; all that remains of his core fanbase is an increasingly off-putting, rapidly shrinking circlejerk comprised of fringe /r/coontown freaks like you and Agatha. What a fall from grace...

Then stop being a crybaby and leave. No one will miss you.

This ain't /r/TACSdiscussion, Stormfag. I'm here to reminisce about an infinitely-superior radio show that no longer exists, and have free range to piss on the graves of its ex-hosts. You're the minority here.

At least I get to enjoy Anthony's humor still and you only get to cry about your dead show. Enjoy reminiscing like a gay.

Meh, I got years of old audio from the archives, I'll be just fine, thanks. Have fun with TACS, maybe if you massage Ant's prostate sensually enough he'll finally address the "Jewish Question" that's been on all our minds.

I don't have the requisite experience for massaging a prostate. You're gonna have to teach me some of your techniques.


Ah, the old "honest discussion about crime statistics" gag. It's like when Truthers have an "honest discussion about 9/11," or Scientologists have an "honest discussion about psychiatry." They're based on a few basic (and cherry-picked) facts, from which they make a gigantic leaps of logic to fit their bizarro-world agenda. Thanks, I'll pass.

And it's 3/4-German and 1/4-English, btw. Not a drop of the dreaded Negroid or Abrahamic blood in these veins, sir. But enough about me...


I see what you did there; pretty sure "cherry picked" isn't a liberal cliche, though. And I never said there weren't "differences in certain 'cultures,'" just that the conclusions you draw from "the facts" are a tad faulty.


You're only hearing what you want to hear. Again, it's not the DOJ stats that are faulty, it's the conclusions you yokels draw from them. Half the legit data you people cite -- higher rates of incarceration, single-parent households, drug-related crime, etc -- is used by "the other side" too, and there are plenty of credible studies that attempt to figure out why those statistics are the way they are. Their conclusions are much more complex than "what can ya do, nigz gotta nig, DERP!!", which seems to be the furthest you gentlemen are able to process the matter. But hey, whatever gets your rocks off, sailor.


And I said this when, exactly?


No...I wasn't explaining what's wrong with the black community, I was explaining what's wrong with -your- "community," if you can call it that. Next?



Once again, logic like a 9/11 Truther. I say "y'know, it seems sort of far-fetched that a missile was fired into the Pentagon," and you spin it into "THEN KEEP BELIEVING WHAT THE ZOG SPOONFEEDS YOU, SHEEPLE!!" Way to turn the tables on me, mongoloid.



No...I questioned your logic, and instead of addressing it you said "fuck that, you're just a white-guilt-ridden libtard -- BURN," like a true autist.

Go ahead and try one more time; when did I "presume to know the status of blacks in amerikkka" or say they should "be treated like children?" Take your time.


Sir, perhaps it's time to just step away and relax with a nice David Duke audiobook, you seem to be running out of coherent responses.


You got it chief, you sure are/I sure am. Good luck with all that.




But you want to hear the race talk even when it's the same exact conversation every single time? I am not at all bothered by race talk but when he just reiterates the same points it isn't worth doing. "13% of the population.. 50% of the violent crime".. ok.. what else ya got? At least get really racist with it if you want to keep it interesting.

I wish Anthony would just read statistics off of a piece of paper for the entire show every day. That's my idea of good comedy.


He should say that black students from households with high income score in the same range as white students from households with low incomes on the SAT. That would mix it up a bit.


You the person who tried to use Wikipedia as a source and didn't even know how to read the chart properly because it was in alphabetical order and not statistical descending order?


OH yeah and then other people also pointed out how the study itself admits its limitations and explains why it is incomplete and basically useless. Yeah... I was taken to school there. Incomplete science explains that black people are inherently violent.. except for somehow there are black people who aren't even though they are allegedly genetically designed to be violent. And then we talked about how come the most violent countries with the highest murder rates on Earth are in South America and you brought up a Wikipedia page with a chart that was in alphabetical order and said "look! all of the murders are in Africa!!" because A comes before S and you didn't read the chart right.


Well the South America part was a big part of that argument because if Africans are more genetically predisposed to violence than any other people you would think that the countries with the highest murder rates would be in Africa but they are, in fact, in South and Central America. So South and Central Americans must be more genetically predisposed to violence than Africans or Africans are extremely passive in spite of their "genetic defect."


The people who did the study said it is incomplete... I suppose it will be complete when they say so? This is an ongoing study and they don't have any hard evidence and make a point to even say that. They say "the gene MAY have effects on violence that are independent of environment." That "may" is a pretty important word in science.


Every study is like that. Liberals, conservatives, and the media are all cunts when they ignore it for politics or for sensationalism. It's not just race and global warming either, it's done all the time, with everything. Lewis Black had a bit on eggs, and whether they're healthy for you or not. The bit was that the news confuses you because they constantly flip-flop saying "it's definitely X" or "it's definitely Y". Just because being honest and including the caveats makes it sound less important. It makes more money for them to lie by omission.

Point is it sucks and is done constantly, by everyone, because they're all cunts.


What does ideology have to do with science? I'm not even a liberal. I haven't voted for a Democrat for President since I've been old enough to vote (I'm 29). Believing that more factors than genetics go in to creating high crime in the black community is not a liberal belief. It is just being rational.


No. I'm saying we don't know to what level, if any, genetics plays a role.


Sure there are differences. The terrain you grow up on causes your body to adapt. If you live at a high altitude your body adapts and you become able to handle a lower oxygen level without becoming fatigued and light-headed, for example. Most of the differences we see are cultural, however. Do you think growing up in Asia somehow makes people genetically better at math? What evolutionary purpose would that serve? Asian parents are just stricter with their children and value education so they do better at school. This isn't a product of evolution. This is a product of culture.


I think everyone on the planet is bored with Ants view on black people who act like scumbags. yes we get it there are people in America who are crap and yes some are black but do we really need to here about it almost every fucking day? Its like Opie thinking its funny when he takes phone calls that annoy Jimmy and the listeners. Beating a dead horse.

Opie thinks what makes him special is he has the market cornered on being an irritating frat douche, Ant thinks what makes him special is having the market cornered on hating blacks. The shame of it is, Ant has a million other things to offer while Opie is a complete zero and an utter turd.

It's never Ant's fault. Ever. Fact.



