If you were to describe TACS to a friend what would you say?

1  2015-05-22 by Lilcumia

It's a video podcast show I subscribe to, to watch a guy I used to listen to on youtube. He keeps me up to date on race issues and he'll crack a joke every so often. Funny show


Remember that drunk guy, Big Ed, who used to hang around town when we were younger and tell "nigger jokes" and talk about his guns and he had a swastika tattoo and he made the girls we hung out with really uncomfortable cause he'd gawk at them? Well this podcast is a little like that... only you have to pay for it...

Huh... I do pay for that now.. don't I...

Everyone can go home now, this comment wins the Blue Ribbon.

I wouldn't.

Take everything that was considered edgy during Opie and Anthony's WNEW days, except it's a two hour show where an old pedophile with daddy issues tries to stay relevant.

The race talk, political talk, and girls in studio are all things that are completely played out and boring.



How to waste $7 a month, a successful broadcasting career, and your liver.

A talented guy that is trying to remain relevant by producing a video show that is unwatchable unless he has a worth while guest.

It sucks. Here check out this free podcast called Legion of Skanks instead brothaman.

Watch a grown man make a spectacle of his own self-destruction while doing other people's 30-year-old comedy routines for $7.99/month. Oh, there are ads on top of the monthly fee because he hates his listeners but is simultaneously entitled to them. Enjoy!

So, I can autopay my subscription AND listen to ads for the AutoBlow 3000? Where do I sign up???

I'd say it's just not as good as what Opie is doing with the Stangels. I really like the new direction that show is going in! That TACS stuff is for the birds, if you'll pardon my language!

There's this video pseudo thinly veiled racist news show I pay for that's about the price of netflix. I used to listen to his radio show for cheaper when it was funny and Jim norton and Anthony co-hosted with a retard. It's kind of worth it, every now and then there are good shows. I barely watch and still pay I'm not sure why I'm describing this to you.

"thinly veiled racist"

And the Gestapo were masters of tact.

He's the incredibly funny guy who entertained me for years with laughter, who suddenly wants to be Beck with naughty words and a few laughs. I pay $7 a month and listen everyday to it hoping it will get better and I will let you know when/if it does

I don't have any friends T_T

Its not WHAT I'd say but HOW I'd say it...by first looking both ways and then whispering it.

A waste of 7 bucks ..don't bother

Imagine if Alfred Molina in Boogie Nights had his own subscription based web show...


Imagine if Colonel Kurtz was a racist, white trash, former hood, who had no education or accolades, but instead had a podcast set up in his basement surrounded by similarly uneducated yes-men, that's The Anthony Cumia Show.

imagine if michael jackson was slightly less creepy

and slightly less white

In one sentence: "An old, insane, racist creep, but fucking funny."

Or, in a haiku: An old insane racist creep But fucking funny

a podcast you can watch or listen to about real talk


"It's Anthony Cumia's show."

"Who's he?"

"He was the Anthony on the Opie & Anthony show."

"Opie?! Are you fucking serious? Opie."

"Other guy."

Political talk with some humour (from an extremely funny person) thrown in.

Anthony, from Opie & Anthony, who was fired for some bullshit started his own video podcast. If you know O&A, he's the funny, talented one.

Some days are great, some not so much, but that's the case for any show. Just subscribe and see if you like it. It's only $7 a month, you cheap fuck.

Everyone can go home now, this comment wins the Blue Ribbon.