Cumia and his fans are fucking hypocrites

0  2015-05-22 by fratboy_massacre

I was banned on TACS discussion for posting the following response to his mewling, pissy "you're like a mutinous crew!" rant, in which he pretty much denies he's made any mistakes. But why? I wrote the truth.

Proof he can only stand the speech he likes and censors all else. See your hero for what he is at least. He's a fucking hypocrite like you and that's why you like him. (And no, I'm not Ben. If you take even cursory notice, I don't write like him and I don't use his catch phrases). You'll believe what you want in the face of facts, but I only told him the truth:

"Jesus, you and your loser brother are carbon copies of each other, aren't you?

--The app is unforgivably LATE. Not Apple's fault, yours. It was promised initially in January. It probably won't really be out until June. Meaning it took almost an entire year. Something that is necessary for people to even watch your show. And even then, it will only work for iPhone and not Android, the larger platform. So, yeah, NOPE.

--The Bennington situation. Just made you look unprofessional, desperate and in the end, pathetic. So did the Artie Lange incident and so does the Jimmy situation.

--You and your producer promised an NYC studio in July. There was an extremely questionable "incident" (you usually find better lies, btw), and now you're "looking" again. Yeah. NOPE. How fatuous do you think most people are, besides your bootlickers? You can't afford a Manhattan studio and it would be ludicrous to try that big of a financial outlay and risk what savings you may still have. Fess up for chrissakes.

--You are dead set on keeping racism and boring, Fox News-esque "political commentary" in your show though you regularly claim you'll stop it. You have gotten NOTHING but flak for it, except for your Stormfront fans, who seem to be your only growing demographic. This should truly worry you. Instead, you seem to welcome it. After the baltimore riots, there are certified Neo-Nazis on this sub. One of your biggest posters on this sub is a fucking Neo-Nazi. You are destroying yourself, as you have been since apparently 2008, and instead of listening even to friends of yours (Bennington told you outright, what, last month?) you are doubling down. Do you like the taste of gun metal in your mouth that much? You have to be one of the most self-destructive people I've ever seen. You truly cannot control yourself at all--pedophilia, alcoholism, hate. You coddle yourself and give in to it every time. And it will be the end of you, you schmuck.

--You viciously made fun of/insulted/humiliated people 100x more worthwhile than you and now when people are rightfully pissed at how badly you are mishandling your show, almost purposefully, while actually charging a fee for it (and having ads--the nerve of that, the contempt you have for your fans is absolutely IMMENSE, kudos, really), you react in a more cringe-worthy way than anyone you ever tormented. You're a thin-skinned little brat. And you show people the man behind the curtain more every day. And that man is a horribly pathetic hypocrite."


You're entitled to your opinion but holy fuck I'm certainly not reading all that horseshit


You have to be fucking batty to think this is true.



Definitely. Which is why it was stupid to "reform" a new sub with a ridiculously dumb sub name

Lol that's rich.


No silly, that's /u/JayEtheridge

I think that he was involved in the original TACs subreddit debacle. That guy was clearly a ball washer and was likely doing it on the behest of cumia.

But it's cute how they talk about free speech so much and have no awareness of how bad they are with it. I guess it's okay to censor stuff when it disagrees with your opinion.

/u/ricardo_von_nicht is a HUGE hypocrite. One of the most delusional Anthony sycophants out there. It was most likely him that banned you. Why post there anyways though? Nobody really goes there, everyone comes here to talk, so fuck that shitty sub. The people actively posting there are sensitive about calling cumia a pedo, it hurts their feelings. They probably banned you because they thought you were ben72, not because of your comments. I made a rational anthony post critisizing him on my original username, but got banned because they thought i was him, its fucking ridiculous.

Yeah, I would think it's ricardo. Toadie.

Nope, not ricardo. It was me and I'll tell you why. Your account is brand new and the sole purpose is to troll the show. You and a few others are obsessed lunatics who need to take a step back from the computer for a bit and the ban just facilitated that. It's for your mental health. It had nothing to do with your tl;dr post. If we banned people for being assholes or being critical there would be nobody on the sub, but the handful of obsessed people spamming everything with alts can fuck off.

That's good and appropriate moderation. Nobody faulting the moderators here for -not- letting these fuckers make their mental illness a spectacle. It has NOTHING to do with "the show".

Ricardo, you, what's the difference in the end? You all try to keep your best guy safe from anything like that which he regularly gives out to others. Cumia is allergic to criticism of any kind. He overreacts to it like a schoolchild. And so do his fans. Where was I wrong? Point it out, big guy.


You guys are all the same, you call someone a troll and ban them, and then they point out that the post they got banned for had legit points and is not trolling at all, then you reply with "k" because you look like an ass/liar. You arent getting rid of trolls, you are protecting your pedo hero from legit criticism and it very fucking obvious.

i don't think you understand what is going on here...

a legion of new account faggots are trolling this sub... banning them is the only way to keep the sub clean.

why in the hell would the mods allow these pathetic no-life dick suckers to come in and ruin the sub?

Again, bootlicker: where was I wrong?

I already told you you weren't banned for that post you obsessed jilted girlfriend.

You told me I was and it was trolling. I'm asking you how is it trolling? What was incorrect? And you can't answer.

fuck of dick shit. Give me one example hypocrisy. Keep my name out of your mouth.

Eeeew, he's acting tough


Haha, that's a Jew joke. These mods are at TACSdiscussion are fags can't wait till it's only the four of them talking about about Anthony doing a Friday show and jizzing on a cracker.

yep, thats how ricardo behaves when people point out his flaws. What a caveman, i bet he gets in fistfights alot.

I bet he doesn't...

who cares what you bet on?

You forgot an "f" dummy.

Keep cumia's cock out of yours.

Serious question: Was that poster banned from the TACS sub for that post; and if so, why?

Nope. People are allowed to hate the show if they want. It's the spamming of alt accounts that's the issue.

Fair enough. But aren't you operating on the assumption that it was an alt account?

There's a lot of abuse of alt accounts in both subs. That said, I don't think you should jump to the conclusion that any poster is engaging in that solely because their post reflects an opinion with which you disagree.

You may not like what the poster had to say, or the way it was said, but it was a perfectly valid response to both the substance of Anthony's post as well as its hyperbolic nature. All due respect, I think you should let this post and this poster through until such time as they establish that they're actually doing what you banned them, prematurely, for doing.

He's completely full of shit. They never fucking checked my IP address to see if it's an alt. Most casual perusers of these threads could tell I'm not a benjamin alt account. I made my first post two days ago. This way, they just ban people they don't like and say, "You're a troll, you're benjamin." It's a perfect excuse for them--they ban posts they want to ban and keep the status quo while blaming a ghost. It's a perfect ploy, really. Cumia-esque, you might say. and with all his nuance.

stop being such an obsessive dick slurper.


I've explained this to you multiple times. You're either too stupid to understand my rationale, or you simply choose to believe what you want to believe, like all the other dopes here.

And I never claimed to be unbiased. I dislike both O&J and TACS.

Oh Agatha, gsbird is one of the few conspicuously honest people on here. Of course you wanna call his ass out--he scares the shit out of you.

I'm not an alt account. This is the only account I've ever had or will ever have. Check syntax, adjective/adverb usage: I'm not Ben. I have no other accounts. Keep spinning, toadie.

"I'm not Ben".

You may as well be, cunt are scum just like him. But you are Ben.

Suuuuuure, sweetie, we're all ben, except you and the other faithful. Opie has breasts and his wife fucks other men! Ant is my idol! Fucking sickening hypocrite. You don't even know how sad you look.

Ahhhh....the "we are all ben" comment, same as your last account. You are a fucking pathetic cunt, Benjamin. YOu are an obsessed little faggot bitch. Fuck you and fuck your mother, I hope she is dead.

Anthony is a creep, and I have not listened to his show since Opie crying like a bitch.

U mad, honest truth-teller? Is someone else's opinion on a reddit board Hulking you out? Cuz that's not pathetic at all.

Ahhhhh....the old "are you mad" comment. Classic.

I could not possibly care less about your opinion, Benjamin. I only hate YOU....not your opinion. You are a fucking cunt. Keep posting where you are not wanted, bitch boy.

LOL, /u/opiesbreasts and /u/k1bbler are so fucking obsessed with "ben". Look at their post history, they talk more about him than opie or anthony, its embarrassingly pathetic, those 2 are fucking psychos! Its funny though, how they think about some random internet troll all day, and think the world around them is full of "bens". LOL!

All this from a 2 day redditor. Amazing how all your accounts are all active at one time, Benjamin.

Pathetic cunt.

LOOK, theres a BEN behind you! There are BENS on the roof! Call the police! NO, WAIT, the police are BENS too! HAHAHAHAHA! You fucking kook!

Hi Benjamin!!

Be a fucking man and at least admit it. We all know it is is you. But there I go with the "we all know". You are a joke.

HAHAHA! DONT ANSWER THE DOOR! ITS A BEN!!!!!!!! You are truly obsessed with an internet troll. CALL YOUR DAD! NO DONT! HES A BEN TOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! What a loon you are!

I think you're all faggots, what do you think of that?

Ricardo Von Nicht is a typical ball-washer.

Hahahaha! Why did you delete this post? What rule did I break? I insulted your boyfriend and you didn't like it, you toadying little prick.

Can you please elaborate?

to add to your list, the biggest mistake Ant made was deciding twitter and reddit actually matter. there wasnt any social media in 2005, 2006 etc and the b-b-b-boys were putting on great shows. I'd enjoy TACS a lot more if I didn't read Ants dimwit, high-school education, political thoughts on foreign policy over a twitter account, or stupid Opie trying to go viral on youtube.

Yes, it has been and will again be the ruin of him, if he has anymore ruin to mine. He seems willfully oblivious to it, though. Not a self-aware man.

He just decided that you are not the type of audience he wants.

They weren't complaining about Twitter and redit back then but they were complaining about message boards daily. Want to listen to a embarrassing clip from Anthony go search out that message board sit down show Ron did as a goof.

Relax man, it's just the internet.

I said something similar to you. Some long faggy rant about how Ant sucks, and my post was "caught in the spam filter", but when I messaged the mods Ricardo was a good egg and fixed it.

I'll give them the benefit of the doubt for now. Maybe my negative karma is finally catching up with me.

These are honest, upstanding gentlemen with a reverence for free speech. I can see why you'd give them the benefit of the doubt.

there's about 13 different benjamin accounts in here all talking to himself... kind of disturbing

This thread looks like what the voices inside ben's head sound like.
What a fucking mess.

Occam's Razor, pal. Don't cut yourself with it.

So if I'm reading this correctly, the show isn't for you?

It isn't for him but he won't find something new. These people are mental patients.

Quick thought, why do you feel entitled to the kind of show 'you' want? The show in its current format clearly isn't for you. Just move on, brother-man.

I'm the person behind the stupid #SelfCuttingGirlGate.

I posted five threads to /r/opieandanthony. They generally got upvoted. I got banned. And people still wonder why I chose to use an alt. account when critisicing Mr. Cumia.

"Hi ben!" Delusional idiots.

You have no original account stupid cunt....that was banned. You are forced to constantly make new accounts and post your idiocy. Get a life, faggot.

Yeah, honestly I wondered at who could be ben's other alts, because some of them post at lightning quick speed and they post a lot, but it's pretty easy to see if you look. Originally, I thought you might be but your syntax/grammar/spelling aren't that close to his. Let them think that all the while championing how honest they are and how much they avow free speech. they look like tards.

Hey, OP. Why do you give a shit what Anthony does with his money? You're obviously not a fan of his show, so just go back and watch whatever the fuck else you will hate on in a month.

This isn't about his money, Friend of Leechboy. It's about him lying on a near-constant basis. It's about him being able to dish out untold amounts of negativity and "honesty" but being a thin-skinned toddler about taking any. It's the hypocrisy, stupid. Wake up. The testosterone's affecting your brain adversely.

As long as it keeps my dick up, it's worth the trade off.

And if you're not a fan, then you shouldn't even know what Anthony is saying on his show, right?

I personally don't give a fuck about the app & NY studio. I have been a subscriber since TACS started & enjoy the show as it is.

What app and what NY studio?

Enjoy the Sudden Cardiac Death, genius! Besides, you know it's sildenafil that keeps your sad wang up. Don't be coy with us.

"I love the show that has ads on top of a monthly fee, is boring and can't be played on mobile devices. Love me, Ant!" Gah, sad. Yeah, there are some issues your boy's not addressing and it's losing him lots of shit. But keep denying.

Hey, how much does Ant give Joe a month? That's gotta be a resource siphon.

Huh, that's actually a pretty good argument against subbing to TACS; you're de facto supporting Keith and Joe by doing so.

Everyone knows no one supports Joe.

Except Anthony, that is.

I do not use nor require Viagra. And I will live longer than you just to be spiteful.

If you don't like Anthony's show, watch something else. The subscription fee and commercials shouldn't matter to you then, right?

As for the last part, that's none of my business and I really don't care.

I'm sure you don't. You just know its brand name. We get it, Joe, you're a very, very virile man who shows no insecurity. And hangs around the coolest guys ever.

Hey, do you let your teenage daughter around Anthony?

It's on the TV commercial.

Don't pretend you can read.

I hired a tutor and was told what it said.

OK, I gotta give you that one. You may not be that bad, Joe, but I will never understand your taste in friends.


Another 1 day redditor.

How are you Benjamin?

"All my idol's critics are the same person!" guy, how are you? How goes the Opie bashing? You free to do that, champ?

You would be free to bash Anthony as well, Benjamin....but you abused the posting privileges on this site and continue to do so.

I would even laugh at the Anthony bashing, I do not give one shit about him Benjamin.

The rest of the complaints I can take or leave, but the paragraph about Ant doubling down on being a mediocre political commentator rather than an entertainer is spot on.

no actually it isn't. weather it fits your worldview or not, there's plenty of people who agree %100 with his views on politics.

frankly i'm glad there's someone entertaining i can watch/listen to who speaks real shit without spewing the liberal AP agenda... and without giving me a lecture about god.

I'm pretty conservative and think political Ant is boring as shit.

boring and "wrong" are completely different.

You said "wrong", not me.

You sound like a really annoying, pestering bitch. I'd ban you too.

Reddit account for 1 day haha.

Holy shit this is so cringe inducing.


Ant is trying to be like Hugh Hefner.

He wants a mini playboy mansion and I can respect him for that.

He makes references to it all the time.

I find it ironic that no one considers Hefner a creep for having multiple really young wives/girlfriends at such an old age. HES JUST THE MAN. MAD RESPECT. Maybe some people find Hef a perv.... But certainly not the O&A pests.....

You guys have gotta be kidding yourselves when you say its gross of Ant to go after young girls. you would too. Women's looks fade, and the porn industry agrees, they will go as low as legally possible.

And all these revelations of Ant being a pervert is very odd. It's like not one of you listened to O&A, he's the same guy.

The tits are certainly better in person. Sure it's more enjoyable to Ant and Ari to be there. But thats the point. to give them this "Hefner like" persona.

Plus we get to see the girl sitting there uncomfortable when it backfires. Cringe stuff is entertaining too.

Like their master, they lack any self-awareness. They're permanent 13-year-old boys. They can't conceive of a man not being ultimately successful if he can pay young women to fuck him. Because that is the final test of worthiness for any man. Jesus Christ. The delusion is staggering. And really, really pathetic. Yeah, who isn't a winner who can afford whores?


LOTS of people are saying it, and giving reasons why in detail, and then being banned for being too mean to grown man who makes his money being "honest" because we're all the same person. While his subscriptions fall off and he falls into permanent obscurity.


You cant possibly think the show is doing fine.

Yeah the person who happens to be an admin is a thread deleting faggot. We'll have to hassle the staff to leave.

You talking about me? I've never deleted a thread. I banned a couple of very obvious trolls and they act like I'm silencing their freedom of speech. "Anthony is an alcoholic pedophile whose show is a failure and all his fans are shitheads." There that's every one of their posts. Their opinion has been heard.

the whole point of reddit is that shitty content or posts get downvoted and quality shit gets upvoted. obviously that's all fucked up on this sub but the point remains that you should let the users police the content.


You talking about me? I've never deleted a thread.

You deleted quiet a few of mine. Lying is not your strong suit, neither is comedy.


This is truly a great post. Legit example of how delusional these hypocrites are, they really dont have a leg to stand on with this one. Im ASTOUNDED by the number of times someone is accused of being "benjamin" the past couple days. Its clearly their crutch when they cant refute the argument presented. Just tell them theres a "ben" under their bed and they will run to the kitchen to grab a knife. Trolls obsessed with a troll, ironic and pathetic at the same time, lol.

These pathetic ballwashers think everyone is either Benjamin, Doug, or Danny. There's no possible way more than three people are disgusted with their hero.

He is a highly unlikeable man with no real friends. Even people with whom he had close friendships wind up hating the guy. And the irony is, his former friend is just like him. Of course they wound up hating. Kind of like the fan base, really.

The pathetic part is that they actually do think that anyone who criticizes Anthony is one of those people. /u/opiesbreasts and /u/k1bbler are so obsessed with "benjamin" that they literally believe he is every account that talks about Anthony in a negative light. Look at their post history, they mention "benjamin" more often than they mention opie, ant or jimmy, they are fucking loons. Just tell them "benjamin" is their father, they will call their mother and kill themselves lol.

It's always a poster who is on an Alt acct. I point it out when this is the case. When it's someone who has been posting a while I deal with what they say.

To be fair, I've criticized the show plenty of times and never have been accused of being an alt.

The constant accusations of being someone's alt or working for Viral Spiral are the most obnoxious part of this subreddit.

There are 2 reasons they use that crutch, and both are equally pathetic. They either actually think that the poster is Opie, Danny or Benjamin. Or they are confronted with arguments that they cannot refute, so they have to change the subject to how old your account is, or who is "running" your account, otherwise they actually have to think of a way to defend their dear leader, which they cant. It is really funny once you get past how pathetic it is.

I don't read posts like this anymore. I just enjoy the show. I don't know but this might be a good advice for some other people too. It'll make you very happy.

i like ant and tacs. and is extremely funny, especially with lil jimmy. opie sucks...even with lil jimmy. that is undeniable.

Where can I get a Neo-Nazi certificate?

Software is always on time...

i hope you get banned here to

Too bad they couldnt ban you from the internet.



The Anthony "backlash" and butthurt is the work of 4 or 5 people who continue to create accounts daily to bash him and the show. Two are certifiable lunatics, id say the rest are trolls or work for Viral Spiral.

I've been here for years. Ant's show sucks just as bad as O&J and he's become a far more deplorable person than he used to be. Sorry you can't deal with opposing opinions!

You're right. We've had people admit as much. They just get off on the attention. Then when people finally get sick of their constant bulls hit they shout "see I told you so! They're against criticism! Hurr!!" It's so predictable.

I truly think you are not aware of how weak this makes you look. No, it's not just trolls and "Viral spiral" workers (that in particular is pathetic of you to think--Hughes doesn't give a fuck about Cumia. You truly think he'd PAY to have people shit talk him on a subreddit? He's nothing if not cheap). It's very apparent what you're doing over there to anyone who doesn't suck Cumia's cock as a profession. You're really not fooling most people and you just look sad.

I don't care how people see me but I can assure you this thread is making you look like an insane person.

Yeah I look real bad. You look like a strong, rational guy who hearts free speech and the free exchange of ideas even if you don't like them. Honest and above all, real.

Damn, where do I even start to look for the drugs you're taking?

Obviously you haven't looked at your shrinks office for drugs. You need them.

That's not only a valid argument in a debate but a hilarious joke.... Yuuuuck.

A real life Chip Chipperson would spit on you for that tripe.

Thanks, Heinrich! You're right, it's just a few people who loathe your hero for no real reason. He is a standup guy who only ever does the right thing. NOthing to see here. Seig heil, baby!


I'm sure your IQ is stunning, Gunther.

Someone has a cubicle job.


Holy shit, I'm as big a "pest" as the next guy, but this post is insane. Some deranged fuckers on this forum!

looks like bens handwriting to me

Br fucking vo. I, for one, agree.

jeeze tell us how ya really feel


tss...tell us how ya REEEELY feel! tsssss!

I wad banned yesterday too, the Tacs sub doesnt matter it will be defunct and pointless in a year anyway.The mod there cant handle good natured ribbing.

Good natured ribbing. Lol no. It's the spam.

I never see any spam there, you should welcome it though. Without the recent turn fans have taken against Ant that sub is dead as shit. What a boring sub but I guess that makes sense.

I am not spam. You're making yourself look worse.

20 posts in one day all about how you hate the show and it's fans is pretty spammy big guy.

I posted a couple yesterday and one today. Really not near 20. Swing again, champ.

They just don't want fucking losers like you constantly posting.

So, you have a right to free speech and posting, but I don't? See any flaws in logic there, you fucking tard?

Free speech does not apply to a private message board, you god damned moron. Free speech is guaranteed by the Constitution against the Government. Reddit is not the Government.....but you knew that already. They can ban your cunt ass as much as they want.

Benjamin.....the main mods of Reddit are the ones that hate you, simply because you are so disruptive. No one gives a shit if you bash Anthony, it is the ENDLESS posts you make under ENDLESS names.

Now hurry up and say you are not Benjamin.

Keep moving those goalposts. Is this sub or is it not a haven for free speech? You can't have it both ways. You're a hypocrite and you're policing other people's speech because you don't like it.

So, who else is benjamin? Let's get a tally or something. The people should know, right? Are adviceforalkies, billtuttleberry, ant_sucks, jayetheridge, keiththepig and I all ben? How did you come to that conclusion? or are you in fact talking out your ass?

I'm not benjamin, baby boy.

As I already said.....if you are not Benjamin( I believe you are) it matters are still as much a cunt as he is. It really is simple, stupid fuck. Brand new accounts with the same old fucking shit over and over again. You are not even bright enough to even TRY and establish yourself as a legitimate poster.

Hey stupid CUNT....I support any and all bashing here, smash that creep Anthony all you want. The problem is that this forum is NOT protected by the free speech you whine about. You are a disruptive little cunt, that is why you are incessantly banned. You really are coming across as dumb.

Funny you seem to know all the most recent Benjamin accounts. You fucking fraud.

If I'm benjamin and benjamin's a troll, why do you keep on answering me? Aren't you just encouraging trollish behavior, if so?

ANOTHER comment about your IDOL "BEN"! You can't get enough of him can you?! There's a "BEN" at your door! RUN! HIDE! LOL! A troll obsessed with a troll, this is so fucking pathetic!

It's hilarious that they champion free speech. I don't think they even realize how hypocritical they are or how sensitive they are. One of the responses to the post was, "that was vicious". Ha! Yeah, he was really nice to people. He fucking encourages the endless bashing of a 20 year partner. What a joke.

"Anthony is an alcoholic pedophile whose show is a failure and all his fans are shitheads."

There that's every one of your posts. Your opinion has been heard and it didn't need to be spammed in every thread by multiple accounts.

Uh huh. Sure, champ. In reality, everyone agrees with you and thinks you're a great guy. No one dislike or sees through Anthony. Now, go get yourself and juice box and try to calm down.

So what's your point? I unban you and you just continue spamming the same shit in every thread? Is that your endgame? Just troll the fans forever with the same shit?

You're not going to unban me or anyone else you've pulled this schtick on. This is the way you control your little world and never have to hear dissenting opinion and keep Anthony in his safe zone. I'm not a troll and even you can't deny it, which is why you're starting to backpedal. It looks bad. People are sick of his shit. You can't stop that.

Since you don't like it go somewhere else. Obviously no one here wants your bullshit and no one promised free speech on redfit. It's not free speech.

That's autastic!

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Dude, your phone's breaking up. What'd you say?

Supposedly they have more apple watchers than android watchers which is why the apple app is coming out first.

Overall, your post sucks. Boo hoo we don't have a studio, and we were tricked by Keith more than once even though we have reason to be skeptical

Also after the bennington episode ant said he wasn't going to be stopping his rants. And I do believe the reason he has a subscription fee is because of all the shit he says that he doesn't want the common moron (much like yourself) to hear it or some shit like that. Also, I like his rants so your opinion is wrong.

piss off fucko!

Edit: I'm a day one subscriber and I don't give a shit about any of these "incidents." I'm just here to watch and have a decently awesome time.

"I was banned on TACS discussion... Proof he can only stand the speech he likes and censors all else." - I don't think that Anthony has any personal control to ban anybody from the sub reddit. You can't get pissed at Cumia for that.

"The app is unforgivably LATE." - Does the app have a pacemaker for your child's heart in it or something? Jesus, tone down the drama a bit. You must REALLY enjoy the show if you need the app this badly.

"And that man is a horribly pathetic hypocrite." - Maybe, but you are an obsessed weirdo writing a manifesto about this guy who has zero impact on your life if you just stopped listening. You need a hobby friend.

I do agree with you, but you sound stupid when you type "Yeah, NOPE"

So, you have a right to free speech and posting, but I don't? See any flaws in logic there, you fucking tard?

As long as it keeps my dick up, it's worth the trade off.

And if you're not a fan, then you shouldn't even know what Anthony is saying on his show, right?

I personally don't give a fuck about the app & NY studio. I have been a subscriber since TACS started & enjoy the show as it is.

i don't think you understand what is going on here...

a legion of new account faggots are trolling this sub... banning them is the only way to keep the sub clean.

why in the hell would the mods allow these pathetic no-life dick suckers to come in and ruin the sub?