I can't believe the boys only return tuesday :(

24  2015-05-22 by iamfromreallife

How am I supposed to get the latest Bruce Jenner news now? I also want to be turned on to new DOCS, I love a good Doc. It will be a sad weekend for me, that's for sure.

PS: anyone still waiting for their autographed sunset instagram pic? Maybe mine got lost in the mail. Nvm, I'll reach out to the Opster on twitter (@opieradio)


Good things come to those who wait

Stalker Patty's tombstone

I really look forward to the daily song. I need the inspiration. Please hurry back.

Yes how else will I find out about the Black Keys in 2015?? :(

It's such a fresh approach to radio. It is really enlightening.

Are they a rock band?

I can't wait to hear more about that new band the Foo Fighters or these Stone Temple Pilots I keep hearing about...

Hell yes. Hopefully, they watch videos or do a food segment.

I can't wait! Those swell Stangel Brothers make me lol every time I hear them and their fat jiggling around. And Opie's hearty laugh really makes me howl.

ME: LOOOOOVE documentaries. Have you guys checked out King of Kong?


Trees? What's he smoking the reefer or something ? Getting zooted

You can always watch his videos,which he puts up for free on his youtube channel.

For example, a proven way to get rid of fungal infections , funny&informative, management loves that :


Also, are you aware of his avant-garde humorous skits on the street , where he partners up with a lovely and talented actress/comedienne?


His channel is very successful,but he also gives back. For example, he promotes young bands like The Foo Fighters by secretly videotaping their live performances and putting them up on his channel. You know,to promote


To conclude, he also does these impersonations,well you know what I mean . Yes, Cokelogic or some other person animated that,probably for free, but they don't need any credits or promotion. They are more than happy to make The Opester shine!


Yes, this is why I'm a loyal fan. So glad the show is finally turning away from all the "shock jockery" of the last 2 decades.

I like this new goodheartedly theme we got going here :)

Anyone want to sell me there first edition Slobbo mug I have the 2nd and 3rd only :(

Have sales of his garbage died down? He NEVER mentions it anymore and doesn't even have people to retweet showing their shirts and mugs.

Ya know now that you say that you're right I bet that's what's going on.

Can't wait for some sports talk from da Opster!! I'm ALL IN with da sports talk!

"Hahaha yeah and pete rose was terrible at hitting"

I am going to miss the song of the day with some deep cryptic meaning to Opie (Listen to the woooooords maaaaahn) then the hour long discussion from the 2 musical fucking geniuses?

Nah, take the rest of the week off boys, we can refresh our material and be ready for a full barrage when Hacky and Wacky come back.

"I got another one for you documentary lovers like me, I got another one for ya. I discovered this amazing doc last night called 'Paradise Lost' about these metalhead kids getting just completely fucking railroaded down in, uh, down in, uh, Arkansas there. Just a sick, sick fucking doc. We gotta get Corben on the phone to talk about this. I think we're really about to blow this doc up. It's 'Paradise Lost', you guys gotta find a way to watch this fucking thing"

I restored my Sirius sub today anyway so I can listen to some of these amazing OPIERADIO best of shows.

Opie is killing it and management has done a great job supporting the product. I'm all in, and gladly paying full price. Look out Howard, there is a new king at Sirius.

