Norm Macdonald Meets Anthony and His Girlfriend: "What Are You? Robert Schimmel?"

18  2015-05-22 by NiggaInABuick

It's a little tough to hear, but as Norm is leaving the studio, you can hear him meet Anthony's girlfriend and say to Anthony, "What are you? Robert Schimmel?"



The only Norm appearance was so good. Fuck Jim and his MMA fetish.

they pushed out Norm for Brock Lesnar who is a very good fighter but is a boring guest.


when did that happen?

That was Stetten which was fine. Lleanna Was fucking shameful

I don't get the reference?

Robert schimmel started dating his daughter's friend and I think was cheating on his wife with her I think

I think

say i think again

I think you should put a shotgun muzzle in your mouth and pull the trigger with your toe, I think

Do ya?

Good one Jimmy!

Don't say anything against this completely pointless thread, or you'll get downvoted into oblivion like me.

Im gonna start a thread that says "Remember that time Norton took a sip of his coffee?" and I'll timestamp a Youtube clip.

Who's Tim Norton?

Tim HORTON's brother.

Horton hears a Jew??

Mighty Horse rocks the fat ayass??

I will post in said thread

The easiest way to curry favor with the pests is to avoid talking about your personal life.

Just ask our Lord Falcone, and E-Rock

I have no idea what that has to do with anything.

I like your posts and I think they're interesting.

I've noticed a trend where The Pests will turn on people if they know about their personal life. For instance, the more that Ant talks about his personal life, the more that it stokes the drama on the sub.

E-Rock and Falcone don't talk about their personal life. I couldn't tell you anything about his wife, kids, family, etc.

And I think that's a big part of the reason that they're the two people on the show that The Pests don't attack. They haven't given anyone any ammo, except for E-Rock fat jokes.

I think you're reading way, way too deep into it. I don't even know what you're talking about, I don't come on here and talk about "my personal life." I think people just randomly feel like being assholes or jump on a bandwagon and just start downvoting shit, because it's the internet. Trust me, nobody gives that much of a shit about me.


Ant died in a car crash. ?


Remember when you non-ironically tried to plug your podcast on this sub?


Oooooooooooo snap

Yeah, that was a real "zinger." He really "got me" on that one. (I don't think he knows what non ironically means either)

You're retort to criticism is always "you got me" or some moron variation of that. You do suck, your podcast sucks, and you aren't peers, friends or even acknowledged by these comedians you reference.

You are retorted.

Ha ha

In other words, you don't like this man do you?

Also, there is no fucking way a post with less than 10 comments has one comment down voted 39 times and another up voted 44 times without some funny business going on.

Nothing unusual about that at all. Fucking obsessed faggots.

I always read hidden comments out of curiosity. I saw it was "that guy" doing his usual "AY YOU GOT ME" garbage. I adore your use of "obsessed faggots". Towing the subreddit catchphrase outside of commentary of O&A.

Not to mention if you have reddit enhancement suite, nothing's ever hidden.

Actually come to think of it, I'd probably read more of them if they were hidden. Who doesn't love a good train wreck?

Dude the down voted conversations are where it's at around here!!

Logic and reason are sucked down like shit in a septic system.

This place is awful.

----------------> .

Edit: Fuck Off

You truly stink.


I do want to hear your podcast though. Where can I find it?

yeah your phone was cutting out

Haters gonna hate hate hate?


What's the podcast called? I hadn't heard he had one...

LOL at you editing out your post after you got downvoted. Pussy.

I didn't edit anything. I added an "e" to a word. And that wasn't why I got downvoted, you dumb fuck. God you're stupid. "LOL," did your little sister type that for you?

You added an e to what word? Your post just says "K", dipshit. That's obviously not what you got 39 downvotes for saying.

Shut up, stupid.