Anthony you're a smart guy. Please listen to the feedback you get from this site.

0  2015-05-22 by adviceforalkies

You seem very dismissive of the suggestions you get from this sub reddit. I dont understand why you belittle these people like you do. You need to understand that you have fans all over the world and many of these people are successful professionals in their field of work, you have fans that are succsessful marketing people and yet you disreguard their advice treating them all as if they are dumb yokels.

The truth of the matter is that you have made mistakes. Keith has made mistakes. You have the privilege of having fan base that wants you to suceed and want to use their collective knowledge to help you.

You need to get off of your high horse and listen to these people.

Your business model is flawed. It supports current subscribers but does not invite new listeners. Please grow up and listen to your fans. Trust me it will benefit you.


At first I thought you were just a moralizing faggot due to your constant harping and outrage about fake potential teen fuckmeat. But now, especially after your investigation post you deleted, i see that your just a fucking kook. If you're not Ben, you're a damn fine facsimile of him. Now that you can't pin anything on Ant who are you going to focus on now Dickhead Tracy? i head Flattop Jones and Prunface jacked each other off to Iris from Taxi Driver, better get on the case.

Wow. Enjoy Your ignorance. Talking to dummies is fun...

Reddit account only 8 days old. Hmm...

This thread topic and comment section is a graveyard of good taste and common sense and I am proud to be a part of it.

If Ant took the suggestions of reddit seriously he would become mentally insane and kill himself within a week. that's like asking twitter how you should live your life. Social media is consistently inconsistent and will drive anyone nuts if they take it too heart.

Yeah god forbid he invested his money. Keep spending it on alcohol, teen girlsapoolma warm pool. You guys will soon lose your messiah. Try not to kill yourself when that happens

Can I ask you a genuine question? You were one of the people on this board that I noticed was actually disgusted when you found out Cumia targeted someone he believed to be a 14-year-old girl. I remember reading some of your posts. How do you look past that? Are you looking past that? Do you think that was the first underage girl he targeted? Does he show any signs of stopping or acknowledging his behavior. You know he's a predator, right, and that rightfully disgusts you, so why do you want him to succeed? I'm genuinely surprised. I would've thought you would stop patronizing someone who criminally pursues underage girls for grooming.

No offense but your comment is stupid. The third world is considered neutral because they have no tangible armed forces, henceforth, they're discredited and voiceless. How is this acceptable? Shouldn't we be more mindful of people in need? How would you feel watching a charlatan nigger like Neil Degrasse Tyson be worshiped by weak handshaking, on the verge of heart failure, soft science college graduates? It's quite disgusting and shame of you for second guessing the need of these poor people.

What the fuck does Neil Degrasse Tyson and why do you bring him up in all these different threads. Weirdo.

The Opie sarcasm bores me so I came up with an idea, comment on problematic issues of society like an SJW but tie in a racist tirade against Neil Degrasse Tyson. It's pretty much brilliant.

This is the one time where explaining the joke makes it better.

I thought you were serious about it. You nailed it. Now i'm the asshole for thinking you were serious.

Time to stop drinking sir.

You're an 85 year old woman cursing at me? Disgusting!

Im 30 years old. I'm a criminal investigator stationed in philly and living in south jersey. Dont believe then ask a mod...

You must know Opie then! Philly Crew!!

So you are FBI? I know you aren't Philly police, so you must be FBI.

I have throughly looked through the evidence. As a criminal investigator I honestly can't put anything on him. What I think and what can be proved are two very different things.

With that said I dont think Ant is a pedophile. Keith is another story. But honestly I am more upset with the fact that ant wont listen to legitimate critism of his platform. He seems to feel like he better then the people that shows like his work. That in itself is very disturbing.

You're more upset than a grown man won't take advice from losers on a subreddit than you are that said man is clearly targeting children for grooming and sex? You realize in some places he has already committed a crime with the selfcuttingirl catfish, right? And that he has admitted ON THE AIR that he would fuck 13-year-old girls if he could get away with it? How is he not a pedophile?

This is fascinating, though I do feel really badly for anyone who gets you as a criminal investigator.

You realize that saying something on air isn't a crime right? You ever notice how Norton isn't getting the FBI beating down his door every time he jokes about fucking kids as Uncle Paul? When you are broadcasting a comedy show you can pretty much say anything you want and chalk it up to being a joke. Even if Anthony said that he was currently fucking a 12 year old girl it wouldn't matter unless they had an actual 12 year old girl who corroborated that story. Saying "if it was legal, I would fuck a 13 year old" is not criminal at all. Also, being a pedophile is not a crime either. It's only a crime if you do something illegal like act on your impulses and sexually assault a kid or attempt to solicit sex from a minor.

Saying something and actually doing it are two different things. The point of this thread is lost on you.

Keep telling yourself that, investigator. I'm sure there's no fire behind any of this smoke.

"adviceforalkies" another derogatory screen name directed at Ant. Way to show yourself Ben/Doug/whatever.

I'm not sure if he should take all of our advice, but one things for sure...


Maybe not get rid of, but certainly bring in someone with experience to teach him and stop him from making the shitty mistakes he keeps making.

I can agree with that.

I understand that there is a lot of "hate" but he needs to make a change and he needs to grow up.