Vintage Vacant Block Of Land Photo - Signed Opie.

15  2015-05-22 by snoopkhat


Only S 25? That's quite a bargain.


I bet they use the same service that handles works of art. I expect this to be hand-delivered by a team of armed guards.

ps: the half-cropped car and the square format give this scene a speed-cam aesthetic, which is in vanguard contrast with the apparent Rockwell-esque calm. The square beckons: what lies outside its borders? Is it a bored trophy wife or her cohort of Philadelphia siblings?

This might be the greatest post I've ever seen here

Wow. He's as good at photography as he is on the radio. All those years of experience show. I've really had a lot of laughs from Opie Radio lately. Worth every penny I pay for all the time I listen. Keep it up, Opester.

Opie is the one who should have been fired as the result of his photography hobby.

They laughed at Vincent van Gogh. Philistine!

Wow thats awesome! I love how the sunset is like a FLASH of light coming from the dark, thick clouds. Its like a metaphor for the photographer's soul as a glimmering beacon of light throughout the darkness that is our world. PEACE XOXO

This picture proves god exists, praise his name.

Oh no it's Christian dhfearnot

This vacant lot is the best kept secret of the Outer Banks. The jewel of Nags Head they call it. Only Gregg "Opie" Hughes would have access to such an exclusive location.

It can be found so long as you are adventurous and take the time getting to know the locals.

holy shit, i forgot about that. someone please send that to bobby and jimmy

i hate this guy

I think if you showed this to anyone who didn't know about him or the show, they would walk away hating him.

I'd rather spend 25$ on a vial of HIV-positive blood and inject the blood in my eyeball

Absolutely beautiful! He should become a original photographer!

It's just so fucking shameless.

Oh, my God, someone get him an intro to photography book. How on earth does he think this should sold? First, it's look he's shooting a parking lot in the foreground. The car would be interesting if he could have captured it mid-motion with a slow shutter. And the sky is average. It's like the motherfer knows nothing about composition. Well, of course he doesn't. I would not expect anything more from Greg Opie Hughes III.

nahh maaaahn photography shouldnt conform to the rules of society, its an expression of artistry. YOU CANT PUT A LENS CAP ON FREE EXPRESSION!!

See what the artist (Gregg Hughes) was trying to convey to the what i call the "art-ee", or the viewer, is the progression of time and how it changed society. The old car on the left is back in a much simpler time, back when cars only HAD one headlight. the other headlight was often just for show/symmetry reasons. as we move to the right you see the current day society, its like electrical and power wires are hung up blocking the view of the American family. but the glimmer of hope that is the gorgeous flood of beautiful orange-yellow light is yet ahead. The artist is CALLING OUT for you to change, lets just make this a better tomorrow!!

No. It is great.




"NOTE: The photo will have only 'OPIE' in his signature hand and not personalized messages at this time."

Yeah, who has time to write a little personalized greeting when you're too busy firing out 2,000 signed photos a day AND running your incredibly popular, media destination radio show for 4 hours every morning. Totally greedy for people to want that.

20 years on the radio and those shirts and mugs were what they could come up with for his famous quotes really says it all


This really makes me mad. What a shitty photo. It's like he doesn't have eyes, what a stupid fuck not knowing anything about photography. Hopefully his camera explodes next time he hits the shutter

The compression artifacts are triggering my autism. It looks like it was taken with a camera phone from 2006.

holy fuck! i thought that was going to be a joke

Google image motherfucker.

Dude, look at this photo. Who the fuck would pay for this shit?

If he hates the name "Opie" why would he sign with it?

When Anthony got fired, nobody called him a douchebag for his photography. Now Opie does it, and look what happens.

Oh no it's Christian dhfearnot

No. It is great.

nahh maaaahn photography shouldnt conform to the rules of society, its an expression of artistry. YOU CANT PUT A LENS CAP ON FREE EXPRESSION!!

See what the artist (Gregg Hughes) was trying to convey to the what i call the "art-ee", or the viewer, is the progression of time and how it changed society. The old car on the left is back in a much simpler time, back when cars only HAD one headlight. the other headlight was often just for show/symmetry reasons. as we move to the right you see the current day society, its like electrical and power wires are hung up blocking the view of the American family. but the glimmer of hope that is the gorgeous flood of beautiful orange-yellow light is yet ahead. The artist is CALLING OUT for you to change, lets just make this a better tomorrow!!