O&A fans from all over the world, including U.S.A, China, India, Canada, UK, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Russia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, China, Kazakhstan, Spain, Poland, Japan, Turkey have all voted.. and we can now confirm that yes; Gregg "Opie" Hughes stinks on ice.

51  2015-05-22 by peckah


Looks oddly similar to this: http://i.imgur.com/n3aW871.png

Holy shit that made me laugh hard.

They migrated to school in a speed boat!

Ant is going to be disappointed when he finds out what a diverse group we are. I'm a little pissed off myself.

And by diverse, he means Saudi Arabia.

Those have got to be Americans listening abroad. Oil industry and all that.


Huh...I stand corrected. Just out of curiosity, how'd a Saudi Arabian gentleman like yourself ever hear about O&A?

Abu Al Baghdadi was handing out WOW stickers

It sounds archaic in today's society

surely we would bring some Chinese in to do it in 2015

That's the bit

ME: Clearly just more propaganda orchestrated by the Haters' Agenda. Nice try FUCKFACE.

Finland hates him too.

This should be Opie's tagline

Hear hear!

The Portuguese also think Opie sucks dick.

But you're just manipulating the hate and continuing that bullshit, brotherman!

Can confirm, Portuguese here and he sucks dick and balls.

Your wife's cunt must smell horrendous if she's Portuguese too.

No offense

Smells like codfish. Yummy

Opie's autistic brain would love to crunch these numbers in a brilliant mathematician method.. slicing percentages and numbers every which way with those down-syndrome crazed eyes

Australian here. He definitely stinks on ice.

sorry my muddah don't like australia

I wish Chippah would come to Australia. I know Patrice loved Melbourne.

When Kazakhstan thinks you have a subpar radio show, you know you have a problem. I'm pretty sure daily life there involves fucking goats and drinking water that has sewage in it.

Looks like the Israelis (and one of the tribe in management...and the two new ones in studio) don't mind him.

You cut off Australia!! We hate Opie too :(

Hater coming in from Auckland, New Zealand too. This appears to be a worldwide phenomenon.


All this poll confirms is that there is a mere 300 active people here, which is not enough to crumble the empire that is opie radio

Dude fucked up by releasing the numbers so soon, I didn't get to vote

ME: OpieRadio is now in 17 countries. Shoutout to the 17th country you know who you are.

Dutch guy here. Opie sucks a big bag of dicks. Nopie shows ftw


We now know why Jimmy doesn't travel

New mug idea: "InternationalOpie"

Is Khazakstan actually that big?? Jesus.


No hate in Poland or Russia, that looks like vegetation, Nice try on da hate tho.


This looks like an X-ray that's found most of Earth's cancer cells are clustered in the Atlantic Northeast.

Wow pretty good Alberta numbers, where the fuck are you guys?

I'm noticing Opie still has a strong hold on South America, I weep...


I didn't vote in this but if I had I would have voted that Ant sucks and his show fucking stinks.

Good for you.


Fucking loser.

<-- The downvote button is here.

Oh wait, I see you found it. Butthurt faggot.

Didn't down vote you, moron. I cannot be bothered doing so. But I am laughing at the fact that you seem to monitor your down votes that well. What a fucking loser you are. Is that how you find meaning in your cunt life.....if people up or down vote you?

<-- Downvote button is here, liar.

Can't help you with the butthurt, lol.

Whats the matter, little bitch boy? I do not even bother with up or down votes, unless there is a truly funny comment. Only little useless fucks like you care about that shit.

Christ, what a pathetic little cunt you are.

Edit: There, I even gave you an upvote!! Feels that same as giving a retard a gold star....but as long as it makes you smile :)

Now, whatever you do, don't suck my cock.

Should I upvote that one for you as well, loser?

Fucking idiotic cunt.

Definitely not, and definitely don't tickle my balls while you're doing it.

Are you sure? Your little faggot ass seems to be obsessed with up or down votes. Pathetic little cunt. Its not too late though, I can still upvote you!!! Just let me know!!

What a fucking JOKE.

I also like a sneaky finger in my asshole. I mean, I hate it.

TIL that basically the only people who give a rat's ass about this show are from the tri-state area of NY/NJ/CT.

Edit: plus Boston.


Your wife's cunt must smell horrendous if she's Portuguese too.

No offense

Whats the matter, little bitch boy? I do not even bother with up or down votes, unless there is a truly funny comment. Only little useless fucks like you care about that shit.

Christ, what a pathetic little cunt you are.

Edit: There, I even gave you an upvote!! Feels that same as giving a retard a gold star....but as long as it makes you smile :)