Keith the Cop is The Hunter and a sick pervert.

7  2015-05-21 by [deleted]

We have all been dancing around what we already know but are afraid to say for legal reasons. Well I am a criminal investigator for a federal government organization and way above that losers paygrade. After showing the evidence to the senior investigators they gave me the all clear. Keith the cop is a fucking sexual predator. he sent sexually explicit text to a man that he thought was a 14 year old girl. His wife and kids should be disgusted with his actions.

Go ahead Keith. File a suit against me. Make your actions known outside this forum. You are a disgusting piece of shit and it would be my pleasure to ruin your life.

Btw how is the vintage toy business doing?

Well I'm off to work locking people like you up. Hope to get you soon.


Oooooo this game sounds fun! Can I pretend I'm an architect?

I was thinking I would set my sights higher than architect. Maybe a city planner.


I hope you are what you say you are, and take that sick fuck down.


Yet you said you were given the all clear by senior investigators. The all clear for what....making lists on reddit?


Fight onward, jerkoff. What a joke.

That's how all the big investigations start.

listen to the reaction at the end

Did you add that gulp or is that real?

It's fake

get in the ring with me

HAHAHAHA!!!! Please tell me this isn't edited. That's the same gulp Bobo did when.... Oh No the FUGITIVE did when he got called out, by Kenny.

Lol wtf is this shit?

I wouldn't be surprised if he was a perv and if that were true I would hope some organization gets his ass

Just another fucking fraud.

Is he really a sex offender OP?? Keither the cop fuckin sucks anyway
