Fuckin LOL

6  2015-05-20 by Lilcumia


It's stuff like this that will make The Anthony Cumia show a huge success.

What a new and refreshing outlook from Cumia. You know what would be crazy, if he did a Dice impression while he said that.



I love the show and all, but going through the archives has been a learning experience for me. They've been doing the same exact jokes for over 20 years...holy shit.

Does Ant really need to do this every day? Jesus, diversify your interests a bit, it's just boring. We get it already!

Niggers are trash. You have to speak about this regularly, just like you need to take out the trash regularly. Esther Ku and Ellen Pao...We Comin' 4 Number 1, NIGGA!

I appreciate your effort here.

Remember that decade he spent french kissing a girl who blew spaz?

Now that you mention it...

Look, I don't mind Ant's views...but he's gotten shittier in expressing them. He thinks a lack of filter means you just act and speak about others like a cunt. Case in point. And he lied in the beginning of the show, people asked him if it'd be just a soapbox for his racial shit and he said specifically it would not be. Cut to the show well under way and it's so much just his race shit.

No, I'm not an active sub. So how do I know this to be true, Ant asks? Well, I sub'd for a while in the beginning, gave it quite the chance. And I love him with a guest, I loved watching him shit on the show while it was still growing for not being where it would be. I like when he's silly about TV shows or dumb pop culture stories, and I enjoy listening to him express views when not going overboard. No, I'm not offended by it... I'm just tired of the dead-horse kicking. I think Ant doing the Curly impression while discussing Kerley from the Paterno/Sandusky issue is literally the funniest ten minutes in the history of human beings. That is the kind of thing this show should strive to recreate more than anything.

Again, I'm not saying I agree or disagree with what he says, but isn't it more important to convince the people you disagree with that you have an actual stance that makes sense, as opposed to saying blatantly inflammatory things that isolate you and your ideology even more? This is just a shitty thing to say. The kid's dead, for fuck's sake.

I can understand wanting to correct people on the "hands up don't shoot" nonsense. What annoys me about this is that he's going out of his way bring shit up now. He's doubling down on being a radical provocateur instead of an entertainer.

It would be one thing if this was disagreeing with the perception of the media surrounding the death, like people did at the time. But this is just celebrating the anniversary a black dude getting shot

Black criminal animal put down by hero cop defending himself.

Is that what annoys you? Do tell us more you're fascinating.

Oof. Jesus Christ, I just went to the actual twitter post and read the replies. Ant's really doing his best to winnow his fanbase down to Stormfront.

Well when your peripheral fans stab you in the back over a studio, it only makes sense to engage your core audience more thoroughly.

you call those fans "peripheral"??? Ant has zero peripheral fans. All of them have been listening to him for years, I'd be shocked if any non longtime O&A listeners sub'd. I understand your point, but let's be realistic about this.

it was never the fans that stabbed him in the back, it was O & somewhat J. Sirius more than anything. but not the fans.

the fans want him to succeed more than anyone, but they're very disillusioned.

I fucking agree with the man, but we all fucking know where this is going. It's obvious and it's not pretty.

Well at least he doesn't have a job to lose this time.

Nah, just subscribers and the hope for future guests or later employment.

He is unemployable at this point. He will never work in professional broadcasting again.

Anthony was as much a thug at 18 as this kid was. Who is he kidding?

No he wasn't. Mike brown started a physical altercation with a cop and attempted to take his gun. Your delusional if you think ant was anything like that.

He's a European, this country is for us not the chattle. Sorry. Also he definitely NEVER charged a cop and tried to beat him and take his pistol after strongarm robbery and menacing a store owner. NOT as much of a thug.

No, he was just a drug dealer who stole food and never graduated high school. The contrast is truly staggering, hahahaha.

and he's a multi millionaire who is consistently entertaining, rather then a dead nigger who attacked a cop. see the difference?

Keep reppin TACS bro, oorah.

Burn this bitch down

Keep defending Mike "I'm dead because I'm a thug" Brown

Oh sweetie, what happened? You were having so much fun and now you sound so serious.

No im over here laughing at a dead thug. Darren Wilson for president.

The last two episodes were very good and he was alone and sick. Beat that Mike Brown.

You stormfront/niggermania fucks are truly stupid people and are the main reason I won't sub to Ant's show, since I know he's mostly putting on a show that caters to you idiots

Do not care. Defend Mike Brown more.

Well shitfire, if that's the gauge by which we're measuring things, Ant is much more niggerish than Jay-Z and Dr. Dre.

Bibbity boopy boop jive talk isn't entertainment


You're terrible at Anglo-Saxon nativism if you're giving a guy named Antonio Cumia a pass.

Nigger, I said European. Read.

Anthonys family emigrated here from Turkmenistan after the great Ashgabat earthquake of '48.

Tunisian knife fighter lol

I understood your meaning. I'm saying that that's a pretty loose type of racism. If you're going to be a racist, at least do it properly.

Ein volk.

ant constantly lives the scene in breaking bad where walter is at hanks house killing the wine and talking crazy.

He really is so fucking obsessed with race. It's honestly just sad at this point.

It's honestly just sad at this point.

And cringey.

And he'll keep writing these tweets when he gets twitter replies like those. I feel like Ant has really drawn in the wrong crowd with his race rants. Even saw an O&A clip posted on /r/coontown last week.

lmfao Why are you browsing /r/coontown ?

Go for the article links. I get douche chills from reading comments.

I hope he didn't actually tweet this. The show is not looking good right now. I want to get into TACS because I miss the old O&A and Jimmy but right now it doesn't look worth paying for a sub.

What's long and hard on a black guy?

Third grade

I got one. What's long and hard on Anthony? His dick while staring at his sexy cousin.

What's was that? Your post crapped out.

It stunk that bad huh?

Nah go ahead, you were just riffin'

Ouch! In order for the joke to work it shouldn't include any mention of a dick.

I did give him some props by saying it was long.

What a kook. Jesus Christ.

Again, this really isn't any more insightful or amusing than the comment sections on your local ABC/CBS/NBC/FOX News affiliate's websites. I don't necessarily see eye-to-eye with a lot of Colin's politics, but at least he has an interesting take on things. This is just generic guh-hyuck-hyuck!! white trashian cliches. I get more entertaining chain emails about Obama's secret Islamic Fundamentalism from my Aunt Peggy (fatso).

"I guess god needed a thug."

Holy shit that's good

After a year of doubling down on his racism and ruining all future employment opportunities, Anthony has this fucking sub defending Mike Brown. What a thing to destroy your career over, the right to be a counterproductive inflammatory racist. He's such a moron.

And this is why i give him money. :) The rest of you can enjoy your shitty celeb gossip show with Tits. Rage and hatred is far more entertaining.


Maybe refuting your culture-shocked girlfriend isn't the way to go here? Maybe she wants support and instead of arguing over the Internet, you should, you know, let her make her complaints?

Be her boyfriend and support her instead trying to one-up her.


and if the gentle giant didn't just rob a store.

Blacks are babies into their 30s, always going to school and community college and turnin dey liiiiyvez aroun' n sheeit.

"he a gud boi, dint do nuffin, bout to turn hez life round"

Dinduz r always turnin dey liiiiyvez aroun' n sheeit. He a goot boi! He din du nuffin!

its dey cultcha

be dat white supremacy yos

What's was that? Your post crapped out.

Ouch! In order for the joke to work it shouldn't include any mention of a dick.