Things Ant could do to make TACS better viewing

2  2015-05-20 by Lilcumia

Bash Opie ( over 10,000 subs here all hate Opie, Greggshells vid over 230,000 all hate Opie. Opetober time. He did fuck Ant over by staying. If he wants subs do that. If not, chat to weak sauce comics and watch youtube )

Realistic suggestions. Not things that won't happen like hire Jim Norton or get a new studio


Wear a burka.

Beavis in studio at all times

Rape less children.

They're called "children with developmental disorders" now, you oaf.


Leave the lenscap on.

Drink continuously throughout the show. Nothing could go wrong.

unload the cuck and twat. hire erock.

Cry. Seriously. A crying Anthony would get me back.

Or just be funny.

If he could shut his yap about his racism/politics for half a second his subscriber base would grow exponentially. But we all know that will never happen, so I'll leave him to have his fun screaming into a trash can.

Try hallucinogens live.



Bobo shows, Danni Golightly webcams

Sounds like a barrel of laughs

no it doesnt

Oh literal turdtheif