Gregg 'Opie' Hughes has just been announced as the official commencement speaker for SUNY Geneseo's freshman class of 2015

22  2015-05-20 by ChippyKasem

My brother's friend just received an email from SUNY's dean. Pretty odd decision considering Opie's poor verbal skills and vocabulary.


'Now, our guest speaker has a long histo..'

'Hold on hold on HOLD ON! Just to set it up, you're gonna introduce me then I'm gonna start talking. Okay, sorry, go.'

'..uh, yes. A long history in radio and is best known..'

'By listeners aged 18-40, right, right'

'Is best known for his work on the Opie and Anthony show'

'Right no yeah sorry that's what I meant, yeah the Opie and Anthony show OF COURSE the Opie and Anthony show, that's what I meant to say I swear to god'

', I'm sorry Mr. Hughes but if you would just allow me to finish my introduction. I have been introducing speakers here for more than ten years and..'

'Wow, fffffock'

'Oh forget it! Just begin'

'Very good, very good. Okay, Wha happun brothamaaaaan!?!! Who's chick gives up the balloon knot!?!'

Only men who have stared into the abyss can replicate Opie's career this well.

"It's really an honor to be here. It's also an honor to be on Twitter, YouTube and Instagram. @OpieRadio on all of those. I've got Jim Florentine coming up here in a bit, he's got some opinions about college!"

I've got Jim Florentine coming up here in a bit, he's got some opinions about college!

I hate it, it's stupid.

Whyyyy would I go to college? I'm not 18 years old. No reason for dat. Unless you're goin to bang chicks, then I totally get it.

Wow that is scary

Did you get a copy of Opie's speech or something?

"In case you didn't know I am a multi millionaire who has been doing radio since I was 18. So I know a little bit little bit about radio."

holy shit do u have him down lol

It's not as bad as it sounds. Freshman convocation is a pep rally without cheerleaders. The speeches are trash, little corporate-motivational things. "Welcome to the place! Have a time!" He might be able to handle it.

The next four years are gonna be brootl, but if you're all in...

So you're saying a "check out the empties, man" chant is a real possibility?

Email screenshot conformation?



Pics or you have a tiny peckah

First draft of Opie's speech:

Hey dare, I just wanna give you a peace of advice. Find a funny tradesman and piggy-back off his talent.

Was really waiting for an Aprehl Fawwls. Its not opie Home › Commencement › Commencement Activities › Commencement Speaker 2015 Commencement Speaker: Robert J. Duffy We warmly welcome Rochester native Robert J. Duffy as our 2015 commencement speaker. He will his address, titled "Connecting Talent and Opportunities to the Finger Lakes" at both the morning and afternoon ceremonies. Duffy began as Rochester Business Alliance president and chief executive officer Jan. 1. Prior to working for RBA, he served as New York lieutenant governor in Gov. Andrew Cuomo's administration from January 2011 to December 2014. He previously served as Rochester mayor from January 2006 to January 2011 and as Rochester police chief from March 1998 to April 2005, when he resigned his post to run for mayor. He joined the Rochester Police Department in November 1976.

During his tenure as Rochester mayor, Duffy was widely recognized for navigating the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression by reducing the cost of government, improving services, lowering tax rates, and attracting millions of dollars in private-sector investments. Duffy also addressed Geneseo's 2006 commencement while serving as mayor, calling Geneseo "the Harvard of Upstate New York."

As lieutenant governor, Duffy chaired the Regional Economic Development Councils aimed at rebuilding New York's economy and positioning the Empire State to be a global economic leader. He also served as chair of the Spending and Government Efficiency Commission. In that role, Duffy oversaw an effort to make New York's government more modern, accountable, and efficient.

In May of 2012, the National Ethnic Coalition of Organizations awarded Duffy the Ellis Island Medal of Honor. The medal honors notable American citizens who demonstrate a life committed to community service.

Duffy holds two degrees from Monroe Community College, a bachelor of science degree from Rochester Institute of Technology, and master of arts degree from the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University.

Someone who's actually important, in other words.

ME: Way to ruin the bit

Students bring marshmallows to throw?

When plan A thru Y falls through...

College is a great time to put up some numbersssss BURP SNIFF

check out the empties man

Screenshot or it didn't happen.

Tits High Football Rules!!!!

Eh, who cares. Geneseo is a step above a community college. The fact that they're even having a guest speaker is a surprise. But I'm sure Opie will gloat about this non-important occurrence anyway.

It's actually considered one of the better SUNY schools.

And I just graduated from there, dick :(

SUNY alum, we're all glorified community college grads.

Alumni of the 80s?

Hi, I'm Opie from.......a lot of things.

i forgot about that. now im mad.

PLEASEEE RECORD IT!!! also, delete this thread to make sure he doesnt see it and pulls out

Wow. Slim pickings

Freshman commencement?

Wow, what an honor

Wonder if he'll chew food into the microphone at the podium.

At the very least I expect gum.

NutriBullet.... with the bewwwst

Oh man, I can't wait to see the video of this. Opie's speaking ability is that of a retarded 12 year old, and that's on the radio where he is the most comfortable. I can't imagine what it'll be like in front of group of people.

Aprehl fahhls

What can he say to a bunch of college grads who are smarter than he is?

"Hey, have you seen my numbers? Check out my Philly Crew."

Will the kids even care?

I wonder how many of his guys he's gonna bring up there with him?


oof I made a comment months ago about him receiving an honorary doctorate. I'd like to see how steady Dr. Greggshell Hughes hands are when cutting off a skin tag.

SUNY's a huge system - it doesn't have one dean. Even the dozens of individual schools have multiple deans.

SUNY, where Long Island and Westchester trash goes to reach the heights of tri-state area middle management.

You've obviously never been to Buffalo.

What's in Buffalo?

i could see him stuttering through it and not having anything to say and him finally having a viral video as "worst commencement speech ever"

Hey, as long as they give me some ENVELOPES, right, Sam Roberts? Heheh. Sniff Gotta get those ENVELOPES! Heh. Lil SOMETHIN SOMETHIN, right, Troy Quan?

What's next? He's gonna go on an irresponsible race rant and ruin his career?