I don't even understand what this show is anymore

3  2015-05-20 by Libshitz

Stangel brothers? What do they add? What is their purpose?


its a wild show..

at this second: Bill Corgen is on the phone, talking about cocaine money that built Miami, and it's pretty interesting to me. Sherrod snipers in a bunch of lines, that are mildly hilarious. Opie doesn't annoy because he is mostly silent... it works right now.


now Opie worries that his hypothetical drug money, that he potentially buries in his backyard will get wet from rain... lololololol. Again it's rubbed under everybody's nose, that Opie is a glorified Scorch. Horrendous.

*And one of the Stangels asked a question that bombed right after and then ran out of the studio. Everybody gave, what should have been a courtesy laugh at best, but sounded like a sincere belly-laugh.

I heard the beginning, and it made me sick when that guy kissed Opie's ass that he has a massive fan base.

He probably got 10 tweets as opposed to the usual zero.

Or the anti-haters are right and we really are just a vocal minority.

there must be sprinkles of interesting radio for everybody to just listen in a little bit or long enough to not hate it like we on reddit. otherwise i don't get it or viral spiral is a great company.

Above all else............real.

And that's why I dropped back to a mostly music subscription. Not worth the extra money for a show I don't enjoy anymore.


Did you really need to make yet another new account for this?

shut the fuck up Opie

This sub is worse than what Wackbag became. By far.

Then why the fuck are you in this thread

Take your own advice




What in the fuck are you on about you retard.



Easy, not good.

Nothing, buying the Opester time. He thinks they legitimize him. As for what the show is trying to be: http://www.iheart.com/show/On-Air-with-Ryan-Seacrest/


Ol' Gravy Legs

Who is Ben Sparks?




I don't listen.

Who gives a shit about the history. It's a silly radio show to listen to when you are bored. O&A isn't a fucking lifestyle.

Well, I guess it was for some sad fucks like you.

I still listen for Jimmy



Ol' Gravy Legs

Who is Ben Sparks?