Let's pretend Opie's dead (from natural causes of course), we're at his funeral and each of us....

0  2015-05-20 by daterapebandit

....go up in front of everyone and give our eulogies. I'll go first:

"DAMN YOU, GOD!!! THIS WASN'T A PART OF THE PLAN!!! Now what the fuck am I going to do with all this duct tape and barbwire???!!!"


Pretending is fucking gay.

C'mon guy. Use your imagination.

Your eulogy can be as big as your imagination


This is really embarrassing. I... I'm so sorry. Reddit is a big place. I'm sure someone on one of the boards here can help you.

This guy threw out some real gut-busters, right gang?

oh no

Oh my.. This is the most awkward I've felt all day. See Opie haterz? This is what you look like.

I actually want the OP to die far more than sloth tits. I hope your wife/girlfriend gets raped by a home invader and you die from a gunshot wound, so it's the last thing you see.

yeah me too.


I would walk out early to head to Atlantic City
