I wish I lived Opie's life....

0  2015-05-20 by daterapebandit

....and be so delusional and lack so much self-awareness in thinking and feeling I've done so much good throughout my life, and possess so much naivety and selective ignorance in how people perceive me in reality. I honestly envy the guy wished I was him, at times. The guy doesn't even feel ashamed or embarrassed for actually saying the word "hater" as a 50-something man in real life conversations with real people, that's just astonishing on so many levels.


Millions of dollars in the bank, a healthy heart, no addictions and a smoking hot wife. Sounds pretty good to me.

Million of dollars in the bank? Probably not any more after buying that multimillion dollar penthouse months back. And that condo will end up going to Margera's bottom bitch in divorce court in addition to the majority of cash in the Opster's name.

A healthy heart? We don't know or ever know for sure, but god willing he puts the Opster out of his misery, or at least puts him out of OUR misery.

No addictions? He's addicted to himself and addicted to his false sense of self-worth.

Smoking hot wife? Wait 10 years after a 3rd Margera bastard spawn and after she's sick and tired of his geriatric bullshit or runs out of money after being fired by SXM after realizing they're paying too much for him.

Weren't you one of the main ballwashing pedo-apologists on the "Ant/14yos/catfishing" thread earlier today? Now you're bringing up that lame "TITS' kids=BAM'S!!1!" horseshit like it's supposed to be a serious point of discussion? Blech. Fuck you and your retarded segues, you dopey cunt.

Opie's kids are like 5 and 7 or whatever. I would never ever fuck a child that young.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJokRFEAupg Great comeback, cheesedick.



he has all that yet is still miserable as fuck to listen to. Anthony is half dead and zooted on Xanax (according to my inside sources) and still 10 times more entertaining.

I don't think any interesting person ever in history had a lot of money, a healthy heart, no addictions and a smoking hot wife, unless they were a brilliantly educated person. everyone who's interesting and isn't a genius is fucked up in some way.

I'll fuckin' god damn rape his old lady and stick a god damn white baby up in her nigger pussy and then I'll beat her like a god damned red headed stepchild, and then have her sent off to jail.


I'll send some dark energy up your ass.

But instead you went the angry guy on the internet route?

Does this even qualify as "angry" as much as due diligence and foresight?

A little bit.

ok i laughed that one.

Thank you, good night!

edgy retort.

My friends did call me the edge master, but for different reasons.

fffawkkin rite over da plate u hilarius cawksuckah!!!


maybe if your using it talking to an intern or teenage nephew or niece.

Thank you, good night!