(Long Post) I Truly Feel Bad For Ant and this Sub...

0  2015-05-19 by [deleted]

Too long, didn't read: Anthony is doing poorly and this subs heart is broken.

Just looking at what has happened over the last few months and what is happening now, Anthony's stock has seriously plummeted and i genuinely feel bad for him.

At first, it looked like Opie was failing and was going to commit suicide, but that seems to have left Opie and moved to Anthony. Jim Norton chose to stay with Opie/SXM, same with all the staff. Nobody wanted to be part of Ant's basement extravaganza and you know this hurt him. Opie also got new contract for 2 more years, a contract that Jimmy signed as well, basically telling Anthony "no thanks buddy, i'll show up at you're house here and there". Then Opie gets a raise from SXM, then he gets a new studio and suddenly they are getting guests to come on their show that they would not have had before. Its obvious that SXM did not like Anthony's racists tirades, they didn't want to give a new studio to someone like that, i'm willing to bet that it was Anthony and his bullshit that was making SXM fuck the show over. Also, guests like Arnold and Letterman don't want to be associated with someone like Anthony. And then SXM shells out more cash to give Opie award winning producers to work on his channel. And then Opie gets David Letterman on his show. Opie goes home to his 7 million dollar place with his wife and children. Opie doesn't have to drink to go to sleep, he also hates taking pills.

And then, there's Anthony...

Anthony broadcasts from his basement. His show is sometimes funny, sometimes. People are saying more and more that they are cancelling subs because it isn't worth the money (its only 7 dollars too). Anthony has also been living up to Opie's "human garbage" tweet as well. I don't think i have to elaborate on that. Instead of getting award winning producers for his show, he got, a cop... Yep, Anthony thought that in order to have entertaining and funny content for his show, he should hire a cop... I think that shows either how little he cares about us, or how little he knows about creating a radio show, it really is the dumbest decision he could have made besides making bobo the producer. And then, the guests. Friends of the show aren't even CALLING IN, never mind showing up to his basement. Anthony is also self medicating with alcohol, something we know he has and has had a huge problem with, and obviously his anxiety and the medication he takes for it. One of the saddest parts of this tragedy is the only thing that was exciting and that Anthony had going for him was a lie that his pig producer fucked up. Anthony is really doing poorly right now and it's just sad.

I also feel bad for this sub. It was heartbreaking seeing so many of Anthony's fans having to admit that he is kind of a disgusting human being. Not that we already didn't know this, but that self cutting girl drama had too many links and screenshots to even doubt it, and that audio of Anthony saying "13, i'd go as low as 13" and "don't tell me you've never seen a hot 13 year old!", it was far more cringeworthy and awkward than anything Opie has ever said, by a longshot. But even so, there are still a few Anthony worshipers saying "who cares who he fucks, he's funny!" type of comments, pretty pathetic, but i feel especially bad for them, it must be hard convincing yourself that pedophilia doesn't matter, as long as you're funny... A lot of times someone will post criticism of Anthony and this sub will say "yeah we know, that point has been made already" but then fail to realize that the front page of this sub is full of "opie is boring" and "tits" posts, the head in the sand behavior in this sub is truly astounding and embarrassing. I truly am sorry guys.


Okay terrific

It must be hard to avoid reality everyday and at the same time post about your own delusions. So sad.

Opie won. Making more money, the show is being noticed by management, they're getting better guests, a new studio. He has Jimmy tied up. Opie just got Schwarzenegger and sounds like he's getting Letterman. Ant gets middling comics and strippers with the occasional right-wing pundit or old friend of the show who feels indebted to Ant. And his show sucks. He has to work harder than Opie since Opie has a corporation behind him and a larger staff, not to mention Jimmy (again).

Ant's way funnier obviously, even a far better broadcaster, but what does that mean really? It doesn't mean shit because Opie wins in everything else. If only Ant had not been a complete idiot that day in July and saved his venom for the show like he should have. Ant wouldn't be doing a painfully bad show from his basement, we'd still have the Ant/Jimmy chemistry.

Funny how things work out but you're a fool if you ever thought this show wouldn't end messy.

Opie won

When was this ever about winning and losing? Opie's in a better situation, I don't think anyone would deny that. It's irrelevant in regards to how people feel about each of them.

It sure was about winning and losing some months ago when TACS was fresh and O&J were getting shit on relentlessly. I guess it's only about winning and losing when "your guy" (he's my guy too) is perceived as winning.

Your hero made this into a competition when he unloaded on his basement show. You're nuts if Opie doesn't get satisfaction from knowing he's in a much better spot than Ant and you're nuts if you think Ant isn't bitter about how much better Opie is doing.

I bet Opie would trade it all to be liked.

It sure was about winning and losing some months ago when TACS was fresh and O&J were getting shit on relentlessly.

People preferring one show over the other has nothing to do with winning and losing, it's a subjective opinion. I'm sure there are people who prefer O&J over TACS.

Your hero

I never stated he was my hero, you're putting words in my mouth.

You're nuts if Opie doesn't get satisfaction from knowing he's in a much better spot than Ant and you're nuts if you think Ant isn't bitter about how much better Opie is doing.

This is all baseless speculation on your part, you have no way to prove definitively one way or the other. You can't call me nuts for not agreeing with an assumption that you're making.

To be fair if it wasn't for baseless speculation this place would only have two or three threads per day.

And if people would call others nuts for not agreeing with their baseless speculation it would be just as invalid of an argument.

Well I've been called a lot worse for going against the grain.

The point is the argument isn't valid, what Nerd stated is not a necessary fact but an assumption. To present it as a necessary fact is invalid. I'm not off base by not accepting an unfounded argument rooted in nothing but speculation.

Okay I'll go with that. My question is if this thread were flipped and it was anti Opie (tss) would you still make the same baseless argument?

I'm not making a baseless argument, I'm saying I'm not going to accept an unfounded claim as fact. If someone was calling me nuts for not accepting their assumption as a necessary fact I would raise the same objection regardless of circumstance. It has nothing to do with sides. 'God is real, if you don't think so you're nuts!' Same thing, it's poor logic. Nerd has no way of knowing how either Opie or Anthony feel about anything.

Okay, fair enough. I only ask because it seems like there are tons of anti Opie threads that are based on wild speculation, like the only reason they hired the brothers was to push the show out, but those usually turn into agreeing circle jerks and if you go against that you get destroyed.

If it was in the context of an 'argument' where I was going back and forth with someone I would call them on it regardless of context. I get where you're coming from, but the two aren't exactly equivalent. Nothing is being raised against me personally with the Opie shit posts.

Avoiding reality is unhealthy for you. You need to accept the facts and move on.

when Anthony would give a "shout out" to the subreddits, with one featuring a boxing match between the two as a sidebar pic, it felt like it was about winning or losing. I think in the middle of opies tears, the "just move on" line had a big impact. it really is over. the people clinging onto the feud have mental issues. it'll never be 2005 again.

When they were going back and forth a month ago I didn't view it as 'winning' and 'losing'. It was all petty middle school bullshit from my perspective. People framing it that Opie 'won' because he is a better situation is silly. It wasn't like they were competing for the Sirius gig and it was awarded to Opie, Anthony got shitcanned so of course he's in a worse position. There respective circumstance shouldn't influence how people feel about each of them respectively.

Avoiding reality again i see. Pretending that it wasnt about who "won"? Again, this is unhealthy for you.

Looks like you are getting downvoted. All you did is posts facts, but facts anger this sub, they are like SJWs.

Many of them don't like hearing reality. They prefer to live in this weird echo chamber. They are kind of like SJWs, you're right. I didn't even say that I like Opie or anything, just stating that he objectively won. I'd much rather listen to TACS than O&J and I've always liked Ant as a broadcaster much more than Opie.

But I guess the truth hurts sometimes. I wish Ant hadn't sabotaged himself and the show.

everything you said is true, and people still like Anthony more.

Do an AMA dude. Here's my Q: Do you have more prescriptions (for your mental illness(es?)) or reddit accounts?

Question 2: Has anyone, ever, for any length of time, liked or even tolerated your company?

Avoiding reality is unhealthy. Anthony is in the shitter, accept it.

This isn't about him. This is about you, and your techniques. Question 3. Do you use a virtual machine for your army of 4 hour old reddit accounts? Do you have like 5 browsers, Chrome, Firefox, uhh, what's some of them other browsers? Internet Explorer. Safari.

Or are you just such a stupid lump on a log that you just sign out every time.

You are avoiding the facts because they are in direct conflict with your delusions. Your defense mechanism of making unfounded accusations is very unhealthy for you and is preventing you from understanding the truth.

You don't even answer my questions. I guess we're both fucking crazy. I guess we both evade! But I think I come out on top because I'm not signing out to downvote your wacky fucking ass.

Your questions are a defense mechanism that i refuse to encourage.

Are you really logging in with different accounts to upvote yourself?

It really is sad how your defense mechanism, when one points out reality to you, is to say that the person telling you facts is on meds. Do you realize the irony?

It's not a defense mechanism, but a functional, mentally apt person does not engage in that behavior. I used to think your schtick was a troll, and this place deserves to be fucked with. But you mean it. You really do hate a dumb wop who tells jokes on the radio. You REALLY have emotions about this person. And that's fucking unhealthy.

The truth hurts us, but it will set us all free #JimSpirations

I think ant is funny, when did i say i hated him? Another unhealthy defense mechanism, making baseless accusations to avoid reality.

And you just keep justifying it to yourself. I'm sorry man. I don't believe in taunting sick people so I will try to keep my comments to myself from now on.

Ok, thx.

The truth really does hurt.

This should be required reading for anyone looking at either of these subs...

I think Anthony is funnier than Opie but I would much rather listen to a show that has comedians and other guests on every day than listen to a guy's racist rants. I know all you guys hate how Sherrod and Florentine are on so much but I'd rather listen to them than listen to Ant by himself or with a guest I've never heard of. I've been trying hard to hate Opie and Jimmy and I know it's not as good as O and A but it definitely beats TACS.

i completely agree. Ant is funnier but O&J get the guests and is just better.

What about listening to neither? Just because racial rants offend you does not mean you have to listen to Opie and Jimmy's unfunny attempt at a dull radio show.

The racist rants don't offend me I just think they're boring and honestly I probably will stop listening to both.

Riddle: You're locked in a room with the guy who keeps making these posts, Opie, and a gun with only one bullet. Who do you shoot?

Myself? You're looking for myself, right?

yesssssssss! i would have also accepted "you", as in me, wait, now I'm confused.


Unfortunately, no one here wants to hear what you're saying. They're in serious denial about the reality of the situation; always have been.

Keep doing what you're doing.

thanks, will do.

It is customary to put a "tl;dr" at the bottom of a post, you DOPE.

Far more effective putting it at the top than the bottom. Do you always do what other people do regardless of logic just to fit in? That may explain your feelings about opie...

Yeah, you're a real efficiency expert. Using alts to create the illusion that people are agreeing with you - some mindbending shit.


This is the Xanax guy again. It's gotta be Danny. Posting during his breaks clearing tables at a bar in NY.

Well said. Fuck the pockmarked Peter Pan

Hows Rockstar going, you failure?

that's what your girlfriend did.

Oh snap son!

No mention of his Xanax addiction or heart attack this time? I'm surprised!

Seems the AIDF have arrived with their multiple alt accounts.

i'm willing to bet that it was Anthony and his bullshit that was making SXM fuck the show over.

You truly are a delusional obsessive ass. Find a hobby SIR and get some fresh air. You've been banned upwards of 60 times and put too much effort into your shit posts that most people just downvote without reading at this point. You seem to be mentally unraveling and should seek professional help. I am truly sorry that you have a miserable life SIR. I hope you get better some day. Mission....failed.

You are avoiding reality, you need to accept the facts.

Your defense mechanism of calling people on the internet "mentally ill" is unhealthy and prevents you from accepting the truth.

Your defense mechanism of calling people on the internet "mentally ill" is unhealthy and prevents you from accepting the truth.

With all due respect SIR, I think you should take a good long look in the mirror before you call anyone here 'unhealthy'.

I told you that defense mechanism is unhealthy, and yet you used again immediately. Can you see your own behavior?

It's not a defense mechanism, it's my assessment of your constant shit posting. I'm making you waste your time again SIR, go back to the field to graze.

There you go again, you cant help yourself it seems.

You don't have any legitimate arguments so you're forced to repeat yourself. Accept that you are an obsessive loon, get help, and move on with your life. I'm trying to help you SIR. If this was a one time thing no one would be calling you mentally ill, but how you conduct yourself on this subreddit is not typical of normal behavior.

Look at your comments, they are all a form of your defense mechanism of calling one a troll or mentally ill. This is unhealthy and prevents you from accepting the truth.

Look at your comments, they are all a form of your defense mechanism of calling one a troll or mentally ill.

You're incorrect SIR, my responses to NerdConvetion are not in the vein of calling him a troll or mentally ill. You're wrong again, sorry.

To me? They most certainly are. At least you are starting to see the reality of your behavior.

Look at your comments, they are all a form of your defense mechanism of calling one a troll or mentally ill.

You didn't specify in your original comment, so sorry SIR you're wrong. You have been thoroughly trounced again.

If this dummy didn't keep getting banned he might not have so many accounts. Mods are twats.

mods dont care about this sub anymore.

Yeah, i figured most of the responses would be "ok faggot" type comments, avoiding reality. This is why i'm not pissed off, i really do feel bad for you guys. It must be so hard to do what you do every day.

when you are logging in and out of different accounts to upvote yourself, do you feel like a silly goose?

Im not. It looks like people agree with what i said. Why do you think im doing that anyways? I think ant is funny, im just telling it like it is. Are you one of those anthony worshipers?

yes, that's what you like to call me. it really hurts my feelings when you call me a fan of a show that I like. my question to you is who do you think your fooling? everyone knows who you are and why you make these weird posts, why not just stop, what do you get out of it? why not wait til Anthony fails then come back with an I told you so?

Im not trying to hurt your feelings, although i feel that you are used to being treated that way. Stop using the "i know who you are" comment as a defense mechanism, its unhealthy.


Avoiding reality by calling the presenter a troll. This is an unhealthy defense mechanism and prevents you from accepting the truth.


Ok, whatever.

Im not. It looks like people agree with what i said. Why do you think im doing that anyways? I think ant is funny, im just telling it like it is. Are you one of those anthony worshipers?

I think ant is funny, when did i say i hated him? Another unhealthy defense mechanism, making baseless accusations to avoid reality.