My Opester cringe of the day...

28  2015-05-19 by nolasen

Fell into this one while skimming. There were many just like it, but this one is mine:

While discussing the Kimmel going to a test pattern out of respect for Letterman, The Destroyer suggested that they could still advertise on the test pattern and that would be a big story.

Norton interjected "That's true, sponsored by.."

Opester plows in with "BUDWEISER, THE KING OF BEERS..." in his pathetically bad mocking radio ad voice that NEVER gets a response (usually he caps it with the radio production laser "pew pew", sadly he dropped the ball and left those out this time)

But The Opester continues "Fuck Budweiser. They don't advertise with us anymore. Why did I give them a FREE PLUG?." followed by the usual complete ignoring by the entire room and Sherrod shuck and jived in to try and move on.

So, reasons this cramped me up:

  • That stupid phfffucking voice
  • The usual complete silence and frantic coverup/moving on by the room.
  • The typical BADLY faked tough guy shit.
  • No one has EVER cared about who does or doesn't advertise with anyone.
  • And of course the unfathomable delusion that he gave something to BUDWEISER with a "free plug" when SuperBowl ads don't spike their bottom line. Or, even if given the benefit of a doubt that he is aware (lol) of this absurdity and was trying to make a joke... what the fuck?

yes, i agree he sucks.

I wonder what it feels like to be you. A lone voice, all hands turned against you ( I among them), and now, the whole group has flipped and is now at your back.

You're either a great general or a great shepherd.

When I first came to this sub a couple years ago there was sticky post by the mods reminding everyone that doxxing wouldn't be tolerated.

IIRC our friend here somehow got Opie's home address and posted it.

I knew then that I had found a true hero.

"...advertise on the test pattern and that would be a big story"

Excitement. winding up. I can smell a bit coming, after all these years I know there is one on the horizon


Panic. *oh, shit. It's really quiet. If only Anthony was here, he usually bailed me out of these things. Hurry, resort to one of your 3 crutches!

  1. Beer is cool. Liking beer is therefore cool. You are young and hip, don't forget that

  2. ask everyone about their beer preference and agree with either a) the "coolest" guy in the room or b) the majority opinion

  3. ("The Florentine") YOU ARE TOO COOL FOR BUDWEISER!

"Fuck Budweiser. They don't advertise with us anymore. Why did I give the a FREE PLUG."

Hope. WOOO, I fucking nailed "The Florentine"...Let's pray nobody calls me out on my bullshit

-Rest of the room uncomfortably moves on to something new, ignoring the large breasted autistic with the big goofy grin

Pride. Another great segment, Ope. You really have been doing this since you were 18...The haterz could never know how great you truly are


That's the bit. Nice try with the hate though.

Anheuser-Busch is really reaping the benefits of that plug. Nice going, Opie.

Nice deconstruction of how much he's shitty at his job.

Tss Tss he's like Jacques Derideya or sum thin tss tss

Too easy to understand...

ME: Budweiser used to do our show until it got too big.

Mewnwhile an executive hurriedly runs into the CEO of budweiser, shouting "sir, take a look at this spike in sales!"

"My god...we got the opie bump..."

ME: I just want a little taste

The only thing Opie made people listening want to drink was bleach.


That...sounds like a Scortch thing to say.

I was thinking the same thing.

"So I saw a new Corvette the other day, and while I shouldn't be giving them a free plug, even though Chevy has expressed interest in advertising with the show, I gotta say it is a good looking car"

Remember us? People always forget about us after they leave

What's that Lassie? Opie sucks at radio, and is "just another painful interview they have to do" on the media tour?

HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON I been doing this since I was 18

What's that girl? You have to justify your job by making yourself the center of attention in every situation?

shoots Lassie

Useless Bitch


Thank you.

even Scorch is smart enough to hint at advertisers rather than giving that ever so valuable plug

i found it in case anyone wants to hear the worst voice of all time:

and in the background everyones gearing up to giggle because it sounds like hes about to try to be funny but then he doesnt even come close and it becomes silent.

Shucking and jiving is the absolute most perfect way to describe Sherrod.

I remember an old Chris Rock bit 9One of his big specials, I can't remember which one) where he talks about the "friendly old black man that white people love and they have no idea that the old black man hates them more than anyone", because the old black man is overly friendly and ass-kissy to white people's face (cause they have the money) and as soon as they turn away the old man goes off "Cracker ass cracker" etc.

Anyway, everytime I hear Sherrod on the show this is exactly the situation I picture him in. Shucking and Jiving fo da bossman Ope.

You actually just reminded me of one of the old Jocktober shows when Patrice was in, and they were making fun of a morning zoo that had a token wacky shuckin' and jivin' black dude with a big, toothy grin on the show's logo. Patrice said something along the lines of, "...and that Uncle Tom-looking motherfucker right there is why I never smile in photographs."

Sherrod strikes me as the absolute antithesis of Patrice. Happy-go-lucky black guy who is willing to say yessum to massuh Opie. I don't know if Sherrod and Patrice were ever in studio together, but I bet Patrice would call out Sherrod's ass-kissing within minutes.

You know, there is a difference between being forced to pick cotton for no pay and using stupid white people to promote your "brand", whatever that'd be, and tour dates. Sherrod could just stop coming on the show if he wanted. I think. THey didn't sign him as a third mic did they?

Sherrod chokes comedians, he isnt a very friendly black person.

ME: This is how you get your foot in the door to line up those envelopesssss, you DOPES!

Did anyone catch Neil Fallon say that touring was their 'bread and butter' and about a minute later Opie says 'bread and butter' in his fake radio voice like 'oh shit I just dropped a stupid cliche.' I wonder if Fallon gave him a 'is this guy fucking with me?' look.


Was Jimmy winding up for a joke? It kills me when frat tits steps all over Jimmy with some 1980s Improv level bullshit.

Man today was bad. I caught a few moments where he makes and emphatic (inane) point and just get no reaction from anyone.

Mmmm, I really could go for a cold, refreshing Budweiser right now. Thanks Opester

did anyone catch serrod small's terrible addition to the letterman conversation with....get this....BLACK PEOPLE BEING TREATED UNFAIRLY?

they tlak about how kimmel wanted to put up the test pattern on lettermans last show and how the company wouldnt let him and he responds with

"Hey, TV still had new shows on when Martin Luther King JR got shot."

what? i mean, really. what the fuck?

the worst part is HES SERIOUS

No Sherrod fan by any means but in this case he was serious but I didn't take that comment as a "poor black people" thing. I think the point he was trying to make was if other networks didn't go dark for much more serious events than Letterman's final show (in his bad example he used King's murder), why would they for Letterman? It's a terrible example because all the networks were covering King's murder while only one is allowed to air Letterman's final show. So of course the other networks didn't go dark.

my issue is he ALWAYS finds a way to tie it back to how "black people have it the worst"

Well that wasn't the case here.

Thank god TV did or that would have been a boring day.

You're a little off.

When they had "Boy Butter" as a sponsor, it made some decent radio talking about it. And we got to see how deeply insecure and homophobic the Opester is.

Amen, I'm so glad I'm not the only extremely annoyed by this repetitive douche.

I didn't listen. I'm sure a lot of his stupidity was clear for everyone to see in this moment, but "I gave them a free plug" was probably just a joke. I understand, he is an awful, unbelievably stupid gathering of tits. I doubt he thought he actually gave Bud a big push though.

I remember an old patrice episode where he said he wanted to engage in fisticuffs with Howard Stern. Patrice just started laughing at him and how mad he was getting over it. That was hilarious. Without Patrice in that room though, it would have been... not even douchy, just disgusting.

For some people this bothers them, I love it.