With the regards to the pedophile accusations

0  2015-05-19 by [deleted]

I couldnt give a shit, if Ant wants to fuck 14 year olds or even 13 year olds, Im cool with it as long as he continues to be FUNNY.

Thats all that should matter, if hes smart enough to not get caught, more power to him. Its what 95% of men in his position would be doing anyway.

No one should be listening for "moral" values.


Hate to break it to you but 95% of men do not want to fuck 13 and 14 year olds. But thanks for letting us all know you're part of the pedo minority. I'd suggest not letting anyone in your real life ever know about this account and this thread.

liked how you wrote that so if the police ever do search your computer your lawyer can use that post as proof of plausible deniability in court for fucking a 13 y/o.

Oh ya got me.


What does your manifesto have anything to do with this guy thinking we all want to screw thirteen year olds and me commenting on that? We all know Ant isnt doing that.

13 or 14 year olds are kids.

Well ok maybe not that high but the vast majority.

Keep the god damn government out of my fucking bedroom!!!

With the regards to this post: move along, fuckface



EDIT: whats with all the pro opie accounts???

We're only talking about you

I see what you did there.

Yeah - I don't care how funny a guy is, I won't listen to him if he's raping under aged girls.

Anthony having relationships with 17 & 18 year old girls doesn't bother me. He's not the first (or last) guy to enjoy dating much younger women. Even if it's "creepy" the girls are still able to consent and understand what they're doing.

The idea of Ant fucking underaged teenagers is actually why I'm a huge fan of us, gives me a way to live vicariously through him.

He didnt rape ANYBODY!

Is this the same sub that refused to believe th Louis CK allegations without evidence?


Hey, misses the point guy - in your example you said you would listen to a guy who had sex with under aged girls as long as he was funny.

I didn't say Anthony raped anyone, you dope. I said he has relationships with 17 & 18 yr olds. Creepy, but not rape.

Consensual sex with TEENAGERS is not rape.

Fuck yes it is. Try banging a 13 year old. You will get locked up for statutory rape.

"In statutory rape, overt force or threat is usually not present. Statutory rape laws presume coercion, because a minor or mentally handicapped adult is legally incapable of giving consent to the act."

Same with 3 year olds. Suuuuuure he/she can give you permission in exchange for a lollipop. It is still rape.

Anything past puberty used to be fair game, until the libtards got invloved

Anyway its time for bed.

Surely you can see why someone would choose not to support a man actively attempting to groom underage girls, can't you? He's almost 60 for chrissakes.

It's almost 2021? STFU. Using your measure of time "she's almost 20".

I'm sorry, you're totally right. A 54 year old man grooming 14 year old girls is completely fine. I have a feeling you wish he was grooming you, cocksmoker.

The point is 54 isn't "almost 60". LOL at the retards downvoting my post. I swear, this is a head injury forum. I've made fun of Ant plenty of times for being a pedo. You just made a stupid post, that's all.

It was obvious hyperbole. The point of my post is that Anthony is an old man, and he is. But you're right, 6 years is huge when it's almost half your lifespan.

I know it's hyperbole, that doesn't make it okay. And yeah, 6 years is a big difference. Who exaggerates people's ages by 6 years besides you, faggot?

I know it's hyperbole, that doesn't make it okay.

You could make the PGA tour with this kind of ballwashing.

Who exaggerates people's ages by 6 years besides you, faggot?

I've seen both of Opie and Anthony's ages exaggerated here numerous times, but you just keep lickin' those Cumia nuts.

I'm the opposite of an Ant ballwasher. Just take your loss and move on.

Like I said, if he's almost 60, she's almost 20. The irony should be staring you in the face.

Like he'd ever fuck a 20 year old. They've already had their first period (more hyperbole...figured I'd let you know since you're obviously retarded).

Why? Because I don't give a shit about your hyperbole? You should get a gold star for it? Just fucking die douchebag.

Do you let Ant blow his load down your throat, or does he prefer just not pulling out of your ass?

Read my posts, asswipe. I'm not defending Anthony, I'm pointing out that you made a stupid post. Who's misunderstanding whose point now? All us Ant haters should stick together and I should pretend you made a good post because of it? Just go to bed.

I bet the old man wouldn't even have to use viagra with you. Nope, you'd be perfectly content just sucking on his noodle dick for hours.

This place is the worst. I'll remember this next time I get shit for being too mean to Anthony. You could read 5 posts into my history to find me calling him a pedophile. But all of that goes out the window because I disagreed with someone trying to pwn him.

But all of that goes out the window because I disagreed with someone trying to pwn him.

Ugh, stop being such a vagina. Internet points don't actually mean anything!

They do though. I shouldn't be called an Anthony dickrider when I've been quite the opposite and get shit for not dickriding him enough.

If internet points mean that much to you, perhaps it's time you get some fresh air and go out when that bright thing is in the sky. Also, you were kind of Anthony dick riding, so I pointed it out.

This is about my integrity. I've attacked Anthony time and time again. If I cared about Internet points, I wouldn't be defending myself. I knew the fags would be downvoting me. That's not the issue.

This is about my integrity.

You seriously typed that.

We all have a certain sense of integrity built up over time from posting here. If you attack Ant constantly and get shit for that, you don't want to ever be accused of being an Ant dickrider. I've stuck my neck out so often against Ant that simply I don't deserve this. I didn't deserve what I got for attacking him, and I definitely don't deserve this. Goodnight.

You stuck your neck out? Let me remind you one last time, internet points don't mean anything.

I definitely don't deserve this. Goodnight.

Wow, you're a pussy. Pathetic.

You say this after I took a 50 point hit to my karma because of this conversation? Classy.

Yeah, this place probably isn't great for you...what, with you being an oversensitive, Cumia cocksucking mo and all.

I'm not the one being oversensitive here. This escalated because you wouldn't back down originally.

Back down from what exactly? Calling you a homosexual for getting so bent out of shape over admitted hyperbole? It seems to me the only one here a little hot under the collar is you, friend.


Ah jeez, now you're giving me a complex.

wow, edgy post there MAAAAAAAAN. saying the things that none of us would have the guts to ever say. fucking rebel.

Hi Bengy.

Faggot troll account. Go away.



Fuck yes it is. Try banging a 13 year old. You will get locked up for statutory rape.

"In statutory rape, overt force or threat is usually not present. Statutory rape laws presume coercion, because a minor or mentally handicapped adult is legally incapable of giving consent to the act."

Same with 3 year olds. Suuuuuure he/she can give you permission in exchange for a lollipop. It is still rape.

If internet points mean that much to you, perhaps it's time you get some fresh air and go out when that bright thing is in the sky. Also, you were kind of Anthony dick riding, so I pointed it out.