Please support Opie's new once a month radio show discussing documentaries. NO HATE PLEASE.

16  2015-05-18 by agcook


"Huh, Opie likes documentaries? He must be smarter than I thought."

Opie so transparently wants to be thought of as more than a barely-literate buffoon.

Opie's so deep, mannnnnn

Blackfish... soooo BRUTAL.

Jokes on you.....he's not at all literate.


I don't want to listen to "Dolts Watch Docs".

He's going to watch a "doc" once a month? But his children! Who will watch the children?!




This idea seems like it came from a Stangel questionaire packet. Name three things that you are interested in....let's do a show about that.

Top 10 Hackneyed Radio Show Themes!

Dear Greggory

Super Size Tits

An Inconvenient Truth

Greggshell Gardens


Capturing The Brothermans


Opie Dreams of Humor

The Sorrow and the Titties.

Montage of SHIT

The Empties: Check Them Out

Opie is the only member of O&A who daily has to find compliments and message fans thanking them for their praise. Surprisingly this is exactly what management would recommend the boys doing, and something Opie would laugh at if he saw Ant and Jim groan at the thought. He's such a needy stupid bitch boy.

If Opie didn't find Ant, it's clear he would have ended up in management or programming.

Or spinning classic rock records mahhhhhhhn

He would be getting Brother Wease his coffee. And still dreaming of being a real jock like Scorch and Denny.

Don't you talk bad about the piss christ

ME: Our doc this month is called Dear Zachary. Maaaan it's BRUUUUTAHL!!! You see this one Stangle Bros?!?

They should do a documentary on the O&J show with Chip as the narrator

Two hours of "Hey why are his tits so big? His tits are huge. Hey why are his tits so big? His tits are huge. Look, look how big his tits are. Get out of the way I can't see his tits. His tits are huge."

What's that?

You did a "what's that" in response to Chip's actual name being used, in context? Fucking rookie.

Pizza gahbadge.

What's that?

whos what?

The sycophantic replies are stomach churning.

Hi Opie!


Er, no. One click would prove you wrong.


I really can't honestly believe that all this 'praise' is legit and not just over the top sarcasm.

"@OpieRadio @JimNorton and that's why you are broadcasting excellence!"

"great idea"

"@OpieRadio can you let us know the doc in advance so we can appreciate the discussion even more?"

I question the legitimacy of these comments.

One fucking retweet out of all of those followers. OOOFF!!!!

the other 300+ thousand probably just aren't on Twitter right now

any jamoke could talk about a documentary, theres no effort in it, the doc does all the work, it tells an amazing story and you just reiterate it.

What is it in salt water that makes you sick?

Did u know everything.we eat is made from corn


They are really cruel to whales at.SeaWorld

Man, look at all those retweets. People must be loving that idea.

He's ALL IN on them. He watches one a week.

It can be just like Oprah's book club.

Docyoo mentrees

I'm really hoping he'll cover my documentary Fat Titted Zilch that tells the story of a talentless towheaded cunt that takes a break from doing radio for nanas once a month to do a show focusing solely on "docs".

Where does this buffoon keep finding sharks to jump over?

You know he's hip because he calls them docs.

tss a show on docs, whats he gonna go to a fawkin hospital or somethin?

Opie's still a dumb cunt no matter what. It's just a pathetic attempt to make himself seem smarter than he really is.

Just wait until he ropes Ron Bennington into this horseshit.

Ronnie B won't play. That was made clear when "the Destroyer" had him on and Ron shat on him the whole show.

Whole show, more like HOLE show


Jus riffin'

Reading the comments here vs the comments on his twitter its amazing the world of different opinions.

People here, he can't block

he can't block people here.

He cant block people here

He can't block people here?

The thinking man's morning zoo program.


Management loves the idea!

Hey Opie, you're not interesting, you're not smart, you're not funny, and nobody gives a shit what you think. You lucked into your gig of being an on-air producer and you even fuck that up. You are not an entertainer. Stop trying to be Joe fucking Rogan.

He could host the tonight show thou right?

RIGHT, right, right, right? Wow, right, right, right?

Where are you at with late-night talk shows?

WHAAAAAAHY can't they figure that out?

I used to feel bad for jimmy when I would read stuff like this, but he attempts to bring nothing to the new show so fuck it hope it happens.

I think it should be called ''Sam Explains Doc's to Opie'

That's the bit



Can we circulate a petition where they can only talk about things they didn't enjoy? Honestly how much funnier is/was OAJ when they bash something or someone?

If everyone doesn't tweet that this should be the first doc that they review, I've lost faith in humanity

"Aging Shock Jock Talks Docs."

keep listening for a bonus tommy gun blast of "right"'s

Opie blocked could I see and reply to that tweet? :o

i reaaalllllllyyyyy want this to happen , Opie , like Scorch, is just someone you want more and more content from

What the fuck would be the point of that show? He makes obvious observations anyone who saw the movie would make, and it's not like the documentaries they have talked about on the show have been obscure, so he's not turning documentary fans onto some cool movie they haven't heard about.

He's the kind of person who's so dumb that he doesn't realize how dumb he is. Those people are the fucking worst.


2015-05-18 21:41:18 UTC

Glad you like. Thinking of doing a special show just on docs once a month.

[Mistake?] [Suggestion] [FAQ] [Code] [Issues]


You all have it so wrong. /u/majestik6 will have you know that this show is constantly improving and in fact, once the staff key-in to the new direction of the show all you pig fuckers are going to be eating your words like alphabet soup.

Begging people not to hate him, brilliant strategy. That way he won't have to actually be likeable.

"DocumenTREES" sir. Thank you, have a fine day.


I enjoy a good documentary, have to check that out thanks.

VALID! Every documentary they've talked about on the air has compelled me to watch them and they're all good. Yall can suck a bag o' dicks

Just because they talk about a documentary doesn't make it interesting conversation. I could say "watch this, its good"

Just because they talk about a documentary doesn't make it interesting conversation. I could say "watch this, its good"

Opie Dreams of Humor