So the Gavin Mcinnes vid made it to r/cringe and the people there seem to be taking the woman's side

2  2015-05-18 by Lilcumia

Odd how the same vid can get polar opposite reactions from people. Ah well. The link to the comments is


Patrice was funny on Fox because he deconstructed the entire segment and made everyone involved look silly.

Gavin just says his unfounded opinions and laughs/acts pompous when people disagree. He's just another "LIBERALS RUIN EVERYTHING" guy, it's not really that funny.

The Opie and Anthony sub is not an accurate representation of reddit as a whole unfortunately, so I think it's to be expected that they'd take her side. The good thing for the majority of us is, we get to laugh at how angry Gavin makes them.

Gavin kind of came of as a raving loon. I thought it was funny, but he essentially told her she would be happier if she were a house wife and that women are less ambitious. He did state 'generally', but that usually gets overlooked. Patrice's clip on fox was great because he made the woman he was arguing with look ridiculous, Gavin just ranted for several minutes. I can see why people who don't know him would take the woman's side.


I love this fuckin autistic "/s" thing I keep seeing in threads. What a testament to how goddamn aspie this generation is - they need to TELL you they're being sarcastic. Make low IQ a crime with a sentence of capital punishment


Gavin "shows off by not showing off," demonstrates security by holding opinions commonly associated with losers. This infuriates people who need to be seen as educated, enlightened, up-to-date, etc. That's the bit. Louis and Burr used to do it too, but Gavin's still ALL IN.

Analogy: Gavin's old money. r/cringe is 23, has a quarter million in student and consumer debt, and works at Gamestop. They're mocking him for wearing his grandfather's watch.

Good bit.

There's a lot of people in those comments angry that he even exists or is allowed to say those things on TV. Then inevitably somebody brings up the youtube comments, and some helpful soul points out a plugin that you can use to block opinions on youtube so you won't be triggered by them.

I never thought I'd quote Megyn Kelly:

My one comfort is that my children, someday, are gonna be competing against these people."

The average reddit comment thread is so insanely retarded.

I don't even align much with Gavin's views, but I actually love what he has to say most of the time because he doesn't give a fuck how people react. No matter how wrong anyone thinks he is, it's fucking awful that so many people seem to hold the opinion that he shouldn't be given a platform to say it. There's nothing worse or less productive for society to silence anyone with an opposing viewpoint. That's exactly what leads to a culture where people take issue with things like Louis CK being honest and saying he has a slightly negative reaction to a black guy wearing a hoodie and then actually trying to correct that thought AS PART OF A JOKE.

Someone was highly upvoted saying:

I am infuriated that someone who has these views is allowed on national television.

to which someone correctly replied "All views should be allowed on national television." The original poster even went on to agree with this, which is good, but the fact that that was their initial reaction speaks volumes. And even worse, reddit is a platform that goes completely against that thought. Sure, you can post your unpopular opinion/viewpoint (at least for now), but almost no one will see it after it gets downvoted into oblivion. It's a recipe for a website that's immediately appealing to the majority of its visitors, but detrimental to creating any sort of legitimate discussion that isn't completely one-sided.

I really can't get behind any "I'm a WILD and CRAZY guy and I have the facial hair to prove it!" persona.


You're surprised that about 80% of the Redditors are pretentious SJW libtards with a big fat black cock up their ass?

This is the reason I like him.

what else is new? people really think they have a RIGHT to not be offended. No one believes in just ignoring something they hear and don't like...

I think Gavin will always go for the laugh over making a reasonable point, as it should be.

/r/cringe and /r/cringepics are full of faggotry and SJWs. Check out /r/cringeanarchy

He stinks.