First hour sounds like an all male morning zoo., with gregshells being the hole.

12  2015-05-18 by billowred

I'm trying to hang in there but Dopie is the worst.


Plot twist Opie was the hole this whole time.

Back when I was in a barbershop quartet in Geneseo, NY sniff...

...Roland was a big fat guy, I mean like orca fat. He was so stressed in the morning...

Some guy in California, his name was Turkeyfoot...


I'm trying too. This morning was sad. Sam is talking way more than Jim on the Opie and Jim show. I understand that Opie leans heavily on Sam, because he knows Sam will do anything he wants with no hint of letting him know that the "bit" is awful. Jim seems to be putting up with this until his break finally happens. He is a naturally fantastic entertainer paired up with guys trying really hard, but not getting there.

because he knows Sam will do anything he wants with no hint of letting him know that the "bit" is awful

Just like he did with Scorch

At least they didn't start the show by taking calls from people who lost loved ones to cancer, like they did the day after Bruer came in talking about how his dad passed.

Still way better than a lot of shows. Not funny but at least more interesting conversation

This. I don't even care if the bit is funny, If it makes me want to listen to it because I'm actually entertained by it I have no complaints.

Remember the old "hole" sound clips they used to have?

Those would be twice as funny recorded in Opies voice.

Especially the really brutal one Steve made.

Does anyone remember a long while back, in the height of Opie's "hole" talk and Stern ranting, that he would unjokingly do his own version of the Stern soundboard clip saying "WHA-WHA-WHAT!?" He did it quite a few times and I haven't gotten douche-chills like that since. I'm sure I can find a clip somewhere.

If it's the one I'm thinking of, he uses it when Vos talks about his childhood and how his friend or cousin touched him inappropriately.

Opie has been the hole for years by virtue of his retardation. The only news that dummy can sit through is TMZ, so he's always trying to start conversations about Kim K, Justin Bieber & other assorted dumb shit.

If you are going to beat the dead horse at least put some effort into the presentation.

Or is this what they call being meta?

yes, the show is slipping more and more in Opie's Morning Zoo Crew every day. and it was already there pretty badly. just try to make it through the first 10 minutes of this:

"I was telling Sam Roberts, Jim Norton that..." Remember to identify people who are in the studio... YUCK

With Anthony fired, humor has literally left the show.

Turning into TMZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I listened to the first hour and it was good. It's stuff like this that waters down legitimate Opie criticism. When they have a good segment or show, no need to fake the Opie hate.

Better tits than Terry Clifford though!