Cumia and DeRosa are both scheduled to appear at Big Jay's roast

45  2015-05-18 by [deleted]

Hope they rip each others throats out


Derosa hasn't been this excited about a roast since the holocaust! YOW

Dude, that never happened.

Derosas excitment or the holocaust?

Leave it alone...

Aww shit swimwalk!

6 million more.

Derosa will back out and then Ant will panic because all of his material was about Joe

cumia has a cardboard cut-out of himself. i joe backs out, ant should just get himself a cut-out of derosa in case. I personally want to see it abused or even set ablaze at the end. holocaust-denier joe derosa would not like that irony.

I agree, Joe will back out and claim he has Better Call Saul business to attend. I hope in that episode Mike kills him.

Joe will back out because he is a pussy and will claim he didn't want to say anything to jeopardize his acting gigs. Ant will be there drunk because he has nothing better to do.

Bonnie Mcfarlane is on the roast now and her and Joe hate each other too. I can't wait to hear her rip him apart. We all know the only thing Joe hates more than Jews are women.

Unless those women are over 55 years old and are willing to sleep with him.

Or black.

I thought she and Joe were buddies.

They have had a few blowouts over the years, now that he is a west coast soft belly he will get absolutely destroyed at this roast.

And even Big Jay has said that he absolutely can't take a joke. He's going to commit suicide before the night is over.

everyone has a story about how he can't take a joke or doesn't possess the ability to fight back, even when he was O&A he would get his ass handed to him regularly by guys like Troy Quan. Its gonna be a bloodbath.

Dude, fucking Dr. Steve tore him a new asshole before, and he had NOTHING to fight back with.

Steve slapped Joe in his awful angleless face with his dumb doctor dick.


He's also completely out of his league.

Why do they hate each other? I mean other than the fact that she takes issue with Joe hating Jews and all that.

They know each other from childhood and Joe raped Bonnie's childhood dog once.

I refuse to believe it. Derosa has never done anything that funny.



LOL at Bonnie. She took 4 years to put out a shitty made documentary about unfunny twats. I'm sure her quick wit will be on display at the roast.

If Vos is there shes got endless material.

Bonnie rules.... It prolly doesn't hurt she's sexy though.... You might have a very valid point sir.

Bonnie's actually funny, she could possibly kill, but at least will do well.

DeRosa will give him back the iPad and Ant will give him back the Luger and armband.

Lugers are worth way more than an iPad

Opie could take a really huge step here and be in the audience to open himself up for abuse. He won't of course, but it would really improve my opinion of him.

But who has the time with 2 kids!?

As a father...

Between Ant and Bonnie Joe will get torn apart, don't see it ending well for him or his livelihood.

Are we going to be able to hear the roast anywhere other than seeing it live?

They're filming it. It's going to be livestreamed.

I am pretty sure they have yet to officially announce that. I assume they will. I am guessing they are waiting to sell some tickets before they announce you could watch it live for free.

I'd pay for a live stream though.

They quite clearly implied it on LOS.

Well they implied it everywhere. But to imply everywhere but never actually confirm is worth noting I think.

Don't be silly, they're doing it. I'll delete this account if they don't.

ahh, good deal

So they announced how to buy tickets on the podcast....still zero confirmation that it will be filmed/recorded.

very KtC-esqe

Ant isn't going to do shit. He hates confrontation. He's shown time and time again he'd rather just blow it off than confront someone.

I don't know, I think things will be pretty touchy like who goes on first. I'm sure neither one of them want to go on before the other. That right there should fuel some of the fire.

It's also a roast. I'm sure Ant will bring quick and razor sharp Anthony and not non-confrontational I need to work on my issues Anthony.

It's an odd dynamic because you get one shot to go after people, so you want to go 2nd just to be able to fight back, going first you open yourself up to saying nothing and getting destroyed publicly.

Yeah, although if one's a better hitter they can make up for that a bit, I think Anthony could hold his weight, I've seen DeRosa put on the spot and he does not come across well. Although maybe I'm idealizing Ant a bit, he could be bad a it or chicken out for all I know.

he won't back down in a war of words though.

Just ask Bill Burr.

so far they have announced - Kurt Metzger, Luis J Gomez, Dave Smith, Bonnie Macfarlane, Ari Shaffir, Dan Soder, Cumia, and DeRosa

I would say Anthony will have the hardest time roasting people considering he isn't a comedian, but he can hold his own.

You did listen to O and A right? Ant is funnier and sharper than any of those comedians.

Really. Bonnie is as middle of the road for a female comic as it gets, DeRosa is garbage, Luis J is annoying and Ari is great but can be hit or miss. Ant fits in fine.

Joe De Rosa will go on an hour long tirade (half of it in German for some reason) about the Jews and the banking conspiracy, and if we only heeded the warnings that St. Adolph laid out in Mein Kamph, humankind would not be in danger.

Anthony will agree and they kiss on stage like the ending to a rom com.

When Ant is doing the roast he should just read Derosa's Amazon reviews.

AprEhL FaHLSS!!!!

As an aspiring ISIS member, Joe'six million lies' DeRosa gets all turgid at the prospect of burning a jew in a public setting.

Big gay is a jew?

You weren't tipped off by his gloves with the fingers circumcised?

He is, but no one really thinks of him as one.

You are obsessed with jews

Has Joe denied the Holocaust or was that a joke I didn't get?

Joe might find it funny, must of us don't.

tsss i hope sum1 calls him GAY intead of JAY. that wud be fukkin hardcoar.

Good one Chippah!

It's going to be a good roast regardless.

When / where is it happening?

They will make amends over their mutual dislike of black folks, pair of vicious racists that they are.

They're so gonna fuck.

Oh fuck yeah.


Jesus, it won't exactly be Jones vs Gustafsson if those those two come to blows.

Anthony "Twig-Arms" Cumia and Joe "No Shoulders" DeRosa.

Hopefully Ant distances himself from the hate Joe has received from the fans.

I predict they make up over a few beers and end up double penetrating dani Golightly as she licks one of those gigantic lollipops.

Not much will come off it, they're both little ninnies when they have to be in person to confront people they disdain.

Don't expect much out of entertainers "rivalries".

Listening to Nopie shows, they seemed like pals. Wonder why things had to go so south and get so stupid.


I don't think they actually hate each other, I just think since they argued in public, they both have to maintain their ego and not look like pussies. I bet they're going to be happy to see each other and will make each other laugh, while also really trashing one another.

i think this will happen, ant hates confrontation and joe is a nice enough guy and just wants to be liked so im sure they will joke about it and be back to being good friends, ant seems like that guy that would get in an argument, then see you at a bar and acts like nothing happened.

i hope so because i always loved hearing about joe and ants friendship.

The roast of big jay sounds boring as fuck.

*"nobody knows who you are and you are nearly 40"

*"you are fat"

*"you wear fingerless gloves like you are a 14 year old scene kid"

Anything I missed there?

You missed 4th grade through 12th grade English

You forgot to mention their edgy podcast called "Legion of Skanks". They get tons of trashy pussy get it? He smokes weed because he's cool as fuck.

you cried like a lil' bitch on koppelman's podcast 'cause he called you out for being the lazy mope you are

Ants the biggest pussy in the world. He is even afraid to date real women. nothing is going to happen.

By real women you mean beat up old hags right

What are you ten?

It's ageism that's what that is. Is DeRosa a known ageist?

Ugh, moooom! I told you to stop going to my subreddits.

roasts by nobodies for nobodies, when's mine???

Are there going to be any funny people there?

Well it's for Fat Jay Oakerson, so no.


muh reddit drama!

fuck off

By real women you mean beat up old hags right

Big gay is a jew?

Ugh, moooom! I told you to stop going to my subreddits.

It's also a roast. I'm sure Ant will bring quick and razor sharp Anthony and not non-confrontational I need to work on my issues Anthony.

Has Joe denied the Holocaust or was that a joke I didn't get?