Nopie Collection Update

14  2015-05-18 by greygooser

I have recently come across more Nopie shows and wanted to update the collection. If you already have the original and just want the additional shows, download the "Nopie Addendum" (1.19 gb) The full, updated collection is now 5.2 gb.

These are the new shows included in the addendum: 2010- 3/1, 5/10, 5/11, 5/12, 5/13, 8/4, 11/19 2011- 5/23. 8/26

You may notice 8/26/2011 was already in the collection, but this is a better copy. The old one had a lot of choppy audio.

Also, I included two Nopie shows from just recently on O&J, 5/4 & 5/7. I haven't listened to them yet so I can't attest to the quality.

Finally, if anyone can provide additional dates of Nopie shows, please let me know and I'll add them in.

Nopie Addendum (1.19 gb)

Updated Nopie Collection (5.20 gb)

Old Thread


The highlights of the additional shows include:

Bob Kelly meeting Chip

a great (maybe my favorite) Otto appearance

a good Jay Mohr appearance,

and general uninterrupted chemistry between Ant & Jim.


Here are 5 shows you missed according to my notes:

2009-10-01-O&A CF64K.mp3

2010-05-21-O&A (TF) CF128K.mp3




Add those in and this looks pretty comprehensive.

Get a load of this guy doing something nice for other people. :D

God's work.

I find it funny how many of these shows have Joe DeRosa in it. Get one fag out of your life, but then another comes in.

I've enjoyed him though. He's clearly behind the regulars, but still decent enough. Far, far better than Opie.

these have been a revelation to my listening habits. The only downside of the Nopie shows have been Danny Ross on the mic. He is a weasel

To fully accentuate Sirius' 7 figure investment in The Psycho, someone should edit all the shows down to ONLY The Opester's contributions. I haven't seen that yet.

Awesome. Thank you sir.

Thank you

You're the best! Thank you so much


Quite the palate cleanser.

Thanks a ton man. Just out of curiosity - do you suspect that there are a decent number of shows still missing? Seems weird that there would be a decent amount between 2010-2013 but none before that. But I've been listening to XM archives and from their start in 2004 to May 2005 there have been none. I'll definitely let you know if I come across any though.

O&A used to hold the policy that if one of them was out, they'd both take off.

When they were taken off regular radio -- I don't want to say Opie gave up on the show, but he certainly gave less of a shit about the quality of it. So if one of them was out, who gives a fuck, have the other one phone it in.

Trouble is, when Opie was out, the Nopie shows were some of the best shows and Anthony gave extra effort because it was actually fun to be there.

Thats why Nopie shows are such a rare and wonderful treat.

vurry good. Thanks man
