Know how I know you're all full of shit?

0  2015-05-17 by [deleted]

Because you're not using your real names.

Q.E.D., shitheads.


I know you're not talkin bout me.

Because you listen to Coldplay?

You plant the seed, let it grow and then you fuck the plant.

I've had this name since I was 12, fuck off.

Its not cool to post on a message board about a dead radio show so I would never tie my name to it. But its not cool to fuck trannies or be a giant titted retard either so glass houses and all that (accomplished rock thrower).

Also I have bosses with internet access and some of you people are bat shit crazy.


Ya Muddas A Cunt!

I hope you realize the irony here...


Jokes on you...

You can Q.E.D-Deez nuhuuuts