As predicted, SJWs are losing their minds over the latest crime against humanity: Louis CK's SNL monologue

5  2015-05-17 by Roland1232


Are these people actually offended, or are they offended because they think they are supposed to be?

Reminds me of Burr's bit in his last special about Paula Deen, Donald Sterling and Duck Dynasty guy and how what they said was a product of the times in which they were raised and brainwashed so they end up saying it years later like the manchurian candidate and are perplexed by the outrage and look around and say "but that's what they told me. I thought I was a good boy."

Alot of young people today have been trained and brainwashed to unquestionably believe the basic tenets of the SJW Bible and to be outraged at anyone who doesn't follow the 10 white knight commandments. The irony is that the SJWs all despise religious people while being just as slavishly devout and religious as the Christians. They're just following a different Bible and religion but are too dumb to realize it. And too blind to realize they act just as insane as religious zealots in being offended by and in hounding anyone who does not worship at the holy SJW altar. As Norton said recently - kids today act like the 1950s government the 1960s hippie kids protested against. So when they hear a comedian tackle a controversial topic they don't look for the nuance or for the larger message of the joke. Instead they get outraged because someone once told them that shouldn't be discussed except from one point of view and only in the most tragic and solemn tone. They never realize that the absurdity of the joke can make you think more deeply about something like child molestation than being so damn literal and serious about it. For example, Burr's famous what are you a fag? bit. Burr is actually being an SJW with the joke who's saying homophobia is kinda dumb. But because he doesn't say that literally, I've seen retarded SJWs write articles criticizing Burr's lazy homophobia in the bit.

SJWs really either do not honestly understand English and the nuances one can place in speech and narrative, or just piss-blasted religious zealots as you pointed out. Each options are horrifying to live among as a normal, functioning human.

They just pretend to not understand context, that way any and everything is an offensive deliberate attack on their values whenever they want it to be

I also hear people say "SJW" isn't a real thing. I just don't understand people's view of the world.

Great points. It's so true that these SJW lefties are just as fundamentalist in their beliefs as any right wing Christian nutcase. Both two sides of the same coin.

Its the horseshoe theory of politics.

It seems lots of people just get a rise out of being offended. They actively look for it just to be angry at something. It's manufactured outrage and nothing more. Even worse is they think that them being offended somehow carries weight and is something other than whining. Sorry faggots but the world has zero reason to censor themselves just because you might get a hurt feeling

People in general take offense where none is intended.

This is part of it.

I think that most of it is an idealogical pissing match.

For instance, I went to Catholic school, and I noticed that a lot of people in school would get into pissing matches over who was the "most devout." People would make a real effort to demonstrate that they're were more dedicated to the cause than others.

SJWs are like that. They're constantly trying to demonstrate that they're somehow "purer" than their brethren, similar to how the people in my school were doing the same.

Of course they do. There are people who find sexual pleasure in being physically harmed. It's not outside the realm of possibility that there's a masochistic angle to this "OH MY GOD HE SAID WHAT????" shit.

Couch psychology: they feel empowered when they get someone canned and a bunch of whiners riled up, and they are the kind of people who feel powerless in all other regards.

Both. It's an addiction to outrage porn. They get off on it and then go seeking more and more obscure and trivial "offenses" as their senses inevitably dull because they're constantly jerking off. Just like us with our porn. We started with good old Playboy and now we need hidden cams in train station toilets to see girls shitting just to get off.

Whoever wrote that article should be fired. A collection of random tweets cherry-picked to support the agenda of the article that was clearly thought up before being written. Even the verified Twitter users in that thing are unknown & have barely any significant followers.

SNL & Louie knew that people would come out of the woodwork to call that bit offensive. Every week bloggers find something to write about SNL so they made their job easy this week. But it's all horseshit. SNL is 1 of the highest rated shows on all of NBC despite being on at 11:30 on a Saturday. They are untouchable.

I don't say this often, but that guy is a massive fucking faggot.

That tweet makes me never want to watch Amy's show.


2015-05-17 03:50 UTC

Worst #SNL opening sketch ever? Most pointless & unfunny monologue about racism & molestation ever? Switching to an #amyschumer rerun.

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If u read that guys timeline he seems to be more pissed off at the sketch beforehand with Hilary Clinton annoying people on summer vacation

Yeah but it mentions Gregg "Opie" Hughes. That still just makes me laugh to see that name in print. And the 'I'm gonna watch an Amy Schumer rerun' tweet is enraging. Are ya? Way to take a stand, guy.

"Yeah, that opening monologue just made me feel yucky. I think I'll just go to bed instead of watching the rest. — Joya Reusch Weinroth (@Joyadee) May 17, 2015"

I'm going to take a little time out of my day today and reflect on how lucky I am that I don't know this person or anyone like them in real life.

It's troubling to me how frequently I see grown adults use words like "yucky" and "gross."

I know what you mean. I run into these people from time to time. They are uptight self-centered perennial children.

Before twitter, we used to call people like this "cranks" and they were generally ignored. You know, the type of people who wrote angry typewritten letters to corporations and television stations all day instead of looking for a job. Now we have to listen to them because they have the ability to form mobs electronically to force everyone to be as miserable as they are.

That is great insight. The internet has really fused mob mentality with people that would normally not have any friends.

while someone else tweeted that her "heart aches for humanity" because of the monologue.

Good thing she's busy with American comedians rather than African female genital mutilation or ya know something that actually matters

You're just saying that because you're part of the patriarchy, man

No one will care by tomorrow. SJWs should be ignored. Ari Shaffir handled it perfectly. Just ignore them.

I dunno. I like Gavin McInnes' approach: mock them. Laugh in their face. When you take them seriously and apologize it's game over. But even ignoring them looks like you're too timid and it's like "silence is deafening!" to them. So throwing it back at them with an insult to boot is the way to go I think.

The reason that Gavin has the freedom to mock them is because Gavin made millions off of Vice.

Gavin has fuck-you money.

That's the thing that's so insidious about the SJW thought police: They definitely can ruin your life.

It's a real problem. In fact, I'd argue that the thought police have a greater effect on my life and yours than terrorists do. I am more likely to be killed by a lightning strike than killed by a terrorist, but SJWs get people fired on a weekly basis, and they're also perverting our civil rights.

Totally agree. I didn't know McInnes got FU money from Vice, though. Good for him then.

Yes, we should not allow ourselves to be bullied by people who pretend to be anti-bullies and pervert and deter moral causes. That's adding insult to injury and they are too intellectually lazy and compliant to even realize they are wrong.

The purpose of Newspeak was not only to provide a medium of expression for the world-view and mental habits proper to the devotees of Ingsoc, but to make all other modes of thought impossible. It was intended that when Newspeak had been adopted once and for all and Oldspeak forgotten, a heretical thought--that is, a thought diverging from the principles of Ingsoc--should be literally unthinkable, at least so far as thought is dependent on words. Its vocabulary was so constructed as to give exact and often very subtle expression to every meaning that a Party member could properly wish to express, while excluding all other meanings and also the possibility of arriving at them by indirect methods. This was done partly by the invention of new words, but chiefly by eliminating undesirable words and by stripping such words as remained of unorthodox meanings, and so far as possible of all secondary meanings whatever. To give a single example. The word FREE still existed in Newspeak, but it could only be used in such statements as 'This dog is free from lice' or 'This field is free from weeds'. It could not be used in its old sense of 'politically free' or 'intellectually free' since political and intellectual freedom no longer existed even as concepts, and were therefore of necessity nameless.

but half the people on here call Louie a SJW and say how lib and lame he has become. Should be interesting to how they spin this on here.

There was already another thread about this with people defending him.

People need to stop acting like they're "above" the sub by pointing out how hypocritical it is. We know this. People turn on a dime, they react differently to new information, people are human beings. That's what's funny. The only reason this place still survives is because of shit like this.

I'd say everyone here likes Louis CK, the reason they complain about him is when he does something they don't like. His last SNL monologue genuinely was some SJW-tier preachy fuckery. There are valid criticisms of his show and the direction it as gone over the past 2 seasons. Yeah he apologized to Sarah Palin when he met her in person for saying that she had a Chinese family living in her cunt, but he didn't apologize in the press and he didn't grovel at the Gawker conglomerate.

Nobody here discusses people they straight up dislike. I don't see a lot of Judy Gold threads in here.

How quickly this sub turns on people like Louie, Jimmy and even Ant is fucking hilarious to me; it makes me laugh every time. It's too funny to take seriously.

He apologized for calling her retarded kid a retard.

He went old school Louie and his current audience got upset. Pretty simple. He has embraced the world of self censored entertainment and he better remember that.

He isn't a SJW but he panders to them for more exposure and fame and now that he is on their radar there is no going back. And he has always leaned left. you can listen to his dicussions with Anthony and see that.

I don't think his audience got upset. Maybe a segment of SNL's audience got upset, cuz they didn't get their "catchphrase comedy" this week, but even that's debatable. According to the article, only like 6 people were upset

You don't have to spin it. I also think he's gotten soft over the last years but this is an example of him being good ol' Louie again. there's no doubt he's a brilliant comedian,I'm glad to see him at his best.

I don't understand people who have been shitting on him lately, he isn't going to just say outrageous stuff all the time just to be shocking, he is way to smart for that. He knows how to play the game that's why he is the top guy right now, for people to say he sold out or he has become a SJW is just plain ol bonkers(pardon my language)

it's not that I want him to say something outrageous just to be edgy it's that I don't want him to avoid saying something brutal when it's funny or adds to the tone of the joke just to be nice or sophisticated. Anyway that's not even the best example of why I think he changed a little but regarding his social views I don't think he's some SJW bitch either.

that gets harder the more famous a person gets,more eyes on you means more possible butthurts. Louie is making millions right now I'm sure he doesn't want to give that up yet. I think he is still one of the edgiest comedians out there, who else at his level gets away with the shit he does? He's only avoiding some stuff just so he can continue to do his comedy and become rich enough to buy a new bigger boat every year that he doesn't quite know how to drive, he would be a fool if he didn't.

yeah I guess in his position he has a different assessment of things. It's still good to hear him not giving a shit.

He has.

The thing is, when your audience is SJWs, you cannot please them.

It's like having an audience of rabid wolves. You might placate them temporarily, but sooner or later they're going to attack.

I'm convinced they don't even know what it is they're mad at most of the time, they are too busy trying to turn everything into a fucking revolution.

It's a way for powerless people to feel like they have control.

It's similar to how the agents at the airport have you under their control for a few short minutes, and you can tell that they get real pleasure out of hassling you.

You make more money than them, your life is better, but for that five minutes, they have complete and utter control over you.

They're a bunch of meanies. Because they have the emotional maturity of children.

Nothing more infuriating than a tweet with text like this:

Racism and child molestation? Really, Louis.

As if these are things that PG family comic Louis CK shouldn't dip so low to talk about. These retards have no idea that this is the root of all his best humor, and if they think he's above talking about it it's because they've only become exposed to Louie through things like SNL monologues which give him enough mainstream exposure for him to have water down his act so these sensitive little cunts don't cry as if he's suddenly crossed a line when he tells a joke he first made fucking years ago.

"We're very disappointed in him".

Stupid libs attacking a smart lib because they can't follow his multi-layered humor. And he offends their fragile sensibilities.

Pretty much.


So his own fanbase turned on him?

Sounds familiar.

I guess he finally went too far for the fat girls, gays, and lactating mothers.

"Hey fatty! I've got a movie for ya: A Fridge Too Far!"

The worst comment is this one:

Those defending the #LouisCK monologue on @nbcsnl are either predators themselves, or victims of sexual abuse. My heart aches for humanity.

Louie was hilarious. That comment about his monologue is actually the most offensive thing I've ever seen in my entire life. Child abusers are the butt of the is at their expense. To say that people who understand the nuance of humor must either be abusers themselves....or victims?? And why lump them into the same category? And if the victims are laughing, why does your opinion matter? The joke is makes fun of their vampiric need to feed on kids. This comment, employs a this kind of broken logic which is pervasive, and one which boggles my mind. This is constant. It is intolerable.

And it's NOT pointless. It's uncomfortable, but it's not pointless. It actually makes a point which isn't made often on the 2nd topic, and a basic point about the first. One is that people still distinguish things based on race, like the black ladies at the pizza place. The other is that child molesters have a need themselves which is so strong that it causes them to ignore the instincts of self-preservation. It is a real point, and an important one, and anyone who ignores this is a psuedo-intellectual fraud.

bang on

and by that i mean continue fucking children, you RASICT child molester!!!! (im fucking kidding calm down)

Glad to see that his monologue took some direct cues from his O&A appearances:

The absolute worst type of "journalism" is this. Make a claim, cite a few twitter users, and print.

wow, people are offended, its the EXACT same type of comedy he's been doing for years, like everything about it, its good too, hes funny, this has to be more media hype than anything

Nah the winds change fast in the industry, it was his time to go. Everyone thought he was being ironic and shit

Ah yes, more indignant 'outrage' over petty PC issues. It continues to amaze me how people can work themselves up into a froth over what comics say on stage. The youtube video has approximately 1000 likes to 100 dislikes as of right now, and most of the top comments are positive. It seems like again the people who are complaining are the vocal minority.

Child molesting isn't exactly a PC issue, you fucking dunce.

This isn't about actual child molestation you ass, this about a joke Louis did on SNL that addressed child molestation. People getting offended by jokes about taboo subjects is a political correctness issue.

Ah yes, more indignant 'outrage' over petty PC issues.

Read your comment that I replied to, then read my comment, and then understand what a retard you are.

They're upset about jokes about child molestation, 'petty PC issues' was a bit ambiguous, perhaps I should have wrote 'politically incorrect jokes'. I wasn't referring to actual child molestation, because that's not what this is about. The 'outrage' is over what Louis said in his SNL monologue.

It's funny, I don't think many people are actually upset. The world isn't as PC as certain media outlets would have us believe.

I agree with you, I think it's the vocal minority that's upset, and part of the reason they're 'vocal' is due to how the media covers these sort of things. Do you understand where I'm coming from though? I wasn't referring to actual child molestation in my original comment, my phrasing was somewhat ambiguous and perhaps I should have clarified it better. I meant people getting upset over jokes concerning things like child molestation.

Yeah, I completely get where you're coming from and agree with you. There's an anti-SJW group on this sub that is exactly as retarded as the SJW's the rail against. I thought that was the perspective you were coming from, and jumped to an incorrect conclusion.

No worries, I think we've all done that at some point on here. I know the contingent you're speaking of, and there are certainly loons on both sides.

Don't you faggots constantly pretend that Louis is a SJW?

God, the monologue is so tame. It's like PG-13 crap. Is it just bloggers who are sensitive because I hope the general public isn't like this.

Wasn't offensive at all. The pedo shit was funnier than most of his recent material, but I guess it wasn't punching up, so a bunch of butt hurt faggots have to wine on the internet about how offended they are. I hope all of their children are fucked to death by big black dick pedophiles.

This is the typical, find 5 angry tweets about something and then write an article saying "people are outraged". This is the go-to tactic of every hack writer.



We really are a country of pussies just drop napalm on all of us we deserve it I'm rooting for Isis at this point

atleast he was funnier then hes been in a while

oh wait I just watched this shit.

Louis Ck just called Israel a bully on NBC in America. I get why he is getting some backlash, it has nothing do to with any racist or pedo shit. That was the thing that pissed people off. Calling israel anything but a absolute fucking victim. Ugh America you really are finished as a country

Most of the tweets shown are by political "experts" like Ken Rudin, who is a zionist piece of shit. GG

I really didn't expect Opie to get mentioned in this article

It's amazing really that this sort of shit hasn't happened sooner concerning something Louie has said. We all know through listening to hours of him on OnA that he is that guy...and he's hilarious as a result of that.


TL; DR: Louis did SNL again, I'll have to actually watch it

I love how Louis wants absolutely nothing to do with heart attack. I hope he adds some Xanax jokes to his next set


Good. You abandoned your fans for more fame and now the people that you embraced are turning on you. Enjoy your new life and audience.

How did he abandon his fans?

& how are they turning on him? The article was about 6 tweets

I don't understand people who have been shitting on him lately, he isn't going to just say outrageous stuff all the time just to be shocking, he is way to smart for that. He knows how to play the game that's why he is the top guy right now, for people to say he sold out or he has become a SJW is just plain ol bonkers(pardon my language)