The death of Jim Norton

0  2015-05-17 by StopApologizingUSA

Love Prime Time Sam Roberts or hate him, he was the buffer and last source of comedic relief for jimmy when Anthony got fired. Now that he's leaving (by the way where is he going?) Jimmy has no one in there to bounce off of. He's too loyal a guy to quit on Opie. So I think he will do the only logical thing and take his own life


A month or two a go they did over a week of radio without Sam. It was great. Jim was great. He did characters.

Sam is actually not that great interacting with Jim's characters. He overdoes, it feels forced, just like every other thing Sam does.

Raising him to a pedestal now that he is "leaving" and thinking Sam's banal mediocrity is crucial to the show or that he is irreplaceable is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard.

Except he won't.

(Sam Roberts is getting his own show on the Opie Radio channel; Weekdays, 12-3)