I thought they were going to hire a comic?

0  2015-05-16 by JimLahey330

Ok so I haven't had Sirius for a couple months now and unfortunately can't listen to the show daily anymore so forgive me if I seem like an uninformed retard (which I am). After Ant was fired, I thought I remembered hearing something about how they were trying to bring on a #3 man to host the show, so it would be Opie, Jimmy, and a third comic on every day? There was a point when Sherrod, Soder, Florentine, and a select few other comics were coming on very often and I thought it was because Opie and Jim/Sirius were trying to figure out who they wanted to give the #3 spot to. Was I wrong in thinking that at one point in time the goal was to hire a new comedian such as Soder or Florentine to be on every day? It blows me away when I think about how the show would be received so much better than it is now if they just brought on a 3rd host that predominately all O&J fans love, i.e Sherrod, Soder, Florentine, Bob Kelly, Ron, etc etc.


Fuck off, Lahey.

every fucking day..


Shit Storm

fuck off, you mentally ill drug addict. your brain is broken.

Can this troll be any more obvious?

Is that you or the liquor talking Mr. Lahey?

It sounds like they want to, but they aren't gonna pay shit. When sherrod was in, it seemed like they tried working out a deal for him. Or I could be a gossipy old queen.

he sucks #notfunny #affirmativeunfunnyness

They have no intention of bringing in a third host.


I'm sorry you're unhappy with life, please don't take it out on people on the internet

EDIT: Jesus you really made a new account just to say that? If you're gonna put that much effort into it at least make it funny and more insulting. You could have said like, "Go steal some pills out of your dying grandmother's purse you junkie piece of shit I hope you overdose and die"