This place...

0  2015-05-15 by maynardsabeast

With all due respect, you guys seem to not realize that this sub is an extremely small portion of O&A fans, and seems to breed all the most negative ones. You guys act like just cuz you and like 100 other people listen to the show everyday and shit on it, and nit pick every little thing you can find, that this is actually a widespread and popular belief. It's not.


Fair enough. Go tweet Opie about how much you love the new direction show if this sub isn't for you. Or, shut the fuck up, and enjoy it like the rest of us.

Where's the site where all the people still enjoying the show post? That vast majority.

You're right. Most O&A fans I know are really nice and well adjusted people and not psychopaths who survive by eating skin flakes and licking condensation off of metal pipes.

Oh wait. Cynical show attracts cynical fanbase.

...survive by eating skin flakes and licking condensation off of metal pipes.

Fuckin' starvin'.

Haha I thoroughly enjoyed your description

If 98 percent of the people on this sub and Wackbag hate Opie and thinks the show sucks, pretty sure the majority of people do then.

Make sure you tell Opie hi on twitter.



The thing is, we have no way of quantifying who is listening to Sloth and the Paycheck's Morning Zoo but we do know this place has 11,000 subscribers and at least 100 people who dislike the show enough to regularly "Jocktober" it via posts here. The show show has a hate site and no comparable site for people who actually like it.

Ok terrific. Faggot.

You're like the craziest dude on here, I hope no one has to cross paths with you when you're in a bad mood, all badass with your doc martens and shaved head. Your stormfront/punk rock persona is really tough

That's actually pretty funny

I believe your the guy who constantly attempts to bash me for watching wrestling, so I'm not sure if you're trying to mock me right now for watching wrestling, or legitimately enjoyed my awesome post bashing the new breed of cunty wrestling fans. But whatever angle your coming at me for it, I stand by my love for the sport of pro mother fucking wrestling

I R not that guy, but yeah it speaks alot to your intellect.

Pretty sure u r that guy, but yeah, whatever

Not following

just a silly picture, im sure we disagree, i dont feel like being a dick anymore, have a good week dude.

For the record I've never tweeted Opie about how much I "love the show" but the fact that you guys acknowledge a lot of people do that kinda proves my point

no your point is retarded where are all the OPIE fAns? the reason it seems like there is a lot on Twitter is because he blocks everyone who hates on him


I'm pretty damn certain that an overwhelming majority of the fans of the show do not go on reddit. I'm also pretty sure that 75% of the people who obsessively bash him and mull over his every word also listen to the show daily. Basixaly what I'm saying is that this OPIE radio show puts up some numbaaaz and viral spiral is all about it.

I don't listen. actually there was a thread a while back where someone said Opie apologized and everyone believed it showing most of this sub at the time didn't listen to the show