Gawker is basically accusing Louis CK of sexually assaulting female comedians

97  2015-05-15 by [deleted]


An unnamed source told me that the writer of this article, Jordan Sargent, likes to fuck little boys in the ass.

I've seen pictures (but, I too wish to remain unnamed) of Jordan Sargent sticking his dick into a passed out woman. He was laughing like it was all great. What a perverted rapist Jordan Sargent is.

I asked him (Jordan Sargent) to stop fucking little boys in the ass in an email. He then asked to talk on the phone. I agreed to speak to this kid fucker.

Throughout the conversation he kept saying "mehhh stop making up lies about me" but I knew what he really meant was "how did you know I fuck little boys, who tattled?!?!" So that's pretty much proof...

Then I spoke to several little boys (who wish to remain unnamed because if you knew who they were we would be held accountable and then exposed) that confirmed Jordan Sargent sodomized them.

That's proof that multiple people asked him to stop, what a monster.

Everything you've heard is true - I'm a little boy and Jordan Sargent fucked me in the ass. He came in my ass and my mouth and said he would kill me if I told anyone. But I'm not scared anymore. Jordan Sargent can't just go around fucking and threatening children.

Did you guys take some pictures to remember the day you spilled the paint?

I'm the President of the United states and I have it on good authority that Jordan Sargent has raped little boys all around the world.

Martha Stewart here, Jordan Sargent like to clamp his nipples and sandusky little boys on weekends. Trust me

Isn't Jordan Sargent the same guy who wrote the article about how if a minority youth snatches your phone/purse/wallet you should just let them get away with it and not call the police?

Isn't Jordan Sargent the same guy


please get that spreading on twitter

I did my part. So far he has not commented back. What does he have to hide?

We need to get Jesse Ventura on this conspiracy right away


Jordan Sargent raped and murdered a young girl in 1991. We have no means of verifying Corvus_Monedula's claims directly

Jordan sargent is Glenn Beck! We're through the looking, glass people!

That's vulgar.

"We had no means of verifying Jason’s claims directly."

That used to mean you didn't have a story, and for good reason.

Oh no, it's better to fill in the factual gaps with fantasy and lore. It gets more adclick revenue.

He's soliciting commenters to email him. So basically throwing something against the wall and seeing if it's sticks. Waiting to hear if he ends up in Hannibal Burress' routine, then we'll know it's true.

How many people read Gawker? He's going to get more random people sending in random bullshit and post that as well.

At what point does saying "We don't have proof but this guy was alleged by an anonymous source to have raped another anonymous person." become criminal.

You have to have evidence or something before trying to tear some ones life apart for the clicks.

"We can't back this guy up...But we heard other anonymous rumors from anonymous people who heard third hand stories."

Gawker stinks.

That's exactly what I thought.

Louis really shouldn't stand for that. He has to sue. Will the legal system UB the states allow for it? I know you have the first amendment so not sure how it works for libel.

It's possible but definitely made more difficult in the U.S. if you're considered a public figure.

Also, because many people are dumb, a celebrity fighting allegations can actually serve to make said people think there could be truth to them. And distribute mention of the allegations to a wider audience over a longer period of time because a suit makes the situation more newsworthy to more popular news outlets.

Louis CK held me down in front of my family and raped me. It was terrible. I wish to stay unnamed in this case, but it really did happen. You don't have proof that it didn't and I'm a victim so you can't question me or you're an asshole or a rape apologist.

I was at a Louis CK show and he came out late, drunk and started talking about little white dicks. I was like, wtf, but the crowd started cheering loudly when he mentioned he brought a BBC for every white girl in the audience. The crowd frothed into a frenzy as they single handedly executed every white male before proclaiming that the interracial breeding grounds were now open.

I sent this tip to Jordan and he says he's going to retract this article and buy a ticket to his show.

Louie fisted my mouth and ass at the same time, against my will.

Wow, he's more nimble than I would've expected.

That image belongs in a Saw movie. Maybe he was just trying to work his back out? I hope he bent at the knees to stretch you

Please don't be cissexist or ableist. Gender binary.

We should all do this. Louis made me watch him jerk off in front of two chubby girls.

We'll just call you Jason.

i just wanted to post that its 315am and im lying down on the couch reading reddit on my phone. .. alllll by myself..... i dont normally REALLY LOL, but after thinking about how you could prohably never look your family in the eye ever again., hahhaahh goddamn i squealed like a pig. OH, THE SHAME!

go to bed doofus

shit, pal, alarm is set to go off in 18 min. its too late... i am boned.

So basically. Some pansy autistic emailed him to say he was disappointed in him that he sexual assulted people. Louis called to asked what he heard, quite rightly, and never phoned backed.

Gawker then finds it outrageous that comedians take their dicks out publically...

Then goes on to say that a rumor that he took his dick out to 2 women who went to his hotel room after a gig... What were they expecting? A talk about his new show?

Fuck Gawker.

I wonder how shocked they would be at Jay Mohr randomly stripping down backstage for laughs.

Ripping off Louis CK. Nice, Jay. Real nice.

Hoo Hoo Robin

Pansy autistic? I say failed comic.

On a venn diagram there's a lot of overlap.

Any chance those 2 women could be his daughters?

I dunno; after reading this, I kinda respect Louis for jerking off at the dinner table.

I'm with you on this. The thought of Louis just whipping it out and jacking off is hilarious.

I saw Louie's dick on "Lucky Louie." That thing ain't raping anyone.

I wouldn't get that out in front of people if they had bought tickets.

Holy shit. How the fuck does Gawker not get their balls sued off for libel and defamation of character here?? They admit that can't substantiate a SINGLE fucking thing about this story, but still felt good enough to run it?

They are being sued by a lot of people, including Hulk Hogan for publishing his sex tape.

From what I understand, they make more money from adclicks than they lose from lawsuits. I have no source for this, but it sounds good.

Your standards are about the same as Gawker then.

It's because the standard to successfully bring a Libel suit is REALLY high in this country. That's why celebrities like Travolta and Tom Cruise almost always sue British tabloids instead of American ones.

Basically, you'd have to prove that Gawker intentionally published something they knew to be untrue, with the express intent of dragging CK's name through the mud. It'd be like proving Zimmerman ended up shooting Trayvon because he did, in fact, have racist thoughts going through his mind that evening.

So in the event this all turns out to be 100% BS, Gawker can simply go "gee-willickers, we're sure sorry we goofed on this one, but we only were reporting the information we had at the time" (even if it was based on anonymous and mainly secondhand sources). Intentional defamation of character is illegal, shitty/sensationalist/lazy journalism is not.

Think that would of been a loophole closed by now, like the way louis cock closes innocent females cunts.

Well, they admit they didn't verify any of the claims and put them on a website named "Defamer." It seems like CK's got a good case here.

Intuitively you might think so, but that actually helps shore up Gawker's defense. "We were just reporting on the rumor; we didn't say it was true." That's why the word "allegedly" get bandied about so much whenever there's a crime story. CYA.

Admitting that you have no idea if it's true goes a long way in preventing libel lawsuits. The first proof of libel is whether or not you published something untrue as fact.

aint they the first one to post that tom cruise going nuts video? thats how they made their name



holy shit, the people are commenting on this like its a factual news story. What a bunch off ding dongs.


Why is it so cool to be a victim in today's culture?

Because you get people feeling sorry for you and huggles from strangers on the internet to supplant the ones missing from mommy and daddy in childhood.

It's sort of like adult baby fetish except more emotional and it's like the female equivalent.

I fucking hate it. It's not only damaging to creativity in that it makes creative people cuckolded by their own self-preservation, but it also scares the next generation of would-be entertainers from saying anything that isn't double plus fucking good. I hate what the West is becoming.

It's like how in Soviet Russia people felt like they were a player in the system if they rat out their neighbors. They like the system, they want to be rats, they don't have time to verify shit.

they don't have time to verify shit.

More importantly they don't even need to. Guilty until proven innocent, but by then the rumor is already out there.

Because Marxists infiltrated the academic system, and we now have a generation of young people who aren't aware that what they were taught in school is wrong.

I've traveled in eastern Europe and they'd never stand for this shit - they lived through it's consequences and they know where this is headed.

Because it's not so cool to have men randomly jerk off in front of you.

Speak for yourself.

I think there's some truth to it like asking if he could whip his dick out in a hotel room, and there's nothing wrong with that. And then they tack on stuff like blocking the door and rape attempts, which only sound believable because he wrote about those things for his show.

Low information readers will readily believe anything.

Who brought the wet blanket?

Louie. It's wet with his cum from when he randomly jerked off in front of women who didn't want him to.

selfishness is never cool

Yes, their evidence is an "unnamed source" who claims that Louis CK (the most famous comedian in the world right now) whipped his dick out in front of a crowded room... and nobody took there phone out to record it.


There is less evidence than the Rolling Stone UVA hoax, but these idiot Gawkerfags ran with it to get some quick adclicks. They have absolutely no shame.

Louis CK is a long way away from being the most famous comedian in the world.

Hi, Joe DeRosa. You're not more famous than Louie, sorry pal.

Define "long way", and tell us who exactly would be ahead of him

I meant "long way" as in definitely not number 1, rather than him being miles down the list. Chris Rock, Mike Bocchetti and Jerry Seinfeld are definitely more famous than Louis CK for example.

Mike Bocchetti

How does he fit in this list at all?

Do you live under a rock?

No, but I have never in my life heard anybody say Mike Bocchetti is one of the most famous comedians. Chris Rock and Jerry Seinfeld are household names. Ask nearly anybody and they'll be able to tell you who they are. Mike Bocchetti is nowhere near as famous as them.

That's the fucking joke you dope.

Mike Bocchetti

I legitimately don't even know who this is.

It's a joke you dumb fuck.

Nice copout.

You think that I was including Mike Bochetti; the bumbling, overweight fool that occasionally does the Opie and Anthony show when he's not playing in front of at most a few dozen people in who gives a fuck clubs in America as one of the 3 most famous comedians in the world as a serious answer??

Please tell me you didn't think that. If you did then I seriously worry about you.

You're unselling Bochetti, he also starred in the anti-bullying web series 'TubbyMan'.

I'm not sure about Rock internationally, have never heard of the second guy, and Seinfeld...well, yeah, of course

Well I'm from the UK and Louis CK isn't very well known here, he is definitely not as famous as Chris Rock.

The actual answer for most famous in the world might be Russell Peters.

Russell Peters? That is a VERY UK answer. The actual #1 most famous guy is Seinfeld

It's not a very UK answer. It's a very South Asia, Middle-East, North Africa answer. I don't know if you realise but those areas are quite well populated.

I do...but Peters is British, no?



He's Canadian. Though his dad is from the UK IIRC.

Did he grow up in Canada or no

He grew up in Canada.


Russell Peters are you kidding me? Non comedy fans know who Louie, Seinfeld, and Chris Rock are. Only you limey bastards know who Russell Peters is.

Peters has cornered the comedy market on Asians and minorities in general. That fucker can sell out a third-world auditorium like nobody's business.

His act is so cringey for white people.

He's not that well known in the UK. He is very popular in Asia though. I'm guessing you're a Yank so you probably haven't heard of it. Do some reading.

What do 9 out of 10 people enjoy?

Louis CK's delightful stand up comedy!

You should write for SNL.

Moral of the story: Stanhope is awesome.

It'd be funny if Louis got crushed by the same awful cunts who are his fans now, but it can't happen. This story's bullshitty but even if it weren't he's got a pass like a Kennedy.

I hope he's taking advantage of that and raping hundreds of women.

That was my favorite part of the article. The writer as such a hard on to cause damage to Louis that he doesn't realize Stanhope's sense of humor.

Probably he just pretends not to, knowing the retards who read that shit will eat it up as long as that's the direction they're being aimed at.

Doug Stanhope > Bill Hicks

That's a bit unnecessary, why drag Hicks into it instead of just complimenting Stanhope?

It's an absolute fucking shame that Louie didn't end up making this season of Louie about Stanhope's character that he wrote while he was high.

couldn't agree more.

I just sent Jordan Sargent a picture of my dick.

He replied very quickliy.

On Saturday, May 15 Jordan Sargent wrote


Sent from my iPhone

Has this really been written on a strand called 'Defamer'?

Literally a website telling you its intentionally slandering in its title

But the comedian stood in front of the door, blocking their way with his body, until he was done.

HAHAHAHAH. That's fucking gold.

I hope this happened.

If only his so-called comedy show had zany hijinks like that.

he really does want to be Woody Allen

Bunch of no life cunts with nothing to do but to go on these ridiculous, baseless crusades. Gawker has always been complete trash.

I imagine the owner, Nick Denton, would've wanted them to vet the story but he was to busy scraping cum off his legs, back, and neck.


An anonymous Titster?

Has to be Opie, Lou probably grabbed his boobs.

Hannibal Buress must be working on new material as we speak.

Fuck this Jordan sargent guy. Fuck him in his mouth and anus. I read the other articles he has written. His kind needs to be eradicated from society. Unethical hack journalist cunt.can we not rally together some kind of lynch mob and attempt to ruin his life with some unsubstantiated claims? Fuck moral high ground, I want these people to be exterminated.

Considering the writer of this story is trying to get sources from the comment section, I'm going to consider this everyday gawker bullshit.

It'd be a shame if fake commenters emailed him wacky stories that turned out to be jokes

How fucking craven is that shit?

Comment: "Yah i heard something similar frm a frind of mine, cant watch the show anymore" Sgt. Cummy Fingers: "Wanna email me?"

Comment: "I heard these rumors a few years ago from a comic friend" Dickless McCantWrite: "Wanna email me?"

Comment: "I'm a comdian and Ive heard these rumors for years"' ShouldGetCancer Von ValuelessHumanBeing: "Wanna email me?"

Come to think of it, this is exactly the way they got Ant. They didn't do "reporting" or "journalism," that appallingly ugly Asiatic pole-smoker was so low in the Gawker pecking order that he had to work 4th of July weekend. Then, someone tells him Ant is blowing up racially on Twitter. Then, he just sourced the rest of his "story" from his own comments sections of one disgruntled O&A or Howard fan telling him all the un-PC things Ant had done/said over the years.

I wish I could call them "Yellow Journalists" but that has weight and historical precedence. This is Craven Journalism. Fucking TMZ wouldn't report something this unverified.

I hope Louis sues the shit out of them. Where is the proof of any of this? Just a bunch of heresay.

They'd love his story about breaking into his neighbors home and jacking off into a pair of panties.

Or the one about buying a trumpet and then jerking-off on the trumpet case.

Or the story he told on OnA about showing his dick to a retarded girl. Things are starting to add up for everyone's favorite Mexican.

Things are starting to add up for everyone's favorite Mexican.

what does what happened to George Zimmerman have to do with any of this?

Ah the old reddit spic-a-roo. Vurry good!

Lol what is this one? I know the jacking off into neighbors' panties story but this doesn't ring a bell.

I've never heard that, it's a great story.

Wasn't that in The Tree Of Life?

I've never seen the movie.

What's this story? Don't think I've heard this one.

I'm not sure what show it was on, but he pretty much said that he broke into his neighbors and jerked off into her dirty underwear. I'd link it if I could find it, but I'm rather lazy.

And whether this is factual or not, and the evidence doesn't support guilt from what I see, it's going to be factual in a lot of people's eyes from now on.

Jimmy ranted a lot about a lot of stuff but he was 1000000% right about these goddamn tattle sites. Fuck Gawker and all their brethren.

Jimmy ranted a lot about a lot of stuff but he was 1000000% right about these goddamn tattle sites.

Good thing he works for a show that promotes those sites on a daily basis.

Clickhole gets the big plug today

Stuff like this is the death of western culture. Oh no not the peenus! Princess is triggered! :(

I really thought you were referring to the clickbait and gossippy nature of this "journalism". But, no. You think that women getting upset about men jerking off in front of them is the death of western culture. Oh.

eeek! dicks!

Joey Diaz has been pulling his cock and balls out on stage for decades. Life went on with no outrage. This is a thing of today.

I forget his name but I was at a show once where the MC ran out on stage naked, did Helicopter Dick then introduced the next act. It was in England if that helps set the scene.

Shut up, faggot.

Saying people shouldn't pull their cocks out and masturbate in front of people is the death of western culture?

No, but women need to lighten up a little. A guy flashing his dick to you is not assault.

First of all, yes it is sexual assault, and second of all, the article didn't allege he flashed his dick, it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

Not that this story is particularly credible, but just to pretend it is, downplaying it is stupid and you're a fucking retard for doing it.

the article didn't allege he flashed his dick,

All of this is alleged until it is proven. There is no substantial proof, it's heresay as of now.

All of this is alleged until it is proven. There is no substantial proof,

Yeah, that's why I used the word "allege" know, in the part where you fucking quoted me using the word "allege". And then I reiterated that there wasn't any credible proof to the story. Dipshit.

You stated they didn't allege, but they said. I was just clarifying that this is all alleged at this point in time. If that's not what you meant your phrasing was awkward. Lighten up champ.

You quoted me using the word allege when you posted to insist that they were allegations. Read what you wrote again.

You stated the article 'didn't allege'

the article didn't allege he flashed his dick, it said...

If you wanted to distinguish between two allegations you should have used alleged the second time instead of 'said' to clarify what you meant. By stating the article 'didn't allege' it came off as if you were dismissing the fact that everything up until this point is alleged.

"Said" and "allege" were being used interchangeably, because alleging something and saying someone did something is the exact same thing. The only reason I used the word 'allege' at all in the first place was to stress that this is just one guy and no one's confirmed anything.

No, they are not the same thing and should not be used interchangeably.


claim or assert that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically without proof that this is the case.


used in legal language or humorously to refer to someone or something already mentioned or named.

The legal 'Said' expanded on

Mentioned earlier. Frequently used in contracts and other legal documents, with the same force as aforesaid.

a reference back to a thing that was previously mentioned or identified, popular in legal documents, as "the said driver drove said automobile in a negligent manner."

I'm not trying to be a semantics jizzbag, I'm just explaining why I interpreted your comment the way that I did and why I clarified that everything is alleged at this point. If that's what you meant in your original statement your phrasing was odd, meaning you should have used 'alleged' instead of 'said'.

To say someone did something is to allege it. Hence, "claim or assert" - also known as "saying".

This really isn't worth discussing, I just demonstrated that the two have different definitions and are not equivalent. You stating the article 'didn't allege' in your original comment, followed by 'it said' was awkward and muddled what you were trying to say, it appeared as if you were dismissing alleged.

Allege=/=said. When you say something was 'said' you are referring to something that has been stated previously or elsewhere. This is not equivalent to alleging something, or claiming that someone did something wrong or illegal without proof. Read the definitions. Good talk.

I didn't repeat the word "allege" because it's bad form to use the same word over and over again. It's boring to read and awkward.

say 1. utter words so as to convey information, an opinion, a feeling or intention, or an instruction.

Such as to allege. Guess that means I win. Good talk, little buddy.

That is not equivalent to allege, hence why they are separate words and have different definitions. Moreover, say is not even equivalent to said. If you want to convey that someone is being accused of wrongdoing but there is no proof you use allege, not said. The same way 'feminist' and 'SJW' are not equivalent. Your problem seems to be equating words with broad definitions to ones with specific definitions. It has nothing to do with 'bad form', it's about using words correctly.

You don't seem to understand how language works. The word say means "to convey information". An allegation is a type of information. Thus, to say can mean to convey an allegation. Now please, learn how to read.

You did not establish that the content in the article was alleged by using ‘said’, you simply reiterated what was in the article, which is not equivalent to ‘allegedly’. If ‘alleged’ and ‘said’ can be used interchangeably why do novels always use ‘said’ unless something is actually being alleged? You seem dense, so I will simplify it for you.

Molly said it rained last Thursday.

Molly alleged it rained last Thursday.

The meanings of these two statements are completely different. Said is simply a statement, while alleged establishes that there is no proof associated with the claim. Hence why these two are not equivalent.

To further illustrate that the two cannot be used interchangeably like you claimed, I give you excerpts from Of Mice and Men replacing ‘said’ with ‘alleged’

“I forgot,” Lennie alleged softly.

“Ain’t a thing in my pocket,” Lennie alleged cleverly.

“Give it here!” alleged George.

Alleged cannot be used properly here because nothing is being alleged. Conversely, you cannot use ‘said’ when something is being alleged because the denotations of the words are different. To maintain otherwise is either intellectually dishonest or willfully ignorant.

And for good measure:


facts provided or learned about something or someone.


a claim or assertion that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically one made without proof


evidence or argument establishing or helping to establish a fact or the truth of a statement.

Since there is no proof associated with an allegation there are no definitive facts, and since there are no definitive facts an allegation cannot properly be deemed information because nothing has been established as of yet. This is why it's called an 'allegation' and why 'said' is simply a statement while 'alleged' establishes that there is an accusation being made without any evidence. Therefore, they cannot be used interchangeably.

An allegation by definition cannot properly be said to be a type of information.

typically one made without proof

This doesn't mean there HAS to be no proof, it means there USUALLY isn't proof. I didn't say "allege" and "say" are the same word - I said in the context of my sentence they were correctly being used interchangeably.

Look dude, I win. Learn how to read. I've already explained to you why you're wrong, and you aren't able to understand it, so I'm done with you. I can't win an argument with someone who's either stupid or arguing in bad faith.

This doesn't mean there HAS to be no proof, it means there USUALLY isn't proof.

That's not the context of this article. In this case there is NO proof, so you needed to use allege, there is NO information being conveyed in the article. A baseless accusation is NOT a type of information. I simplified this for you as much as I possibly could. You can't 'win' because you are wrong, "said" in and of itself has none of the connotations you're associating with it. I just demonstrated how the words are different and the correct contexts to use them in. You're bad at words and constructing logical arguments.

No, I did win because I'm right, and you're bad at not being a faggot.

Nope, said=/=alleged. I'm sorry, you're wrong. You claimed that an allegation was a type of information, when it clearly is not in this case. You should read more.

Actually, it is. I win, you lose, I'm smart, you're stupid. Too bad.

I thought you were 'done with me' though? It seems you're too petty to let anything go. You also argue like a pre adolescent, "I'm right you're wrong and a faggot". It doesn't help your case, it just makes you look like an ass. I will simplify the point again in hopes that you may grasp it with your limited mental capacity.

If you want to simply recount what was written in an article 'said' is passable.

The article said that the Boston bomber would be sentenced to death.

The article alleged that the Boston bomber would be sentenced to death.

Alleged is incorrect in this instance because all that is being shared is what was stated in the article.

In your case, however.

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture.

It does when in the previous clause of the sentence I did use the word allege. The context carries over. I win, you lose. I'm smart, you're stupid. You're lame, I'm super cool.

More 12 year old babble. See how much more structured and detailed my posts are than yours? That's because I have a substantial argument and am more articulate than you. Said=/=alleged, they are two different words with two different meanings. You stated "didn't allege" followed by "said", you needed to use allege to re-establish that your following statement was being alleged by the article. When you used 'said' all you did was re-iterate what the article stated, you did not denote that it was alleged by using 'said', which is why I clarified. You're never done because you are weak willed and can't walk away from an internet argument. I look forward to your next response.

That's because I have a substantial argument and am more articulate than you.

No, it's because I don't have the time to write text walls to retards after I've already won the argument. I'm smart, you're stupid. Too bad. :(

A weak cop out, you're still responding even after you said you were done. You don't have a legitimate argument and cannot elaborate on it any further. Said=/=alleged, to maintain otherwise is either willfully ignorant or intellectually dishonest. Anyone who feels compelled to write "I'm smart" is clearly not, you seem to be more in the vein of verysmart. How does 'said' establish that an accusation is being made devoid of evidence/proof? Oh wait, it doesn't. Sorry, read more, use words properly. You also argued that feminist was the same thing as SJW. You are clearly a dolt that doesn't understand words. Please keep replying even though you don't have time to. That extra three minutes it would take to craft a legitimate response is simply too much for someone of your menial mental capacity.

You also argued that feminist was the same thing as SJW.

People use the terms interchangeably now. For the purposes of reddit, there is basically no difference. They're both boogeymen.

Already crafted a response and proved you wrong. I proved that you're stupid, and I proved that I'm smart. I proved that you suck, and I proved that I'm super sweet.

Please keep coming with the textwalls. It's fun to toy with you.

No they don't you horse's ass, they are two completely different things. Feminists have existed far longer than SJW's and there is legitimate methodology to actual feminism. It's clear you don't understand how to properly use words. You didn't prove anything and you're not toying with you're too butthurt to leave the conversation even though you want to. You said you were done but yet you're still here. You call my posts 'walls of text' but they take minimal effort for me to write. You must not read books if you think my internet posts are extensive.

Alleged=/=said, you argue like a middle schooler and have only embarrassed yourself with your juvenile behavior. You are clearly not smart, you are verysmart.


claim or assert that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically without proof that this is the case.


used in legal language or humorously to refer to someone or something already mentioned or named.

The legal 'Said' expanded on

Mentioned earlier. Frequently used in contracts and other legal documents, with the same force as aforesaid. a reference back to a thing that was previously mentioned or identified, popular in legal documents, as "the said driver drove said automobile in a negligent manner."

You're wrong, didn't prove anything, I've refuted all of your points with definitions, examples, and reasoning. Please read more.

I'm done with you.

I eagerly await your next response.

Man, you took a lot of time to write that - even though all it did was further prove my point, and prove that you're stupid and that I am, in fact, super smart. Too bad :(

Man, you took a lot of time to write that

You have no way of knowing how long it took me to write anything. You're grasping for straws. I'm a fast typer, it doesn't take me long to write responses. You wanted to leave but you couldn't because you're butthurt. You didn't prove anything, feminist isn't equivalent to SJW the same way said isn't equivalent to alleged. You're elementary arguing tactics are embarrassing. Said and alleged clearly have different definitions and appropriate contexts. You look stupid trying to argue the contrary. Please continue responding even though you're done.

You have no way of knowing how long it took me to write anything.

Yeah I do, because I'm smart and you're stupid. You yourself even proved it. And in the way i use it, said is the equivalent of allege. I win. You lose. I already proved it. Keep crying, crybaby.

Yeah I do, because I'm smart and you're stupid.

Being smart has nothing to do with it, there is literally no way for you to know when I actually start writing my responses. You're wrong again. Furthermore, anyone who is actually smart has never written the words 'I'm smart' as a proclamation. You're clearly compensating for your own insecurities because you're slow and have been absolutely trounced in this 'argument'.

And in the way i use it, said is the equivalent of allege.

Did you not think this through before you wrote it? Don't you realize how stupid that sounds? That's like saying the way I use 'dog' it means cat or the way I use 'apple' it means 'orange'. Show me where you 'proved' your argument. I refuted everything you put forth, I demonstrated that the two cannot be used interchangeably and also demonstrated that typically an allegation isn't a type of information as you claimed it was, and certainly not in this case.

You seem to devote a lot of time to arguing with anonymous people on reddit, you should allocate this time to reading and bettering yourself. You're not done, because you're butthurt. Please send me another butthurt reply and tell me exactly how butthurt you are. 'I'm verysmart!' 'Look how verysmart I am!'

there is literally no way for you to know when I actually start writing my responses.

Yeah there is, because I'm smart. You're stupid though, so you don't get it. My word usage was correct. I already proved it. I also proved you're totally lame, and I'm super cool.

You're butthurt and grasping for straws, there's no way to prove that. You're wrong and petty. You didn't prove anything, you stated that the words could be used interchangeably, wrong. Then you stated that an allegation is a type of information, when there is no proof it can't be information by definition, so that was also wrong. I've refuted both these points adequately. You're to dense to follow the argument, and to butthurt to leave the conversation, even though you're done.

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

Yes, it does. I was right, and you won't admit it. I've proven it many times over. Are you continuing this because you're too stupid to understand, or because you're too angry to admit you were wrong?

Thanks for showing that I'm smart and you're totally stupid though.

You said you were done, but are too butthurt to leave, I'll just keep copy and pasting my one rebuttal to your weak arguments that I have refuted until you understand. You have not proven anything. The words cannot be used interchangeably, an allegation is typically not a type of information, and was clearly not in this case.

Anyone who feels compelled to wrote 'I'm smart' as a proclamation is clearly not smart. You sir are a dunderhead and have been thoroughly trounced.

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

I win, you lose, faggot. Get over it.

You said you were done, but are too butthurt to leave, I'll just keep copy and pasting my one rebuttal to your weak arguments that I have refuted until you understand. You have not proven anything. The words cannot be used interchangeably, an allegation is typically not a type of information, and was clearly not in this case.

Anyone who feels compelled to wrote 'I'm smart' as a proclamation is clearly not smart. You sir are a dunderhead and have been thoroughly trounced.

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.



You = Retard

You=butthurt because said=/=alleged, and since said=/=alleged the two cannot be used interchangeably. You're done, but you're too mad to leave the conversation.

You = Retard.

Me = Smart

You = Super gay

Me = Totally cool

You're the most butthurt person I've come across on reddit. You said you were done but can't pull yourself away. You couldn't argue the point anymore so you had to go off-roading and resorted to middle school level insults. I demonstrated my argument explicitly while also refuting yours.

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

I win, retard.

Do you want to be the very best...the best that ever was?

You're the most butthurt person I've come across on reddit. You said you were done but can't pull yourself away. You couldn't argue the point anymore so you had to go off-roading and resorted to middle school level insults. I demonstrated my argument explicitly while also refuting yours.

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

Stop pasting idiocy to me. You're a stupid person. You'll never be anything but a dummy :(

So much butthurt, it's not my fault I have a legitimate argument and have refuted your points.

To catch them is your real test, to train them is your cause?

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

You're combing my comment history and making fun of me for trying to get a gameboy game working on a phone emulator? You weird little stalker faggot.

I win, you lose. You're stupid, I'm smart.

How am I making fun of you? Are we battling now? You clearly have child like mind with your elementary insults and tastes. I keep posting my argument if you want to try and refute it. It seems abundantly clear to me that you are not capable of doing so. Are you done yet? Or is there too much butthurt?

To catch them is your real test, to train them is your cause? it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

Haha - you're a faggot

No rebuttal? It's alright you're done and butthurt. I gracefully accept your surrender.

And it's ok Bick, I'll trade with you, I have a link cable...SIKE! What am I, six? Florentine voice Aw shit, swim walk

Lighten up champ, I think this is kind of funny at this point. We both look like asses and this is clearly absurd.

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

I won. You lost. Get over it, dude.

And fuck you, the old gameboy pokemon is a fun game.

The only thing you won is the butthurt contest. Pokemon was fun...when I was six! florentine voice again I had a complete 151 pokedex on Red with the mew glitch. I guess I'm the pokechamp while you're just a pokeCHUMP. Fuck, i just buried you cocksucka. Double guns, more show references.

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

Yeah but I was still right about the news story. You were wrong. I proved it. End of story bud.

Actually, you were wrong because 'said' and 'alleged' can't be used interchangeably, nor is a an allegation typically a type of information. If you're done and it's the end of the story you're wasting your time, you could be playing pokemon and catching them all instead of responding to me. Maybe you would even find someone to trade with.

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

Poor, stupid stupid boy :(

Just can't admit he's been beaten. Keep crying.

So much butthurt, you said you were done but you can't pull yourself away. You would think you lost a badge or something. Go play to your child games and scuttle away. You cannot refute my argument with your child's mind. You'll never catch em' all with this attitude.

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

i win u lose fgt

Exactly the type of response I've come to anticipate from a butthurt man child who plays Pokemon. I was better at Pokemon when I was in 1st grade than you are as an adult. How bout them apples? Put down the gameboy and pick up a novella.

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

i win, you lose. Too bad :(

You're butthurt and have not refuted my argument. How about a battle? Oh wait, I'm an adult and don't play child games. Perhaps you could find someone to trade with at your local elementary school and then you wouldn't have to play with yourself.

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

Keep making fun of Gameboy. It won't change that you're an angry loser who lost an argument. Accept it and move on. You're stupid.

I'm not making fun of Gameboy, I'm calling you a man child for playing a game with yourself that is targeted for children ten years old and younger. Along with your conduct, it is clear that you are juvenile and do not possess the mental faculties to craft a legitimate argument. You said you were done, but you can't move on because of all the butthurt. Maybe you would have figured out how to trade with yourself at this point if you weren't wasting your time responding to me. Who knows though, perhaps you weren't meant to trade with yourself and should find a friend with similar interests.

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

Keep stalking me. Won't change that I win, and you lose. Too bad. Keep crying, crybaby.

Looking at your overview isn't stalking you, you horse's ass. It also doesn't change the fact that you're an adult playing a child's game. You are clearly juvenile and have failed to refute my argument even though I have posted it for your several times now. You said you were done, but the butthurt won't let you leave. You'll never catch em all with this loser's mentality.

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

I win, you lose, stalker.

Still no refutation? Keep being butthurt even though you're done.

Do you wear your PokemonTM pajamas while listening to the PokemonTM theme song while playing PokemonTM and trying to trade with yourself?

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

I win, you lose, you're a stalker, I'm normal. Too bad.

Still no refutation, I have afforded you ample opportunities to leave a response.

Don't be upset with me because you made a public post and exposed yourself as a man child. So much butthurt, I bet you would sell your dignity for a new gameboy and someone to trade with. You make me sick. This whole exchange has become even more hilarious now that you have been outed as a whiny man child by your own admission. 'I'm an adult and I can't play Pokemon with myself, please help!' I'm slamming you good. We're just dicking around at this point though, aren't we Bick?

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

I win, you lose.

You are a butthurt man child who plays pokemon with himself, or tries to at least. You sir have clearly lost on multiple levels. You will never catch em all nor will you ever be the very best. Here is the focused argument again if you want to issue a rebuttal to my rebuttal.

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

I win, you lose.

You play pokemon and are a butthurt man child. You have a juvenile mind and are not capable of engaging in even a petty internet squabble.

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

I win, you lose.

Still no refutation, I have afforded you ample opportunities to leave a response.

Don't be upset with me because you made a public post and exposed yourself as a man child. So much butthurt, I bet you would sell your dignity for a new gameboy and someone to trade with. You make me sick. This whole exchange has become even more hilarious now that you have been outed as a whiny man child by your own admission. 'I'm an adult and I can't play Pokemon with myself, please help!' I'm slamming you good. We're just dicking around at this point though, aren't we Bick?

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

You will never be done because you are weak willed and small minded.

I win, you lose.

Still no refutation, I have afforded you ample opportunities to leave a response.

Don't be upset with me because you made a public post and exposed yourself as a man child. So much butthurt, I bet you would sell your dignity for a new gameboy and someone to trade with. You make me sick. This whole exchange has become even more hilarious now that you have been outed as a whiny man child by your own admission. 'I'm an adult and I can't play Pokemon with myself, please help!' I'm slamming you good. We're just dicking around at this point though, aren't we Bick?

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

You will never be done because you are weak willed and small minded.

I win, you lose.

Still no refutation, I have afforded you ample opportunities to leave a response.

Don't be upset with me because you made a public post and exposed yourself as a man child. So much butthurt, I bet you would sell your dignity for a new gameboy and someone to trade with. You make me sick. This whole exchange has become even more hilarious now that you have been outed as a whiny man child by your own admission. 'I'm an adult and I can't play Pokemon with myself, please help!' I'm slamming you good. We're just dicking around at this point though, aren't we Bick?

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

You will never be done because you are weak willed and small minded.

I win, you lose.

Still no refutation, I have afforded you ample opportunities to leave a response.

Don't be upset with me because you made a public post and exposed yourself as a man child. So much butthurt, I bet you would sell your dignity for a new gameboy and someone to trade with. You make me sick. This whole exchange has become even more hilarious now that you have been outed as a whiny man child by your own admission. 'I'm an adult and I can't play Pokemon with myself, please help!' I'm slamming you good. We're just dicking around at this point though, aren't we Bick?

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

You will never be done because you are weak willed and small minded.

How many Pokemon do you have in your Pokedex you Pokedouche? You want to trade? JK! I'm an adult.

I win, you lose.

Still no refutation, I have afforded you ample opportunities to leave a response. Don't be upset with me because you made a public post and exposed yourself as a man child. So much butthurt, I bet you would sell your dignity for a new gameboy and someone to trade with. You make me sick. This whole exchange has become even more hilarious now that you have been outed as a whiny man child by your own admission. 'I'm an adult and I can't play Pokemon with myself, please help!' I'm slamming you good. We're just dicking around at this point though, aren't we Bick?

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

You will never be done because you are weak willed and small minded.

Pokemon is for children 10 and under, you are juvenile and that is why you were thoroughly trounced.

I win, you lose.

Still no refutation, I have afforded you ample opportunities to leave a response.

Don't be upset with me because you made a public post and exposed yourself as a man child. So much butthurt, I bet you would sell your dignity for a new gameboy and someone to trade with. You make me sick. This whole exchange has become even more hilarious now that you have been outed as a whiny man child by your own admission. 'I'm an adult and I can't play Pokemon with myself, please help!' I'm slamming you good. We're just dicking around at this point though, aren't we Bick?

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

You will never be done because you are weak willed and small minded.

Pokemon is for children 10 and under, you are juvenile and that is why you were thoroughly trounced.

Which is your favorite Pokeman? Do you plan on catching all the Pokemen and how will you do this if you can't trade with yourself?

I win, you lose.

Still no refutation, I have afforded you ample opportunities to leave a response.

Don't be upset with me because you made a public post and exposed yourself as a man child. So much butthurt, I bet you would sell your dignity for a new gameboy and someone to trade with. You make me sick. This whole exchange has become even more hilarious now that you have been outed as a whiny man child by your own admission. 'I'm an adult and I can't play Pokemon with myself, please help!' I'm slamming you good. We're just dicking around at this point though, aren't we Bick?

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

You will never be done because you are weak willed and small minded.

Pokemon is for children 10 and under, you are juvenile and that is why you were thoroughly trounced.

Which is your favorite Pokeman? Do you plan on catching all the Pokemen and how will you do this if you can't trade with yourself?

When you tell people you play Pokemon, do they look away out of embarrassment or do they openly laugh in your face?

I win. You lose.

Still no refutation, I have afforded you ample opportunities to leave a response.

Don't be upset with me because you made a public post and exposed yourself as a man child. So much butthurt, I bet you would sell your dignity for a new gameboy and someone to trade with. You make me sick. This whole exchange has become even more hilarious now that you have been outed as a whiny man child by your own admission. 'I'm an adult and I can't play Pokemon with myself, please help!' I'm slamming you good. We're just dicking around at this point though, aren't we Bick?

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

You will never be done because you are weak willed and small minded.

Pokemon is for children 10 and under, you are juvenile and that is why you were thoroughly trounced.

Which is your favorite Pokeman? Do you plan on catching all the Pokemen and how will you do this if you can't trade with yourself?

When you tell people you play Pokemon, do they look away out of embarrassment or do they openly laugh in your face?

What other children games do you play besides Pokemon to amuse your juvenile mind?

I win, you lose.

Still no refutation, I have afforded you ample opportunities to leave a response.

Don't be upset with me because you made a public post and exposed yourself as a man child. So much butthurt, I bet you would sell your dignity for a new gameboy and someone to trade with. You make me sick. This whole exchange has become even more hilarious now that you have been outed as a whiny man child by your own admission. 'I'm an adult and I can't play Pokemon with myself, please help!' I'm slamming you good. We're just dicking around at this point though, aren't we Bick?

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

You will never be done because you are weak willed and small minded.

Pokemon is for children 10 and under, you are juvenile and that is why you were thoroughly trounced.

Which is your favorite Pokeman? Do you plan on catching all the Pokemen and how will you do this if you can't trade with yourself?

When you tell people you play Pokemon, do they look away out of embarrassment or do they openly laugh in your face?

What other children games do you play besides Pokemon to amuse your juvenile mind?

Do you find it depressing that you have to play Pokemon with yourself because everyone in your age range has outgrown it because they are adults?

I win, you lose

Still no refutation, I have afforded you ample opportunities to leave a response.

Don't be upset with me because you made a public post and exposed yourself as a man child. So much butthurt, I bet you would sell your dignity for a new gameboy and someone to trade with. You make me sick. This whole exchange has become even more hilarious now that you have been outed as a whiny man child by your own admission. 'I'm an adult and I can't play Pokemon with myself, please help!' I'm slamming you good. We're just dicking around at this point though, aren't we Bick?

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

You will never be done because you are weak willed and small minded.

Pokemon is for children 10 and under, you are juvenile and that is why you were thoroughly trounced.

Which is your favorite Pokeman? Do you plan on catching all the Pokemen and how will you do this if you can't trade with yourself?

When you tell people you play Pokemon, do they look away out of embarrassment or do they openly laugh in your face?

What other children games do you play besides Pokemon to amuse your juvenile mind?

Do you find it depressing that you have to play Pokemon with yourself because everyone in your age range has outgrown it because they are adults?

You know if you post a legitimate response I will dismantle you with my superior wit and mastery of the english language. Go play more Pokemon, you're out of your element Bick.

I win, you lose.

Still no refutation, I have afforded you ample opportunities to leave a response.

Don't be upset with me because you made a public post and exposed yourself as a man child. So much butthurt, I bet you would sell your dignity for a new gameboy and someone to trade with. You make me sick. This whole exchange has become even more hilarious now that you have been outed as a whiny man child by your own admission. 'I'm an adult and I can't play Pokemon with myself, please help!' I'm slamming you good. We're just dicking around at this point though, aren't we Bick?

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

You will never be done because you are weak willed and small minded.

Pokemon is for children 10 and under, you are juvenile and that is why you were thoroughly trounced.

Which is your favorite Pokeman? Do you plan on catching all the Pokemen and how will you do this if you can't trade with yourself?

When you tell people you play Pokemon, do they look away out of embarrassment or do they openly laugh in your face?

What other children games do you play besides Pokemon to amuse your juvenile mind?

Do you find it depressing that you have to play Pokemon with yourself because everyone in your age range has outgrown it because they are adults?

You know if you post a legitimate response I will dismantle you with my superior wit and mastery of the english language. Go play more Pokemon, you're out of your element Bick.

Do you also have PokemonTM Tradings and PokemonTM plush toys?

I win, you lose.

Still no refutation, I have afforded you ample opportunities to leave a response.

Don't be upset with me because you made a public post and exposed yourself as a man child. So much butthurt, I bet you would sell your dignity for a new gameboy and someone to trade with. You make me sick. This whole exchange has become even more hilarious now that you have been outed as a whiny man child by your own admission. 'I'm an adult and I can't play Pokemon with myself, please help!' I'm slamming you good. We're just dicking around at this point though, aren't we Bick?

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

You will never be done because you are weak willed and small minded.

Pokemon is for children 10 and under, you are juvenile and that is why you were thoroughly trounced.

Which is your favorite Pokeman? Do you plan on catching all the Pokemen and how will you do this if you can't trade with yourself?

When you tell people you play Pokemon, do they look away out of embarrassment or do they openly laugh in your face?

What other children games do you play besides Pokemon to amuse your juvenile mind?

Do you find it depressing that you have to play Pokemon with yourself because everyone in your age range has outgrown it because they are adults?

You know if you post a legitimate response I will dismantle you with my superior wit and mastery of the english language. Go play more Pokemon, you're out of your element Bick.

Do you also have PokemonTM Tradings and PokemonTM plush toys?

What is your career record in Pokemon battles? I bet you have VHS tapes of every anime episode.

I win, you lose.

Still no refutation, I have afforded you ample opportunities to leave a response.

Don't be upset with me because you made a public post and exposed yourself as a man child. So much butthurt, I bet you would sell your dignity for a new gameboy and someone to trade with. You make me sick. This whole exchange has become even more hilarious now that you have been outed as a whiny man child by your own admission. 'I'm an adult and I can't play Pokemon with myself, please help!' I'm slamming you good. We're just dicking around at this point though, aren't we Bick?

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

You will never be done because you are weak willed and small minded.

Pokemon is for children 10 and under, you are juvenile and that is why you were thoroughly trounced.

Which is your favorite Pokeman? Do you plan on catching all the Pokemen and how will you do this if you can't trade with yourself?

When you tell people you play Pokemon, do they look away out of embarrassment or do they openly laugh in your face?

What other children games do you play besides Pokemon to amuse your juvenile mind?

Do you find it depressing that you have to play Pokemon with yourself because everyone in your age range has outgrown it because they are adults?

You know if you post a legitimate response I will dismantle you with my superior wit and mastery of the english language. Go play more Pokemon, you're out of your element Bick.

Do you also have PokemonTM Tradings and PokemonTM plush toys?

What is your career record in Pokemon battles? I bet you have VHS tapes of every anime episode.

When do you plan on stop behaving like a child and doing adult things?

I win, you lose.

Still no refutation, I have afforded you ample opportunities to leave a response.

Don't be upset with me because you made a public post and exposed yourself as a man child. So much butthurt, I bet you would sell your dignity for a new gameboy and someone to trade with. You make me sick. This whole exchange has become even more hilarious now that you have been outed as a whiny man child by your own admission. 'I'm an adult and I can't play Pokemon with myself, please help!' I'm slamming you good. We're just dicking around at this point though, aren't we Bick?

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

You will never be done because you are weak willed and small minded. Pokemon is for children 10 and under, you are juvenile and that is why you were thoroughly trounced.

Which is your favorite Pokeman? Do you plan on catching all the Pokemen and how will you do this if you can't trade with yourself?

When you tell people you play Pokemon, do they look away out of embarrassment or do they openly laugh in your face?

What other children games do you play besides Pokemon to amuse your juvenile mind?

Do you find it depressing that you have to play Pokemon with yourself because everyone in your age range has outgrown it because they are adults?

You know if you post a legitimate response I will dismantle you with my superior wit and mastery of the english language. Go play more Pokemon, you're out of your element Bick.

Do you also have PokemonTM Tradings and PokemonTM plush toys?

What is your career record in Pokemon battles? I bet you have VHS tapes of every anime episode.

When do you plan on stop behaving like a child and doing adult things?

Do you still order off of the children's menu at restaurants as well?

I win, you lose.

Still no refutation, I have afforded you ample opportunities to leave a response.

Don't be upset with me because you made a public post and exposed yourself as a man child. So much butthurt, I bet you would sell your dignity for a new gameboy and someone to trade with. You make me sick. This whole exchange has become even more hilarious now that you have been outed as a whiny man child by your own admission. 'I'm an adult and I can't play Pokemon with myself, please help!' I'm slamming you good. We're just dicking around at this point though, aren't we Bick?

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

You will never be done because you are weak willed and small minded.

Pokemon is for children 10 and under, you are juvenile and that is why you were thoroughly trounced.

Which is your favorite Pokeman? Do you plan on catching all the Pokemen and how will you do this if you can't trade with yourself?

When you tell people you play Pokemon, do they look away out of embarrassment or do they openly laugh in your face?

What other children games do you play besides Pokemon to amuse your juvenile mind?

Do you find it depressing that you have to play Pokemon with yourself because everyone in your age range has outgrown it because they are adults?

You know if you post a legitimate response I will dismantle you with my superior wit and mastery of the english language. Go play more Pokemon, you're out of your element Bick.

Do you also have PokemonTM Tradings and PokemonTM plush toys? What is your career record in Pokemon battles? I bet you have VHS tapes of every anime episode.

When do you plan on stop behaving like a child and doing adult things?

Do you still order off of the children's menu at restaurants as well?

Which was your starter Pokeman? Were you allowed to have one since you are well over ten years old?

I win, you lose.

Still no refutation, I have afforded you ample opportunities to leave a response.

Don't be upset with me because you made a public post and exposed yourself as a man child. So much butthurt, I bet you would sell your dignity for a new gameboy and someone to trade with. You make me sick. This whole exchange has become even more hilarious now that you have been outed as a whiny man child by your own admission. 'I'm an adult and I can't play Pokemon with myself, please help!' I'm slamming you good. We're just dicking around at this point though, aren't we Bick?

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

You will never be done because you are weak willed and small minded.

Pokemon is for children 10 and under, you are juvenile and that is why you were thoroughly trounced.

Which is your favorite Pokeman? Do you plan on catching all the Pokemen and how will you do this if you can't trade with yourself?

When you tell people you play Pokemon, do they look away out of embarrassment or do they openly laugh in your face?

What other children games do you play besides Pokemon to amuse your juvenile mind?

Do you find it depressing that you have to play Pokemon with yourself because everyone in your age range has outgrown it because they are adults?

You know if you post a legitimate response I will dismantle you with my superior wit and mastery of the english language. Go play more Pokemon, you're out of your element Bick.

Do you also have PokemonTM Tradings and PokemonTM plush toys?

What is your career record in Pokemon battles? I bet you have VHS tapes of every anime episode.

When do you plan on stop behaving like a child and doing adult things?

Do you still order off of the children's menu at restaurants as well?

Which was your starter Pokeman? Were you allowed to have one since you are well over ten years old?

How do you feel about being thoroughly trounced in an argument and exposing yourself as a man child who plays Pokemon?

I win, you lose.

Still no refutation, I have afforded you ample opportunities to leave a response.

Don't be upset with me because you made a public post and exposed yourself as a man child. So much butthurt, I bet you would sell your dignity for a new gameboy and someone to trade with. You make me sick. This whole exchange has become even more hilarious now that you have been outed as a whiny man child by your own admission. 'I'm an adult and I can't play Pokemon with myself, please help!' I'm slamming you good. We're just dicking around at this point though, aren't we Bick?

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

You will never be done because you are weak willed and small minded.

Pokemon is for children 10 and under, you are juvenile and that is why you were thoroughly trounced.

Which is your favorite Pokeman? Do you plan on catching all the

Pokemen and how will you do this if you can't trade with yourself?

When you tell people you play Pokemon, do they look away out of embarrassment or do they openly laugh in your face?

What other children games do you play besides Pokemon to amuse your juvenile mind?

Do you find it depressing that you have to play Pokemon with yourself because everyone in your age range has outgrown it because they are adults?

You know if you post a legitimate response I will dismantle you with my superior wit and mastery of the english language. Go play more Pokemon, you're out of your element Bick.

Do you also have PokemonTM Tradings and PokemonTM plush toys?

What is your career record in Pokemon battles? I bet you have VHS tapes of every anime episode.

When do you plan on stop behaving like a child and doing adult things?

Do you still order off of the children's menu at restaurants as well? Which was your starter Pokeman? Were you allowed to have one since you are well over ten years old?

How do you feel about being thoroughly trounced in an argument and exposing yourself as a man child who plays Pokemon?

How did you win? By being an immature man child with juvenile tastes. I wouldn't call that winning, I would call that an embarrassment.

I win, you lose.

Still no refutation, I have afforded you ample opportunities to leave a response.

Don't be upset with me because you made a public post and exposed yourself as a man child. So much butthurt, I bet you would sell your dignity for a new gameboy and someone to trade with. You make me sick. This whole exchange has become even more hilarious now that you have been outed as a whiny man child by your own admission. 'I'm an adult and I can't play Pokemon with myself, please help!' I'm slamming you good. We're just dicking around at this point though, aren't we Bick?

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

You will never be done because you are weak willed and small minded.

Pokemon is for children 10 and under, you are juvenile and that is why you were thoroughly trounced.

Which is your favorite Pokeman? Do you plan on catching all the Pokemen and how will you do this if you can't trade with yourself?

When you tell people you play Pokemon, do they look away out of embarrassment or do they openly laugh in your face?

What other children games do you play besides Pokemon to amuse your juvenile mind?

Do you find it depressing that you have to play Pokemon with yourself because everyone in your age range has outgrown it because they are adults?

You know if you post a legitimate response I will dismantle you with my superior wit and mastery of the english language. Go play more Pokemon, you're out of your element Bick.

Do you also have PokemonTM Tradings and PokemonTM plush toys?

What is your career record in Pokemon battles? I bet you have VHS tapes of every anime episode.

When do you plan on stop behaving like a child and doing adult things?

Do you still order off of the children's menu at restaurants as well?

Which was your starter Pokeman? Were you allowed to have one since you are well over ten years old?

How do you feel about being thoroughly trounced in an argument and exposing yourself as a man child who plays Pokemon?

How did you win? By being an immature man child with juvenile tastes. I wouldn't call that winning, I would call that an embarrassment.

You lost when you said you were done and continued to respond. Oh, and you also exposed yourself as a manchild who plays Pokemon. I would say you are objectively a loser by all accounts.

I win, you lose.

Still no refutation, I have afforded you ample opportunities to leave a response.

Don't be upset with me because you made a public post and exposed yourself as a man child. So much butthurt, I bet you would sell your dignity for a new gameboy and someone to trade with. You make me sick. This whole exchange has become even more hilarious now that you have been outed as a whiny man child by your own admission. 'I'm an adult and I can't play Pokemon with myself, please help!' I'm slamming you good. We're just dicking around at this point though, aren't we Bick?

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

You will never be done because you are weak willed and small minded.

Pokemon is for children 10 and under, you are juvenile and that is why you were thoroughly trounced.

Which is your favorite Pokeman? Do you plan on catching all the Pokemen and how will you do this if you can't trade with yourself?

When you tell people you play Pokemon, do they look away out of embarrassment or do they openly laugh in your face?

What other children games do you play besides Pokemon to amuse your juvenile mind?

Do you find it depressing that you have to play Pokemon with yourself because everyone in your age range has outgrown it because they are adults?

You know if you post a legitimate response I will dismantle you with my superior wit and mastery of the english language. Go play more Pokemon, you're out of your element Bick.

Do you also have PokemonTM Tradings and PokemonTM plush toys?

What is your career record in Pokemon battles? I bet you have VHS tapes of every anime episode.

When do you plan on stop behaving like a child and doing adult things?

Do you still order off of the children's menu at restaurants as well?

Which was your starter Pokeman? Were you allowed to have one since you are well over ten years old?

How do you feel about being thoroughly trounced in an argument and exposing yourself as a man child who plays Pokemon?

How did you win? By being an immature man child with juvenile tastes. I wouldn't call that winning, I would call that an embarrassment.

You lost when you said you were done and continued to respond. Oh, and you also exposed yourself as a manchild who plays Pokemon. I would say you are objectively a loser by all accounts.

Excuse me Bick, but I think you are confused. You're not playing Pokemon right now, you have been thoroughly trounced in an internet debate by an individual with superior intellect who employed facts, sound reasoning, and basic common sense to prove his point. In case you didn't follow I was talking about myself, I am that individual and you sir are a sad sap who plays children's games with himself.

I win, you lose.

Still no refutation, I have afforded you ample opportunities to leave a response.

Don't be upset with me because you made a public post and exposed yourself as a man child. So much butthurt, I bet you would sell your dignity for a new gameboy and someone to trade with. You make me sick. This whole exchange has become even more hilarious now that you have been outed as a whiny man child by your own admission. 'I'm an adult and I can't play Pokemon with myself, please help!' I'm slamming you good. We're just dicking around at this point though, aren't we Bick?

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

You will never be done because you are weak willed and small minded.

Pokemon is for children 10 and under, you are juvenile and that is why you were thoroughly trounced.

Which is your favorite Pokeman? Do you plan on catching all the

Pokemen and how will you do this if you can't trade with yourself?

When you tell people you play Pokemon, do they look away out of embarrassment or do they openly laugh in your face?

What other children games do you play besides Pokemon to amuse your juvenile mind?

Do you find it depressing that you have to play Pokemon with yourself because everyone in your age range has outgrown it because they are adults?

You know if you post a legitimate response I will dismantle you with my superior wit and mastery of the english language. Go play more Pokemon, you're out of your element Bick.

Do you also have PokemonTM Tradings and PokemonTM plush toys?

What is your career record in Pokemon battles? I bet you have VHS tapes of every anime episode.

When do you plan on stop behaving like a child and doing adult things?

Do you still order off of the children's menu at restaurants as well?

Which was your starter Pokeman? Were you allowed to have one since you are well over ten years old?

How do you feel about being thoroughly trounced in an argument and exposing yourself as a man child who plays Pokemon?

How did you win? By being an immature man child with juvenile tastes. I wouldn't call that winning, I would call that an embarrassment.

You lost when you said you were done and continued to respond. Oh, and you also exposed yourself as a manchild who plays Pokemon. I would say you are objectively a loser by all accounts.

Excuse me Bick, but I think you are confused. You're not playing Pokemon right now, you have been thoroughly trounced in an internet debate by an individual with superior intellect who employed facts, sound reasoning, and basic common sense to prove his point. In case you didn't follow I was talking about myself, I am that individual and you sir are a sad sap who plays children's games with himself.

You can act like it's not bothering you but I know it's eating at you because you're still responding. You're fuming that I destroyed you in our back and forth with solid arguments, and that you outed yourself as a Pokemon playing man child and that I called you on it. I'd be mad too if I were you, no wonder you're not done yet.

I win, you lose.

You both lose

Let's be honest, we both know you couldn't match wits with me so you had to resort to copy pasters. I've built off of my copy paster and it's now a masterpiece. You're a man child that plays Pokemon, you'll never win anything.

I win, you lose.

You never posted a legitimate argument and what you did post I have refuted which i have copy pasted to you now numerous times over. Face it Bick, you're a petty man child and can't leave even though you're done because of the butthurt.

I win, you lose.

You're an adult manchild who plays Pokemon and got thoroughly trounced in an internet debate. You lose.

I win, you lose.

I bet between typing responses to me and playing Pokemon your thumbs are pretty sore. You said you were done but you're too butthurt to leave. I dismantled you with my superior intellect and arguments.

I win, you lose.

Did you get the link cables working yet? You must be really butthurt that you can't play with yourself, almost as butthurt as when I refuted your arguments.

I win, you lose.

Quit turtling, what do you think you are, a Squirtle or something? You've been playing Pokemon too much Bick, it's time to move on to adult things. Stop being a butthurt manchild, you're done remember?

I win, you lose.

We both know you couldn't keep pace with me so you had to resort to turtling with copy pasters. I have routed you with my superior wit and arguments. You are a butthurt manchild who plays Pokemon, nothing you write can change this self evident fact.

I win, you lose.

You lost when you stated you were done, continued to respond out of butthurt, and exposed yourself as a manchild who plays Pokemon. I again encourage you to put down the gameboy and pick up a classical work.

I win, you lose.

You're turtling because you're butthurt and you know that you don't have the ability to keep pace with me because I thoroughly trounced you in out 'debate'. This isn't Pokemon, this is real life.

I win, you lose.

I think you are confused Bick, did you not state earlier that you, Bick Bickerson, are stupid and lame, while I, E-rockComment, am smart and super cool? Is this not what you wrote? If you don't correct me I'll just have to assume that this is the case. You are also a butthurt man child who plays Pokemon.

I win, you lose.

Exactly like I thought, I'm smart and you're dumb, I'm also super cool while you're a lame manchild who plays Pokemon. Thanks for clarifying what you meant and admitting that I'm better. I knew you always recognized the fact that I am the superior internet being.

I win, you lose.

But what do you win Bick? You have said yourself that I'm smart and that you're dumb, you have also conceded that I won the argument since I proved that 'said' and 'alleged' cannot be used interchangeably and that typically an allegation is not a type of information, which it isn't in this case. If you don't clarify what you meant I'll just accept this as your definitive concession that I was right and you were wrong. Also, you're a manchild who plays Pokemon, I'll never gloss over that fact.

I win, you lose.

So you concede I have won the argument since you have failed to clarify your position? Thank you kindly Bick, I gracefully accept. I am also smarter and cooler than you by your own admission. You on the otherhand are simply a butthurt manchild who lost an internet argument and plays Pokemon.

I win, you lose.

I'm smart and you're stupid, I won the argument, you admitted it yourself! Am I better than you in every way possible? Please don't clarify if you agree, I will again take your silence as a concession. I'm giving you a good thrashing Bick, you should probably go back to playing Pokemon with yourself rather than beating your head on a brick wall.

I win, you lose.

You conceded that I was smart and that I won the argument Bick. You also just conceded that I am superior in every possible way. It would seem to me, or to any other rational person that you clearly lost this exchange I'm afraid. All those hours spent playing Pokemon with yourself must have warped your brain. Your butthurt is unrivaled.

I win, you lose.

Excuse me sir, but you concede that I am indeed fact smarter, superior, and that I won the argument. You have embarrassed yourself by being butthurt and by exposing yourself as a manchild who plays Pokemon. Are you ashamed of yourself? If you do not clarify I will again take that as a confirmation.

I win, you lose.

I'm hovering above you Bick, you have stated that I'm smarter than you and I was right about 'alleged' and 'said'. I'm clearly superior, you're a butthurt manchild who plays Pokemon. This was never a contest, I gave you a sound thrashing by utilizing my superior intellect to employ sound arguments and refutations. Can you trade with yourself now?

I win, you lose.

You're a sad sap that plays Pokemon with himself and has admitted that I, E-rockComment, am more intelligent and have won the argument. You are grasping for straws by turtling with copy pasters because of your butthurt. You do not possess the intellect to best me in an internet squabble.

I win, you lose.

We both know that turtling with copy pasters is the Hail Mary pass once you have been bested in an internet spat. You lost Bick, you have admitted it yourself. I am clearly smarter and superior in every way, we can both agree on that. Please keep being butthurt and playing Pokemon with yourself because all of your adult friends have outgrown it.

I win, you lose

I am smarter AND have proven that 'said' and 'alleged' cannot be used interchangeably AND have refuted your claim that an 'allegation' is a type of information, it typically is not. You are digging yourself into a deeper and deeper hole, I have full control over the direction of the conversation because you're turtling. Your last ditch effort has failed miserably, much like your attempts to trade Pokemon with yourself. Give it up manchild, you are butthurt and you have been completely routed.

I win, you lose.

You have a weak mental stamina and could not possibly keep pace with me so you had to resort to copy pasters. You have conceded that I'm smarter and that I won the argument. You have been thoroughly trounced and exposed yourself as a butthurt man child. Please keep turtling, it only bolsters my position.

I win, you lose.

I see you're waiting with bated breath for my responses. It's time to pack it in SIR, you have been completely dismantled by superior wit and argumentation skills. You are a butthurt manchild who plays Pokemon with himself. While I'm an intelligent internet interloper who has destroyed you in a internet debate. I caught them all when I was 6, you're grasping for straws and failing miserably.

I win, you lose.

You have lost spectacularly and have admitted so yourself by not clarifying the statements I presented to you. I'm smart and won the argument, you are a butthurt manchild who plays Pokemon. These are the facts, nothing you can say now will change them now. If you insist on turtling you will continue to be dismantled. Which versions of Pokemon do you have? If you can't trade with yourself how will you complete your Pokedex?

I win, you lose.

It's ok Bick, we both know that you're fatigued and that's why you resorted to Turtling. I on the otherhand have good mental stamina and do not tire easily. You are a manchild who plays Pokemon that has been thoroughly trounced in an internet debate. I am smarter than you and superior in every way, as you conceded.

I win, you lose.

What's wrong Bick? Are you afraid to wrote a legitimate comment? I wouldn't be surprised, I'm clearly smarter while you are just a butthurt manchild who plays Pokemon. We both know why you're turtling, it's embarrassing. I have bested you on multiple levels, you can't keep pace and had to resort to copy pasters.

I win, you lose.

I know I got under your skin because you said you were done and have continued to respond out of butthurt. You are a manchild who plays Pokemon. I'm a gentleman on the internet who won an argument. You have conceded that I won and that I'm smarter. Go find a friend instead of trying to figure out how to trade Pokemon with yourself, it's even more embarrassing that you are trying to play with yourself. I bet you're kicking yourself for making that post now that I have lambasted you for it, and I will continue to do so because it's so fitting. You really can't make this stuff up, juvenile manchild does indeed play juvenile video games with himself.

I win, you lose.

You said you were done but have continued to respond out of butthurt. You have also outed yourself as a whiny manchild who plays Ppokemon AND have conceded that I am smarter AND that I won the argument. You knew you were not capable of intellectually sparring with me and have resorted to copy pasters. You're nothing but a turtle while I'm hovering above you.

I win, you lose.

What's the update on the trading situation Bick? Can you play with yourself yet? I would trade with you if I was six and not an adult man. I am smarter and was right about the argument. You are dumb and ran out of steam rather quickly We both know why you had to resort to copy pasters. I, E-rockComment, am truly better in every possible way. I caught all the Pokemen when I was six because I am smart and had friends to trade with. Now we are adults and do adult things.

I win, you lose.

You are a butthurt manchild who has conceded that you are less intelligent and that I won the argument. You seems pretty dense in my book, and you play Pokemon with yourself. It's very hard for people to take you seriously when you have the same tastes and argumentation style as a six year old.

I win, you lose.

I demand an update on the trading situation SIR. Have you figured out how to play Pokemon with yourself? I bet a child could have reached a solution at this point, you seem mentally slow. I have bested you in every way I possibly could and you are continuing to comment out of butthurt. You said you were done, but I irked you so much that resorted to turtling to copy pasters in a last ditch effort to 'one up' me. I'm sorry Bick, not gonna happen. Your plan backfired and I've been giving you a good shellacking ever since.

I win, you lose.

You are a butthurt manchild who plays Pokemon and has been thoroughly trounced in an internet argument. You have resorted to copy pasters because you know you couldn't outwit me. You said you were done but irked you so much that you can't walk away. You are small minded and weak willed. I'm smart and won the argument, you're stupid and are grasping for straws.

I win, you lose.

You're hopelessly outclassed Bick, I'm a major league keyboard warrior, you're a JV chump. You rely on generic internet tactics while I run circles around you. You are clearly compensating for some type of insecurity, along with being a butthurt manchild who plays Pokemon. I am smarter and I won the argument. Go trade with yourself or find a much younger friend who has the same juvenile interests as you do.

I win, you lose.

No SIR, you are an insecure butthurt manchild who plays Pokemon. Do you think you can bait me with some Eminem 8 mile reverse psychology? I'm much too smart to fall for such an obvious ploy. Turtling with copy pasters is an admission, your silence is concession. I'm running circles around you and I'm not even trying. You are too petty to leave, your life must be hollow and empty. I'm in the clouds with the Buddha and Plato. Best of luck Bick.

I win, you lose.

You have been thoroughly trounced and are grasping for straws with copy pasters because you are a butthurt manchild that cannot abandon an internet argument even when he explicitly states that he is done. You are clearly very insecure, stop trying to play Pokemon with yourself and find an adult hobby, it will be good for you. I won the argument and I am currently winning the pissing contest. Your butthurt is all the fuel I need to keep cranking out zingers. I'm zinging you like crazy.

I win, you lose.

You are turtling with copy pasters in a futile attempt to one up an anonymous shit dick on the internet after you wrote that you were done with the exchange over a week ago. You clearly have lost in every way you possibly could Bick. I absolutely destroyed you in the argument and have continued to give you a sound thrashing in these later stages as well. You cannot pull yourself away from the keyboard because of your butthurt.

I win, you lose.

Waiting on bated breath for my responses again? You're pathetic, can't even leave an internet argument when you stated explicitly that you were done. The only reason you can't leave is your butthurt, and it eats at you that you can't leave, because you want to. You are an insecure butthurt manchild who was decimated in an internet argument by a smarter man with adult tastes. Keep crying, I'm not going anywhere.

I win, you lose.

You are turtlng with copy pasters to try to one up an anonymous reddditor after you said you were done with the exchange over a week ago. You already lost, I won the argument by refuting your claims. You also (try to) play Pokemon with yourself. You are so far from winning you would need a telescope to see it. Grab some ramen and buckle in, your butthurt has come to define you as an internet entity.

I win, you lose.

Cry more you butthurt man child. I have completely routed you with my sound arguments. You play Pokemon with yourself and are clearly trying to over compensate. I am smarter and have won the argument, as you have previously conceded.

I win, you lose.

You are an insecure butthurt manchild who plays Pokemon and have been thoroughly trounced in an internet debate. You stated that you were done with the discussion but cannot leave out of pettiness. You are grasping for straws by turtling with copy pasters. Go find someone to play with, and then you won't have to trade with yourself. Problem solved, you're welcome.

I win, you lose.

You have lost in every imaginable way possible Bick. The fact that you're still here after you said you were done a week ago is a loss in and of itself. You claimed that you didn't have time to waste by having a discussion with me, yet you have wasted a good amount of time over the past week and a half responding to me. I'm out of your league Bick, I'm a professional keyboard warrior. You're in over your head, which is why you have decided to turtle with copy pasters. Your insecurities are self evident, you are clearly trying to compensate for your inadequacies. My recommendation would still be to put down the Gameboy and find an adult hobby for yourself.

I win, you lose.

I'm under your skin Bick, you've already lost. You let an internet stranger to whip you up into frenzy because you are an insecure butthurt manchild who (tries) to play Pokemon with himself. I have destroyed in two debates now and have won multiple arguments. Your mind is clearly still juvenile and cannot compete with one as flexible as mine. Keep turtling with your butthurt, you're completely transparent.

I win, you lose.

You have no endgame Bick, all you have are copy pasters. I can run circles around you ad infinitum. You cannot leave because you are a butthurt manchild who plays Pokemon. I'm sure you are very embarrassed that you exposed yourself for being the juvenile that you are. Shortly after is when you started turtling with copy pasters, because you realize you had lost and this is your 'red button' tactic. I see through it all Bick, you're not going to stump me with copy pasters, the only way you can 'win' is if you engage me in dialogue, and we both know you're not going to do that because even you recognize your own inferiority. I have destroyed you every time we have gone head to head, you have no other recourse others than elementary internet tactics. To put it in terms that you would understand you are a school boy, I am a Gym Leader, we are in different leagues. You have already lost in every way you possibly could.

I win, you lose.

You have undeniably lost and have resorted to copy pasters because you know you can't keep pace with me in a battle of wits. You're a butthurt man child with a weak chin who plays Pokemon. To make matters worse, you (try) to play Pokemon with yourself. That is one of the saddest things I've ever read. You have my sympathy Bick, you're terrible at argumentation and being an adult.

I win, you lose.

I am smarter and I won the argument, you conceded so yourself. You play Pokemon with yourself, or try to anyone and turtle with copy pasters. You are afraid to engage me directly, but your butthurt won't allow you to leave. I've been over your head from the get go, I'm clearly out of your league when it comes to internet argumentation. Your last ditch effort failed, sorry Bick.

I win, you lose.

You have been thoroughly trounced in an internet argument by a much smarter redditor. You are an insecure butthurt manchild who plays Pokemon. You will never catch them all. Your hail mary attempt failed. Sorry Bick, you lost and are dumb. Trade in your second Gameboy for a friend.

I win, you lose.

Not quite sir, you have exposed yourself as an insecure butthurt manchild who (tries) to play Pokemon with himself. I have won the argument by refuting your claims while bolstering my own. You turtle with copy pasters and continue to post even after you stated your were done. I'm present minded, you're stuck in the world of 99' children fads.

I win, you lose.

I bet you have streaks of salt on your face at this point Bick. Give it up buster, you lost to a superior redditor, I, E-rockComment have bested you in every way I possibly could. I absolutely ANNIHILATED you in the argument, I mean, like really DESTROYED your claims with my superior intellect. Then, you exposed yourself as a butthurt manchild with your actions and Pokemon trade with myself post. I have been on your case since then, and I shan't relent! You have resorted to copy pasters because you can't match wits with me!

I win, you lose.

You're lost in a sea of butthurt. You want to leave but cannot because of your pettiness. You are an insecure manchild who plays Pokemon. I whip around on an intellectual hoverboard. I am much greater than you, as you yourself have admitted. I'm a grade A redditor while you are a dud. There are an infinite combination of sentences you can make with the English language, I will not waver. If we were battling I'd be DESTROYING you right now, much like I destroyed you in the argument.

I win you lose

You're grasping for straw Bick, this was your last ditch effort and it failed miserably. You are nothing more than an insecure, butthurt manchild who lost an internet argument and (tries) to play Pokemon with himself. Your face is covered with egg, I have my own hatchery. I am leagues above you and you should have never stepped on the field. You looked at my first response and sprained your ankle. I'm an internet giant, you're a scrub.

I win, you lose.

You are hopelessly dense and cannot keep pace with me, which is why you have resorted to turtling with copy pastors. I'm a towering internet entity while you are an insecure butthurt man child who lost the argument on the internet and is grasping for straws. Oh, you also (try) to play Pokemon with yourself, which I will never fail to mention. You are a juvenile man, with a juvenile mind, and juvenile tastes. You never had a chance, I have routed you with ease and am running up the scoreboard.

I win, you lose.

You're a tortoise AND an insecure butthurt manchild who lost an internet AND you (try) to play Pokemon with yourself. You're a nursery rhyme while I'm a Shakespearean Sonnet. We're own two different levels, and that has become clearly evident as our dialogue has progressed. I trounced you in the argument and the pissing contest, you have nothing left. Resorting to copy pasters is an admission, I win and am clearly much smarter.

I win, you lose.

You lost as soon as you responded to my first comment. You said you were done, but have continued commenting because you are an insecure butthurt manchild who plays Pokemon with himself (or tries to at least) and engages in other juvenile behavior. You're a dull point, and need to be sharpened by maturity and literature. You're blind as a bat if bats were retarded. I have the spirit of Kimbo Slice, you're nothing but a Kimbo Square. You have a brain like your eggs, scrambled, and I just Benedict Arnold-ed you with superior wit and arguments. I'm dropping gems here, you're turtling with copy pasters. Communicating via keyboard is child's play to me, you have buried yourself.

I win you lose

Give it up bumble bee wings, you're finished. You're an insecure butthurt manchild who lost an internet argument and (tries to) play Pokemon with yourself. You need to find a link cable and a friend, or an adult hobby. You can't use a stencil to argue, your generic cookie cutter rebuttals and insults were no match for my ingenuity. I bet you can't even use chopsticks or catch a Polygon. You'll never be a Pokemon master at this rate.

I win, you lose.

Give it up Bick, I'm in your head. You stated you were done but have continued responding out of butthurt. You're a lead head, and are clearly weighed down by your juvenile mind. This isn't Pokemon sir, this is real life, I encourage you to employ better argumentation techniques in the future if you choose to continue engaging anonymous strangers on the internet in lively debate. You were born with clipped wings, which isn't your fault, there are a good amount of people on the wrong side of the bell curve. But it's your responsibility to make due with what you have. I hope you strive to be better moving forward despite your stupidity.

I win, you lose.

I ran circles around you in our 'debate' and am now dancing on your grave (metaphorically speaking, I "buried" you in the argument hence the expression, I hope you follow. I know you're slow so I hope this explanation helps) You're an insecure butthurt manchild who could not walk away from an internet squabble even after you stated explicitly that you were "done". How embarrassing, you clearly are very small minded and weak willed. No wonder you (try to) play Pokemon with yourself, your existence must be miserable. How's the butthurt Bick? It doesn't seem to have abated in the slightest.

I win, you lose.

You're dog diggity done. I annihilated you with my superior arguments and intellect. You are grasping for straws with copy pasters because you have nothing left. You can not walk away from an internet exchange even when you want to because you're petty. You're nothing but a guppy, and of course, an insecure butthurt manchild who plays Pokemon with himself, or tries to at least. It's time to grow up Bick, take responsibility for your juvenile behavior and do adult things.

I win, you lose

You are an insecure butthurt manchild who plays Pokemon and lost an internet argument to a much smarter man. You're Red Grange while I'm Jim Brown, we're in two different leagues Bick. You could no longer argume the point and had to resort to turtling with copy pasters. I have much more mental stamina than you and have been trouncing you repeatedly since we began our exchange.

I win, you lose.

I'm in your head, you had the post this on the sub because you're out of options. Give it up, you lost and are a whiny butthurt man child who tries to play Pokemon with himself. I'm a V8 engine, you're a horse and buggy. I'm alternating current, while you are DC. Either get yourself a link cable and a friend or find an adult hobby. The clock is ticking.

i win, you lose.

Bick won, E-rockComment lost.

Funny thing is, I found E-rockComment's replies more repetitive than Bick's. E-rockComment sucks at arguing, probably due to stupidity and autism.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

-Summer Glau

I re-read that in Cartmans voice.

It was cartman inspired obnoxiousness

Yep, I'm on reddit. Pathetic.


This is the only website I go to that ACTUALLY thinks pulling your dick out is some astonishing traumatic terror attack while still trying to maintain a "liberal" rhetoric. This place is just SJW puppets.

  1. Only idiots use the term "SJW" unironically. You're a stupid person.

  2. Article didn't say he "pulled his dick out." It said he blocked the door of his hotel room and physically forced two women to watch him masturbate. You seem to think thats okay - you are a stupid person, and you deserve to die. I hope that you are murdered or die in a car accident or get cancer.

Pull your dick out

Now you deserve to die for this

"I'm not an SJW!"

I didn't even need to make you look retarded, you did it yourself.

Way to mistunderstand litearally everything i said. You're stupid. Shut up, stupid.

And again. Back to your bouncy castle, kid.

I didnt say Louis CK deserved to die for what he allegedly did. I said YOU deserve death because you're literally support the practice of rape. You think rape is okay - get cancer and die.


Found the buzzword. Pulling your cock out to wiggle it is not the same thing as ramming it down your delicious throat.

makes assumptions on impulse about what I believe

realizes rape is bad, yet sees nothing wrong with wishing human life to end

This is why your SJW cults are doomed to fail. You shoot yourself in the leg by being retarded children. I wish I could rape you and get you straightened out.

Not an "sjw". Just anti rape. Rapist.

That word doesn't even mean anything anymore when retards like you throw it around wherever.

This is the only website I go to that ACTUALLY thinks pulling your dick out is some astonishing traumatic terror attack while still trying to maintain a "liberal" rhetoric.


I wish I could rape you and get you straightened out.

Well, guess you admit it. You're a rapist. I win. Shut the fuck up, rapist.

And just like that, I have become a 'rapist'. This is why that word means nothing and in 5 years we'll have to invent a new word for people who actually violently put their cocks inside people who don't care for it. Just leave this sub, retard.

No, the people like you who advocate rape amuse me. I like provoking you frustrated little man-children.

You're a rapist! Now you're it! Na-na-na-na!

No, you're a rapist, I'm an "SJW", remember?

Right back to reply within minutes. Watching cultists mouthfoam insane nonsense was more fun before there was the internet.

Shut up, rapist.

:'( Not the r-word. I'm shaking.

Then don't rape

I don't plan to, and neither does Louie. Stop triggering me with such offensive language!

Stop raping

I've had fun as long as it lasted, as usual with SJWs it never really evolves past the "I know you are but what am I?" stage. I'll give you the last words.

You're a rapist and you deserve to die. Fuck off you faggot cunt rapist retard.

bahahahahahaha, he's good at that

You said it. It's people having a race to the bottom of who is more PC. I however like things that are not PC, for example discussing the holohoax and how it is mostly propaganda, I then harvest tears from fags like paulshadow35

You are obsessed with jews

Well legally it is

Yes, forcing people to watch you masturbate your penis until you cum is legally sexually assault.

Why are you stressing the word "legally"? As if making women watch you jerk off isn't REALLY sexual assault? How fucking stupid are you?

I don't buy the premise of the story so I can't get worked up about it. Yes making women watch you jerk off until you cum is sexual assault. But pulling your dick out and stroking it for a laugh is different.

There are a pretty limited number of contexts where pulling your dick out for a laugh is not fucked up.

None of this matters. What were the women wearing?

If you didn't buy the premise of the story, why did you repeatedly try to downplay it to the point you made up a totally different story? The story alleged he forced two women to watch him masturbate in a hotel room, which you then spun into "flashed his dick" and then again spun it into "pulling his dick out for a laugh". Which is it, do you not believe the story, or is it no big deal even if its true?

Louis forcing women to watch him jerkoff while blocking them from leaving a hotel is wrong and illegal. Pulling your dick out in public is funny.

Right - but that's not what the story was about.

Interesting. Please stop sending me messages.

I will if you stop following me around reddit, enforcing your shitty views on me, jewboy

I already have, angry sad antisemite

See you dont like it, bagelboy

I'm not Jewish, dumbfuck

Gawker is the busy body neighbor of the internet, everyone involved with it should be castrated via alligator. In short, fuck them!

If this is true then I like Louis again.

I saw someone posted in the reddit standup comedy forum about the 2012 rumor yesterday. In the comment section someone pointed to a podcast in which the host implies Louis was sexually inappropriate with her. She made the episode in April. It's Jen Kirkman's podcast, "I Seem Fun." The episode is "Bitch, we're all Madonna." Starts at 31:22. No idea if this is true, but it's obviously Louis she's referring to.

She doesn't exactly say much about him though. All she says is that he's a perv and apparently you're not supposed to talk about it.

She does also say that he didn't rape her but subjected her to weird "fucked-up" behavior that made her not want to tour with him.

She also says that he was married, but he's been divorced since 2009.

In all fairness, people DO keep bringing up weird public jerk-off stories he's told freely before. It's not like someone who'd be odd enough to do this just caught pervert-syndrome overnight. Still, not saying it's true.

Apparently many people don't know this little fact about the world of comedy: the stories comedians tell on stage are fiction.

For some reason, I think I remember O&A talking about this on-air, too. Or maybe I dreamed about it or something. Hell, I dunno. Either way, I remember this story and this podcast thing back then.

They did, and Jim Norton, who is a close friend and way more fucked up than he should ever admit to being, said Louie wasn't that guy.

Here Jen Kirkman lists Louis as her favourite comedian, this is from 2013, long after this supposedly happened, if he was married at the time.

Sounds kinda legit, if you think about stories like "I showed my dick to a retarded girl who lived down the street" and "I showed my dick to a crazy old man when I was a kid."

This is just what Louie does. We already knew he was a sociopath.

I always assumed both those stories were made up TBH.


An apparently little known fact about the world of comedy: the stories people tell on stage are made up.

He didn't tell it on stage, he told it on the radio in passing.

I don't know man, I listened to a radio show for 15 years where all of the host's stories were made up.

A delusional talentless sociopath. He wouldn't even sign autographs for his fans.

We feel your pain, Jimmy.

Jordan Sargent's silence on these child molestation accusations speak volumes.

I guess the feels on the bus had nothing to do with emotion.

This is good. We need to get the SJWs to side against Louie so we can't get the old Louie back.

Is this the Weekly World News? What the fuck. The author...definitely a lizard.

All heresay and nothing substantial, typical Gawker article.

LOUIE! Long time no see brother!


It's funny to see one of the comments there saying they thought Louie was "one of the good ones" with links to shitty tumblr gifs of his bit about men being the biggest threat in the world for women. It's the exact same group of people that that aspect of his comedy specifically appealed to (whether intentional or not) that are behind this article and any outrage it might produce.

I don't think it's an issue of cozying up to "lefties" - just a particularly awful subset that most rational left-leaning people should also despise. It's not a left vs. right thing, these are just awful people who will do anything for attention and any reason to blame their own lives on a completely fabricated victimization.

the modern leftist is militant, and when they dont have a target they turn on their own, the whole group is a snake eating itself, think about history, every time the communist would come into power in a country there would be a massive purge of people within the party.


Does anyone remember when Louis was shitting on Jay Mohr because Jay pulled his dick out in public...oh how the tables have turned.

what year was this? (louie discussing it, not the dick incident per se)

Basically what Gawker is doing is taking a shot in the dark that there's something of substance there. If there is, more clicks and money! And even if there isn't, "well we're just saying what we heard". Ugh enough of them. Even if this is true, Gawker really irritates me.

I talked to Jason after this phone call with C.K. He characterized their conversation as stilted and non-substantive. His interpretation was that C.K. was “sizing me up” to “find out what I had heard.”

Yeah, funny how you accuse someone of something and then they try to figure out where it came from and how the accusation started. I'm sure every other random fan who contacts him through email and accuses him of some shit doesn't need to be "sized up" over a phone call.

Now, granted, it's not entirely Clara Vondrich's fault that this 13-year-old boy was arrested by police for stealing her phone. But, she did, by her own admission, willingly cause the commotion that led up to police being summoned, and she did—as the photos show—keep the kid pinned to a car until police arrived despite already knowing that he didn't posses her phone.

Vondrich says that she "felt sorry" for the kid, but not enough to not have him arrested and charged with grand larceny. The boy will now enter New York's vaunted juvenile justice system, which will likely fuck up his life even further, simply because he snatched a white lady's iPhone in Williamsburg.

If you are nonviolently mugged by a child, continue to let him run along with his friends. The world will be a better place.

Great stuff.

I would be shocked to learn that the woman in the story wasn't targeted by those kids because she was a woman. But she's white, so any crime committed against her by a non-white is vaguely justified.

I also like that the author uses "in the thick of gentrified Williamsburg" as a preemptive narrative cudgel when I've seen pictures of the Gawker offices in the North of Little Italy and it's hard to spot any differences.

This can't possibly be real

tell me this is satire

You need to get some facts and actual names before you accuse someone of sexual assault in print.

Society is so anti-male it's hilarious.

Just like that you are guilty of "sexual assault".

This is BEYOND rediculous. The fact that anyone still is commenting on these gawker scoops like theyre a real source is fucking ENRAGING. How the FUCK have some people lost their ability to critically think and analyze sources?!?!?

Its disgusting how people think this story just so happened to surface right before CK hosts SNL.

This is not fucking journalism. Its not a job. Its fucking nothing.

Good to see that the people over at Gawker are still pieces of shit.

when i saw the word "Tipster" i let out an audible yucccckkk

I fucking hate this world and the Internet


On the WTF Podcast, Jon Ronson said that Sam Biddle from Gawker was absolutely ELATED that he'd ruined people's lives. It's a great episode.

I've gotta read his latest book on internet shaming.

I hope louis lawyer rapes gawker.

Is that what he calls it?

They have nothing on Louis. The pathetic writer is begging for real evidence in the comment section.

I'm calling bullshit.

But honestly, I could totally see Louie doing this.

Gamergate already took out most of their advertisers and cost them over a million dollars of revenue. This is all they have left in their desperate attempt to get people to click their garbage.

ME: Why the FUUUUCK couldn't Louis give us this exclusive when the was in last time????????????


That's not a new rumor.

I remember one site running an article awhile back that had Louie an unnamed comic invite Garfunkel and Oates an unnamed musical duo up to his hotel room during some comedy festival. He asks them if he can jerk off, they laugh thinking it's a joke and than he stands in front of the door and rubs one out to completion.

Then there was bullshit about how they better keep their mouths shut if they want to keep getting booked.

It doesn't sound too far out of Louie's wheelhouse. I can imagine him doing something like that.

  • edit Of course the article mentions that rumor. lol

I can see why you'd want to pull your dick out in front of those two.

It's like wanting to push the elderly under a train. The banality is too much, they're basically asking for it.

Wait, when did Gawker become a trusted news source?

or what if its all true and like louie turns out to be some sort of weirdo cosby like dude who cant stop whipping his dick out and jerkin it.

So where you at on this whole uhhhh LOUIE thing?

I'll bet the gawker staff all whipped their dicks out and had a good stroke the minute this tawdry little story broke.

Wasn't there a story Jim Jefferies told in one of his standup specials about a "big named" comedian he opened for that tried to 'rape' two girls they brought back to the room? Perhaps his story relates to Louis CK because I never think Jefferies said exactly which comedian it was. Does anyone know? Or was the story just a made up story by Jefferies?

You're right, Jim mentioned that he was opening for the "big named" guy when he was at Just for Laughs, so lot's of people figured out who he was talking was Denis Leary.

Leary must have stolen his raping skills from Louis. wouldn't be the first thing he's stolen

Yeah that's the joke he's making you fucking retard.

I saw him tell that story at a gig, and he said "for legal reasons I can't say who it is, but let's call this comedian 'Bim Tallen'"

Let's be honest...I can totally see Louie doing this

This story is years old. I first heard the Aspen story a good 2 years ago. The girls in question were Garfunkel and Oates;

I don't know why this stupid site would bring it up years later. Probably because Louis is more famous now than he was then and they want to "bring him down". Good luck assholes.

It looks like the balls are in Garfunkel & Oates' court. And hotel room, tsss.

I wish gawker would post drawings of the prophet muhammmed

Will SJW website take down SJW comedian?

oh boy. This might not be good.

Talk about a hit piece

I have it on good authority (friends in the biz) that it’s Louis CK. I’ve heard stories about his propensity for whipping it out and jerking off in front of women at inappropriate times (i.e. dinner table, bar, etc.).

Louis picked up bad habits from his time with O&A.

So Lou is wanking off infront of female "comics". That is just too rich.

Now what, Louie keeps his mouth shut he's "guilty"? If he's done it and starts shouting false people will come forward that have experienced it first hand.

CK could have called because he thought it was a more serious allegation about something he knew he'd actually done. When he heard it was the minor stuff he hung up. He's still expecting that different accusation.

Why did this get thumbed down? He's waxed mysterious before about it all crashing down.

The pilot episode of Louis CK's new cop show features him running through Williamsburg, violently jerking off in front of hipsters

some are odd and some deranged

stories that are very strange

Let another SJW witch hunt begin! The vultures are eating their own and I couldn't be happier.

When all of Louis' new fans turn on him will he start coming back to the show? We need someone in the studio who intimidates Opie so much so that he doesn't talk, and to tell those fat Stangels to fuck off.

Coming back to the show? Louie has been on O&J, it's fucking boring. Whatever happens to Louie isn't going to change the fact that Opie "interview"s just as poorly as he does any other big name. Where are you at with [topic]? Wow. Right. Right. Right. Wow.

Poor Captain Louis.

Isn't Jimmy a big "well if that many people say it, it must be true" guy?

Jimmy did also walk up to Louis as he was having breakfast and piss into Louis' oatmeal.

Jimmy has told a story about him resting his ballbag on a some lady's leg in a gas station.

This Jordan Sargent douche is the same guy who said if your phone gets stolen by a poor child, you should let them. White knight douche



I thought we was just kidding about the cuck stuff...

But if they manage to destroy him at least he'll be more likely to visit the compound for some yucks and laughs.

Well someone said it on the internet.

First they came for Anthony Cumia. And I said nothing because I feared the greggshells. Then they came for Louis CK and I said nothing because I feared the feminists. Now Gawker's character assassination SS has come and there is no one to defend me.

they called Louis "the most powerful comic in the world"

I suspect this could be the end for him.

It would be sooo great if louie sued the fuck out of gawker for slander and it went bankrupt.

There's no grey area with this. These girls have to come out and deny it or it's true, imo. They can't "no comment" this. It's too big of a deal to try to duck, hem, or haw away.

I'm surprised Louis can't sue over this.

This is just a sign of white privilege rape culture.

Cisgendered heteronormative shitlords!

Seems like all these girls willingly went back to his hotel room. Are these ladies not aware of the implication??

He shoulda taken them out on a boat.

oh uncle jason

I really hope he attacks them back. and I hope other people start to realize how shitty this culture is becoming. if I hear one more person describe something as "problematic content," I'm gonna to jerk off nine times to relieve the stress and do nothing else about it.

"Send us your Louis ck rape stories. Anonymity guaranteed" ok so they're going to now get hundreds of anonymous sources saying they were raped by Louis and publish an article about that without revealing the names what a truly abysmal website



The years-old stories about him just jerking off are what will sink his multi-million dollar career? That is awful but hysterical. His old crowd never would have turned on him for this. His lefty, SJW behavior brought this upon him.

Nobody listens to gawker, except idiots, like SiriusXM. But ok yeah some bullshit article where the author is begging for sources could sink one of the biggest comedians out there today.

What grade are you in? I'd guess 7th.


As much as I hate gawker and everything SJW, if it had to happen to someone, I'm kinda happy it's Louis. He's gotten a pass from the Pozy brigade for wayyyy too long on PC issues: they bitched endlessly when Ant said un-PC shit cuz he's a known conservative, but when Louis says the same kinda shit, he gets a pass because they "know he doesn't really mean it". I know they have no problem with that kind of logical inconsistency, but anyone who cares about truth should. And it's about fuckin time. If any known conservative said half the shit Louis says, they'd be fucking CRUCIFIED. They can't just decide someone gets a pass cuz they hated Bush and love Woody Allen movies

If you go out of your way to tell fat women they're beautiful, and you feel their struggle, then you pretty much have SJW insurance no matter how many times you say nigger

When did he ever say fat women are beautiful?

I probably like Louis even more now.


clearly jen kirkman isn't that mad

I wish Louie would come on my show.

I love that this talentless fuck tried to appease SJWs and now they are going to rip him apart.

Watch all these super brave comedians who know they can attack Cosby with impunity defend Louis because he has a show on TV.


Do you even have a job?

Oh look, another terrible opinion brought to us by Ant's Stormfront fanbase. The Defamer page of Gawker is basically "too bullshit for regular Gawker". Read the article, this is based in essentially nothing. But good job buying into a bullshit Gawker headline because Louis isn't a skinhead. It takes talent to formulate an opinion that bad.


I posted the link in a way that wouldn't give them hits. Why are you posting a direct link? would be better. Do Not Link still gives them hits I think. It just doesn't improve their Google page rankings.

Didn't realize that. Thanks.

So people can read it directly?

Sorry, but I don't see the problem.

Not giving revenue to a clickbait, piece of shit site that helped dismantle the show that this Subreddit is based on?

Isn't that matter of opinion?

No, but women need to lighten up a little. A guy flashing his dick to you is not assault.

You quoted me using the word allege when you posted to insist that they were allegations. Read what you wrote again.

She doesn't exactly say much about him though. All she says is that he's a perv and apparently you're not supposed to talk about it.

For some reason, I think I remember O&A talking about this on-air, too. Or maybe I dreamed about it or something. Hell, I dunno. Either way, I remember this story and this podcast thing back then.

Things are starting to add up for everyone's favorite Mexican.

what does what happened to George Zimmerman have to do with any of this?

Do you live under a rock?

Isn't that matter of opinion?

It's funny to see one of the comments there saying they thought Louie was "one of the good ones" with links to shitty tumblr gifs of his bit about men being the biggest threat in the world for women. It's the exact same group of people that that aspect of his comedy specifically appealed to (whether intentional or not) that are behind this article and any outrage it might produce.

I don't think it's an issue of cozying up to "lefties" - just a particularly awful subset that most rational left-leaning people should also despise. It's not a left vs. right thing, these are just awful people who will do anything for attention and any reason to blame their own lives on a completely fabricated victimization.

It's a joke you dumb fuck.

Here Jen Kirkman lists Louis as her favourite comedian, this is from 2013, long after this supposedly happened, if he was married at the time.

Do you want to be the very best...the best that ever was?

You're the most butthurt person I've come across on reddit. You said you were done but can't pull yourself away. You couldn't argue the point anymore so you had to go off-roading and resorted to middle school level insults. I demonstrated my argument explicitly while also refuting yours.

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

That's proof that multiple people asked him to stop, what a monster.

i win, you lose. Too bad :(

You are a butthurt man child who plays pokemon with himself, or tries to at least. You sir have clearly lost on multiple levels. You will never catch em all nor will you ever be the very best. Here is the focused argument again if you want to issue a rebuttal to my rebuttal.

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

I win, you lose.

Still no refutation, I have afforded you ample opportunities to leave a response.

Don't be upset with me because you made a public post and exposed yourself as a man child. So much butthurt, I bet you would sell your dignity for a new gameboy and someone to trade with. You make me sick. This whole exchange has become even more hilarious now that you have been outed as a whiny man child by your own admission. 'I'm an adult and I can't play Pokemon with myself, please help!' I'm slamming you good. We're just dicking around at this point though, aren't we Bick?

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

You will never be done because you are weak willed and small minded.

Pokemon is for children 10 and under, you are juvenile and that is why you were thoroughly trounced.

Which is your favorite Pokeman? Do you plan on catching all the

Pokemen and how will you do this if you can't trade with yourself?

When you tell people you play Pokemon, do they look away out of embarrassment or do they openly laugh in your face?

What other children games do you play besides Pokemon to amuse your juvenile mind?

Do you find it depressing that you have to play Pokemon with yourself because everyone in your age range has outgrown it because they are adults?

You know if you post a legitimate response I will dismantle you with my superior wit and mastery of the english language. Go play more Pokemon, you're out of your element Bick.

Do you also have PokemonTM Tradings and PokemonTM plush toys?

What is your career record in Pokemon battles? I bet you have VHS tapes of every anime episode.

When do you plan on stop behaving like a child and doing adult things?

Do you still order off of the children's menu at restaurants as well? Which was your starter Pokeman? Were you allowed to have one since you are well over ten years old?

How do you feel about being thoroughly trounced in an argument and exposing yourself as a man child who plays Pokemon?

How did you win? By being an immature man child with juvenile tastes. I wouldn't call that winning, I would call that an embarrassment.

Still no refutation, I have afforded you ample opportunities to leave a response.

Don't be upset with me because you made a public post and exposed yourself as a man child. So much butthurt, I bet you would sell your dignity for a new gameboy and someone to trade with. You make me sick. This whole exchange has become even more hilarious now that you have been outed as a whiny man child by your own admission. 'I'm an adult and I can't play Pokemon with myself, please help!' I'm slamming you good. We're just dicking around at this point though, aren't we Bick?

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

You will never be done because you are weak willed and small minded.

Pokemon is for children 10 and under, you are juvenile and that is why you were thoroughly trounced.

Which is your favorite Pokeman? Do you plan on catching all the Pokemen and how will you do this if you can't trade with yourself?

When you tell people you play Pokemon, do they look away out of embarrassment or do they openly laugh in your face?

What other children games do you play besides Pokemon to amuse your juvenile mind?

Do you find it depressing that you have to play Pokemon with yourself because everyone in your age range has outgrown it because they are adults?

You know if you post a legitimate response I will dismantle you with my superior wit and mastery of the english language. Go play more Pokemon, you're out of your element Bick.

Do you also have PokemonTM Tradings and PokemonTM plush toys?

What is your career record in Pokemon battles? I bet you have VHS tapes of every anime episode.

When do you plan on stop behaving like a child and doing adult things?

Do you still order off of the children's menu at restaurants as well?

Which was your starter Pokeman? Were you allowed to have one since you are well over ten years old?

How do you feel about being thoroughly trounced in an argument and exposing yourself as a man child who plays Pokemon?

How did you win? By being an immature man child with juvenile tastes. I wouldn't call that winning, I would call that an embarrassment.

You lost when you said you were done and continued to respond. Oh, and you also exposed yourself as a manchild who plays Pokemon. I would say you are objectively a loser by all accounts.

Still no refutation, I have afforded you ample opportunities to leave a response.

Don't be upset with me because you made a public post and exposed yourself as a man child. So much butthurt, I bet you would sell your dignity for a new gameboy and someone to trade with. You make me sick. This whole exchange has become even more hilarious now that you have been outed as a whiny man child by your own admission. 'I'm an adult and I can't play Pokemon with myself, please help!' I'm slamming you good. We're just dicking around at this point though, aren't we Bick?

it said he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

it alleged he pulled his penis out, started masturbating and prevented them from leaving until he came.

This is what you wrote with 'said' after you stated that the article 'didn't allege...'. 'Said' simply gives an account of what was stated in the article. It does not establish that an accusation was made without any proof, which is why I clarified that everything is alleged at this juncture. You cannot use the words 'said' and 'alleged' interchangeably in this context. You also claimed that an allegation is a type of information, and we have seen that that typically is not the case, in this scenario it certainly isn't. You're wrong. Read more and better yourself.

You will never be done because you are weak willed and small minded.

Pokemon is for children 10 and under, you are juvenile and that is why you were thoroughly trounced.

Which is your favorite Pokeman? Do you plan on catching all the Pokemen and how will you do this if you can't trade with yourself?

When you tell people you play Pokemon, do they look away out of embarrassment or do they openly laugh in your face?

What other children games do you play besides Pokemon to amuse your juvenile mind?

Do you find it depressing that you have to play Pokemon with yourself because everyone in your age range has outgrown it because they are adults?

You know if you post a legitimate response I will dismantle you with my superior wit and mastery of the english language. Go play more Pokemon, you're out of your element Bick.

Do you also have PokemonTM Tradings and PokemonTM plush toys?

What is your career record in Pokemon battles? I bet you have VHS tapes of every anime episode.

When do you plan on stop behaving like a child and doing adult things?

Do you still order off of the children's menu at restaurants as well?

Which was your starter Pokeman? Were you allowed to have one since you are well over ten years old?

How do you feel about being thoroughly trounced in an argument and exposing yourself as a man child who plays Pokemon?

How did you win? By being an immature man child with juvenile tastes. I wouldn't call that winning, I would call that an embarrassment.

You lost when you said you were done and continued to respond. Oh, and you also exposed yourself as a manchild who plays Pokemon. I would say you are objectively a loser by all accounts.

Excuse me Bick, but I think you are confused. You're not playing Pokemon right now, you have been thoroughly trounced in an internet debate by an individual with superior intellect who employed facts, sound reasoning, and basic common sense to prove his point. In case you didn't follow I was talking about myself, I am that individual and you sir are a sad sap who plays children's games with himself.

I win, you lose.

I win, you lose.

You conceded that I was smart and that I won the argument Bick. You also just conceded that I am superior in every possible way. It would seem to me, or to any other rational person that you clearly lost this exchange I'm afraid. All those hours spent playing Pokemon with yourself must have warped your brain. Your butthurt is unrivaled.

You have lost spectacularly and have admitted so yourself by not clarifying the statements I presented to you. I'm smart and won the argument, you are a butthurt manchild who plays Pokemon. These are the facts, nothing you can say now will change them now. If you insist on turtling you will continue to be dismantled. Which versions of Pokemon do you have? If you can't trade with yourself how will you complete your Pokedex?

I win, you lose.

You are an insecure butthurt manchild who plays Pokemon and lost an internet argument to a much smarter man. You're Red Grange while I'm Jim Brown, we're in two different leagues Bick. You could no longer argume the point and had to resort to turtling with copy pasters. I have much more mental stamina than you and have been trouncing you repeatedly since we began our exchange.

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