Anyone catch Jim and Ant talking about Reddit last night and Jim acknowledging how we hate the show

0  2015-05-15 by Lilcumia

Jim didn't seem angry but just annoyed about it sort of down(s) you could tell he was bothered but not angry and defensive like Cunt. I took from it that he definitely reads the boards more than, I at least, expected. Ant brought up how recently some were mad about the studio not happening, people calling him a liar and how he went on here to defend himself. Was funny to listen to and great knowing these two see the Opie hate/jokes/ridicule. Most of the shit the people bring up here about T.Sloth they probably didn't catch.

Anyway anyway watch? If not carry on.


Jimmy was wrong about one thing yesterday. Amy Schumer is a total SJW now. Every one of her skits has some underlying feminist message and it's distracting to watch because you know it's there. We get it, you're fat and love your body and want men to like you for your brain and not worry about you being hot. Sorry, it's not gonna happen.

I think she got fat and is using this new approach as a way to justify.

That's a possibility

"nobody's fucking you for your brain, bitch."

Ohhhh man... I just want to suck on her intelligence

Franklin Ajaye

So... you don't get it.

Get what? That she's trying to get bigger gigs in Hollywood, so she's injecting liberal slants into all her skits? Yeah, I get it.


There's a big difference between being a liberal and being someone who throws their beliefs in your face and Amy is doing just that. Robert Downey Jr is a conservative, but you wouldn't call him a conservative actor. Mainly because he doesn't need to. Amy is an opportunist. She was a nobody, until she did Red Eye a few times, then OnA had her on after. Then she started to blow up and is doing anything she can to get to the top, which is fine, but I don't think that she's being genuine about how she feels. She sat at the Cellar Table with Colin and Norton, probably bashing SJW's, feminists and those people, but now she realizes that her base is 14-19 year old girls who want to believe that they're empowered and don't need makeup and want free diaphragms because old white guys are holding them back.


Wow it must be so eye-opening to see the real world through your Glenn beck, MRA tinted lenses maaaan! Like when roddy piper but on the ray bans in They Live!

Glenn Beck? When you do a skit about women not being able to get free birth control and then show a kid buying a gun at wal mart becuause THAT'S what really happens, how am I the crazy one?

you don't realize you're talking to an angry autist do you?

It's a comedy show. You'd have to be crazy to be offended by that.

It's funny that the OnA fans rally against people getting offended over jokes and speech then you come on here and anything that has a liberal slant is just UNBEARABLE and totally unwatchable to most of the people here.

Did you completely miss the premise of "douche chills??" When you start preaching your progressive narrative into your art maaaaan, that's fuckin cringeworthy

Not if it's funny. The rapey football team was funny. She had the 'no longer fuckable' sketch that was hilarious. That one wasn't progressive maaaaann. It's things she finds funny from her point of view. Daily show was funny and that was liberal. Who cares really? We want our comedy to be counter to the counter culture...maaannn.

Are you one of the white knights who tweeted at her when she was forced to post her fat pics that were going around, and said "you look beautiful, I wouldn't change a thing about your body! You GO Girl!"

You are living in a delusional world of false binaries. Understanding that she's fat and unattractive doesn't make any of your other conspiracy theories compelling or realistic. You're blinded by ideology. And retardation.

LOL leave this retarded troll alone, I tangled with him the other day and he is deep in his own autism

I tangled with him the other day

It's a saying, sir.

Woah! Easy there with the ad hominem attacks bro!

It's not an ad hominem attack because I wasn't trying to get involved in whatever retarded argument you're making, I was just informing the sub that I recognized your name when my fagometer just bursted.

We're not bros either, and if we were I'd Cain you.

Haha, I'm glad you finally understand the truth of my definition and not the nonsense you were pretending yesterday.

But this new tough-guy persona isn't any more convincing than your english teacher persona was yesterday. You were easily reduced to tears because you used a phrase incorrectly. Pretending you're not a closet peter-pumper now won't fare any better for you.

LOL like I said the other day - you are one derranged faggot, "cali_gunner's rape victim". Boy whoever that is did a number on your asshole - I bet it's the size of a manhole cover.

You sure do think about men's assholes a lot! I'll let you in on a known fact, that somehow has embarrassingly eluded you. The only people who obsess about "faggots" as much as you do are gay men, and religious men who desperately want to suck penises. I can guess which one you are!

Haha, you're so bad at this.

Yes, I got it the first time that you were surrendering because I completely nailed your secret life. No need to keep waving that white flag!

Even in your surrender you're being so Freudian. I notice that you have an obsession with men's assholes and you reply by autistically reposting photos of manholes, haha. You poor wretch

I'll check it out later.

I think we've all known Jimmy reads this sub since his Chip-roll. Once you've seen what goes on here you don't just leave and forget about it. I'd imagine Jimmy is very interested in what we say. Not to mention everyone else on the show.

Why the desperate need to be validated by Jim and Ant?

So... you don't get it.


Wow it must be so eye-opening to see the real world through your Glenn beck, MRA tinted lenses maaaan! Like when roddy piper but on the ray bans in They Live!

"nobody's fucking you for your brain, bitch."


Did you completely miss the premise of "douche chills??" When you start preaching your progressive narrative into your art maaaaan, that's fuckin cringeworthy

I think she got fat and is using this new approach as a way to justify.