I cringe every time Opie tries to guilt someone into giving them an "exclusive"

31  2015-05-15 by worksaf

Was listening to the David Duchovny interview this morning and he tries guilting David into giving him some kind of scoop on the X Files or whatever. Same with Rhonda Rousey or anyone else with a book they are promoting. The whole interview just becomes them trying to get the author to reveal all the best parts of the book on air.

Its so sad and desperate.


It's so hamfisted. It's not like he tricks them or is clever about it.

Just like when he'd try to get women to undress.

"Durr show us yer tits durr."

Opie shows his first

It's so hamfisted

Why bring Erock into this?

It doesn't matter even if they do get an exclusive. How many times have they had real big ones in the past (Anthony Weiner dick pick, Inside Actor's Studio guy was a pimp) and NOBODY knows that they were the ones that broke the news.

Good point. They're media presence is not what it used to be. Also, nobody really gets exclusives anymore. Anything exclusive is only that for maybe a few hours, this isn't the 90s anymore.

Exactly, just look at youtube and instagram on the evening news. Whenever something happens, plane crash, train derailment, mass shooting etc the "news" swipes someones youtube and instagram and the video goes 'viral' but nobody knows or cares who the first person to post something was.

The Anthony Weiner thing should've been MUCH bigger. How the fuck do you not capitalize on that?

Scared and incompetent management team is my guess. If I recall they had to put out a video saying they apologize or didn't know it was going to happen or something. Unless that was a joke but opie definitely put a video out. This was pre viral spiral mind you.

Inside Actor's Studio guy being a pimp wasn't even an exclusive. He wrote about it in his book 10 years earlier, talked about it on his show with Dave Chappelle and it was on his Wikipedia page. That's probably where an intern read it and put it on a prep sheet. Opie just made it to sound like: "OMG, I made him to reveal this, because I'm such a great interviewer."

Opie guide to becoming a millionaire broadcaster:

Get exclusive info = Viral post on Opie raqio = numbers = paycheck justified without having talent = "very good."

Yeah and who cares anymore? I don't read Perez Hilton or any other gossip blog so I don't give a shit about exclusives.

Only children of the 80s understand celebrity gossip.

Unfortunately it worked, he is a millionaire broadcaster

He doesn't know how to hide his desperation to get more publicity. As much as he likes to shit on Howard at least he knew how to get shit out of people and come out on top in an interview.

It's pathetic and Jimmy HAS to be embarrassed by it.

This is the same guy who would step over his own dying mother to get a picture with Scott Stapp, I don't think he has any actual human shame.

haha, good point.

What's extra sad about this is that history has proven time and again that even when they get an "exclusive":

  • It doesn't get promoted
  • Even if and when it does they don't get credit (Weiner/Breitbart/Kyle)
  • And/or nobody cares (James Lipton)

So it is proven to be a futile pursuit. Nobody (outside of media themselves) cares about "exclusives" anymore. The media world does for sure, they haven't figured out how to value their work in the current information dense climate. But mainstream Joe Blows don't give a shit. (IE: Everyone knows Bruce Jenner did an interview and what he said, MAYBE 10% of the people that know about the Jenner interview could tell you who did the interview or what network it was on). It doesn't give you clout with the public. What gives anyone clout is what they work off of an exclusive, their individual take/perspective/contribution. In this regard, since the Opester's mind is more shallow than the water on the beach he makes believes he shits on, he will never achieve anything.

With their resources they could stop going to big celebrities and instead bring in actual interesting people, somewhat like Joe Rogan does. I'd rather listen to that than another shitty movie plug, though that would require someone in studio that's actually able to discuss something interesting without making jokes about learning it on "The Google".

Just look at all the weird conversations you see in /r/IAmA , so much potential that doesn't rely on celeb gossip and "exclusives".

Wouldn't kill Rogan to bring in celebs more than he does. Loved his poscast but am completely burned out on it. Only so much Incan hear the same stories and rants.

He's a clod and not smooth in any way. In the rare instances that he knows something (or thinks he knows something) that someone else in the room does't know, he says "YOU DIDN'T KNOW THATTTTTT???" Instead of just scoring the touchdown and handing the ball to the ref, he acts like Chad Johnson.

He doesn't have time to keep up with cultural references from the last 20 years, there are only so many hours in a day, not to mention the Bruce Jenner interview is ON DEMAND!

Its just the temporary studio messing things up, once they're back in the new one the show will be totally different I'm sure. They'll be able to play the "Be more funny" and "Car crash" clips again.

Viral viral viral.

I hope Opie goes viral. Fuckin EBOLA amirite.


its like he doesn't know that the stars being interviewed and their handlers carefully coordinate the flow of information and decide who gets what reveal with a careful plan of promotion.

I have no idea why he handles his interviews the way he does because he has to understand that these media tours must be drudgery until you get to the 4 or 5 spots that you and your people have decided were important. Duchovny knows that hes not going to talk about X Files with anyone other than A, B, or C, and only when the time is right. Not while hes promoting his fuck boy album.

Duchovnys people probably dont even let him know hes doing The Slappy and Wappy II show until he walks in the door and sees Opie and Jim because its inconsequential and he just has to get through that interview and 12 more before he gets a chance to speak to Mario Lopez and drop the real info.

Rhonda Rousey tells a great story about her mother and father and instead of doing his fucking job and selling books by going "this is honestly a great story and one of my favorites in the book, check it out on tuesday to hear how it ends because youre not going to believe it" then transitioning into the next question Opie goes "wait! so how does this story end, the one you were telling us about your father??" When Rousey tells him that "youll have to read the book to hear the end of the story" it creates dead air and silence and kills the entire flow of the show and interview. Hes silent but you can tell Opie locks up when he gets the obvious answer he never saw coming.

fuck. 18 years old he started. Brother Wease was so fucking bored in the snow he actually took this jamoke under his wing. jesus wept.

My feelings exactly, it's so weird to listen to it happen live.

Duff CLEARLY did not want to go into detail about what was in his book...so...Mantits did it for him.

"And then....the girls took a selfie with you cause they thought you were GAY! UHHUHHAHAHUHUHUHUHAHAHA..."

THATS the BIT!!! /obligatory

Jimmy always tries to make him stop, too. like "nahhh it's ok we dont need that"

Opie's a mathelete. He needs da numbahs to go viral maaaaaan.

The rousey interview got some heat on mma sites, so maybe he's doing something right

eh, she did lots of media and somehow I don't think the new pop culture talk direction of the show will attract many MMA fans.

I'm sure her people did a big PR push. There was nothing revealed that was so outrageous.

Hey Hitler, give us an exclusive on how you plan to accomplish your ambitious plans for European Jewry. A caller...J DeRosa wants to know.


Best way to get an exclusive: "Hey I heard that on the set of X Files, in this specific year or season of the show, a thing happened that not many people talk about, can you tell us about it?"


He's a retart.

He always does this really hard to wrestlers.

Opie shows his first

It's so hamfisted

Why bring Erock into this?