Anthony Cumia fans are illogical...

0  2015-05-15 by RickMirer3

I don't really understand the logic...

Anthony fans believe Ant is more talented than Opie.

Anthony fans believe Opie is not enjoyable to listen to.

Anthony gets fired...NOT by Opie but by their bosses.

Opie now has his own show called Opie Radio.

Anthony now has his own show called The Anthony Cumia Show.

If I explained this to any college level logic class, I am pretty sure they would conclude that naturally, Anthony Cumia fans would not be mad at Opie, and would have no reason to attack him.

You would think, logically that they would have been attacking Opie MORE when Opie and Anthony were together, and the Anthony fans had to listen to him.

Now, you don't have to listen to Opie. Anthony's firing freed you of Opie. Thus, Ant fans got what they've always wanted...

Don't get the Opie hate, and any Ant fan who engages in it is probably just trying to impress Anthony on twitter or reddit, considering none of them listen to O&J anymore.

So I guess my questions are:

1) Why aren't Cumia fans happy with this arrangement and are angry with Opie?

2) If Opie is so terrible, why are fans pissed that he didn't apparently "TRY" to save Anthony? Didn't this arrangement work better for Anthony's fans? Now you have a choice to subscribe to Opie or subscribe to Ant. Instead of getting the guy you can't stand to get the guy you love, now you JUST get the guy you love.

3) Since Anthony is obviously, according to his fans, funnier, more talented, smarter, better on air, etc. Obviously Opie will fail vis a vis Anthony. So why are fans pissed at Opie and his show and the fact that it is still on air?

Shouldn't you be fucking happy you now get Ant solo and not Ant with Opie?


Anthony Cumia fans would not be mad at Opie, and would have no reason to attack him.

You're assuming that people are mad at Opie for Anthony's firing, which isn't true for the majority of people bashing Opie. Your post might have had some legitimacy several months ago, but this is a rebuttal to an outdated gripe. Most of Opie's detractors have criticized him for his on air performance, this is much more apparent now that he has to do more leg work with Anthony not being there. Opie had his skirt pulled up when Anthony was fired, he didn't have to do much heavy lifting when Anthony was on the show, hence the additional criticism now that he's not.

You're creating a schism were there doesn't need to be one, not everyone who thinks Opie is a dud on the air is necessarily a fan of Anthony or subscribes to his show. Many people simply think Opie stinks and they don't like him. At the same token, neither of these things are mutually exclusive. You claim that "logically" people should have no reason to attack Opie, but still being a 'fan' of Anthony's doesn't in anyway prohibit people from not finding Opie entertaining on the raqio. These are two separate points.

I think the problem with your argument is that you misunderstood why a good portion of this sub has turned on Opie. It's not because he is being viewed as culpable for Anthony's firing, whether he tried to save his job or not is really inconsequential at this point. Rather, people simply don't think he's talented, funny, entertaining, etc. I think many people on here from what I've seen simply want Anthony to get a co-host, they don't necessarily want the old team back together.

In summation, your argument is fundamentally flawed because you are not addressing the main criticism of Opie, you are issuing to a rebuttal to a notion (i.e. people are under the impression that Opie somehow played a role in Anthony's firing and that's why they are angry at him, hence why they are 'illogical') that the majority of people either A) don't believe or B) no longer care about. The firing itself is irrelevant at this stage. Most of the Opie hate stems from his on air performance, if you want to challenge his detractors you would have to do it on these grounds to prove that they are 'illogical'.

The problem with the OP's argument is that it only covers a portion of the people who hate Opie. There are people who do indeed hate Opie more or because of the firing, but it seems that you are referring to people who hate Opie because you feel he is vastly untalented and undeserving of his position. Fair enough. However, people(not necessarily you) have made the argument that they still listen to O&J to 'Jocktober' the show or to listen to Jimmy. That may be how some of you are having fun, but it does come across as illogical. O, A, and J would express frustration after doing Jocktober for a few days, but only continue with it 'because that's the bit.' On the other hand, people here take hours out of nearly every day for months now to pick apart random sentences, words, phrases, and moments to supposedly make Opie look like the asshole that you all believe him to be. This would all be well and good, but if/when I go back and listen it is never the negative context that people here make it out to be. What I find illogical is the discrepancy between what people represent here because of their hate of Opie, and what the show actually sounds like. Opie certainly does have his stupid moments, but the speculation of arguments between Opie and Jimmy, picking apart random things he says, or implying that his show is failing are all things that make this forum sound as though it is reaching with the Opie hate. If that's how some of you have fun then go at it, but it's sad to me that people waste hours of their time on something they claim to hate. Why not spend that time on TACS or one of the many free podcasts out there?

tl;dr Many of the arguments that Opie haters make come across as illogical whether they are a fan of Anthony or not.

The problem with the OP's argument is that it only covers a portion of the people who hate Opie.

The problem with OP's argument is that the portion of the fanbase he is addressing is so minuscule it is hardly worthy of note. He is refuting a claim that very few people make. "Hate" isn't entirely accurate either, many of us simply don't find Opie entertaining, we don't necessarily hate him.

There are people who do indeed hate Opie more or because of the firing, but it seems that you are referring to people who hate Opie because you feel he is vastly untalented and undeserving of his position.

Most of Opie's detractors are of this opinion, so if OP wanted to challenge the "haters" he would have to do it on these grounds, the firing is irrelevant at this point.

have made the argument that they still listen to O&J to 'Jocktober' the show or to listen to Jimmy. That may be how some of you are having fun, but it does come across as illogical.

Jocktober isn't exactly equivalent to what is taking place on this sub. Opie, Anthony, and Jim were never fans of the shows they dissected, they had no prior investment. The members here are critiquing Opie and O&J the same way Star Wars fans are critical of the prequels and George Lucas. Most fans like the original trilogy, but many have turned on Lucas when they felt the newer films were well below the standard, and justifiably so. I think if you want to equate this sub to anything the Star Wars situation is the most accurate correlation.

Moreover, O&A was largely rooted in taking the tar out of things that they took issue with, bad movies, PC culture, dumb celebrities etc. Jocktober wasn't an isolated incident, the show would frequently search out things they didn't like to use as a punching bag. They weren't 'obsessed' with PC culture because they talked about it so frequently. It was a subject worthy of ridicule, much like how people here now feel that Opie and O&J are now worthy of ridicule.

the other hand, people here take hours out of nearly every day for months now

This is presumptive on your part, there is no way to quantify how much time people spend on this sub criticizing Opie on average per day. Would you prefer it if people were incessantly praising him instead? This sub was made for the intention of discussing the show, the people who critique Opie are still doing this.

What I find illogical is the discrepancy between what people represent here because of their hate of Opie, and what the show actually sounds like.

People aren't intentionally misrepresenting Opie to make him look bad, the argument is Opie already looks bad by virtue of his own actions. Things like HOLD ON and getting angry at Otto for poking fun at the show reflect badly on him in many people's eyes. Posting the clips as is isn't removing the context of the clips. What you're stating is simply your opinion which is fine, you don’t think Opie comes off as bad as other people think he does. However, your opinion doesn't invalidate any of the criticism Opie has received.

but the speculation of arguments between Opie and Jimmy

Exactly, it's speculation and not worthy mentioning here. Everything that involves baseless speculation is a fringe matter and not worthy of note regarding the legitimate criticisms of Opie.

If that's how some of you have fun then go at it, but it's sad to me that people waste hours of their time on something they claim to hate. Why not spend that time on TACS or one of the many free podcasts out there?

This is your opinion and does not invalidate anything. Again, O&A routinely found humor in bashing things they didn't like, Star Wars fans shit on the prequels ad nauseam. Furthermore, many people have moved on, I don’t listen to O&J and have found other podcasts I enjoy. Many people here have discovered Legion of Skanks since Anthony was fired. That being said, this does not prohibit them from criticizing Opie or O&J. These things are not mutually exclusive, they’re free to do both.

If you disagree with the “Opie hate” that’s perfectly fine, but you have stated nothing that invalidates it in anyway. If you don’t think Opie comes off as bad as other people say he does that is not a counter argument that is strong enough in and of itself to dismiss their opinion as illogical. They are not trying to misrepresent him, they are ‘calling it like they see it’, just like you are.

I can appreciate your comment, but some of it comes across as disingenuous. The Star Wars analogy is good, but that does not give the behavior any credibility. It has been said over and over on this forum that people never felt as though Opie had any talent, so why listen now? If the person who has made the show so great and carried it for years has now been removed, then why still listen. If it is to listen to Jimmy, then they have many other forums in which to do so. O&A did take the time to make fun of popular culture, and you imply that this helps to justify the reddit forum to ridicule them. However, they did not stick with one particular topic and focus on it day in and day out. O&A would discuss what they liked, disliked, and were open to discussion. Actually, when they weren't going for pure comedy, they would be open to other points of view. Where I find your post to be disingenuous is the implication that the 'criticism' is constructive and sensible. Saying that my comments are meant to invalidate the opinions of the people on this forum says that they are valid in the first place. The simple fact is, people here love to bash Opie. Calling it by any other term is being obtuse. People here have their opinions about Opie and the job that he does on the radio. They do, in fact, have the intention of making him look bad. Nearly every thread is dedicated, or devolves into how much they hate him and how he sucks. Some people do have constructive criticism, and I can appreciate that. However, those posts are usually buried with constant posts of....Opie said(insert any sentence here) and this is why he is a 'twat; douche; cuckold; asshole; etc.' I don't mind if people hate Opie, but people's reasoning is open to be questioned. If anything, I would(and have) welcome constructive criticism, but that is not what is presented here. It makes it difficult to take many arguments seriously. I would probably agree and dislike Opie more if people here weren't so desperate in their hatred.

I hated Opie long before Ant was fired. I'm glad he has his own show now and hope they never have a reunion. I just hope Jimmy joins him one day. I come here to read about the dumb shit Opie says on a daily basis cuz it makes me laugh.

See this I understand....

What I don't get is why people hate Opie more SINCE or BECAUSE of the firing.

Usually you'd be like "Oh man, I'm glad that hack is over there doing his show...." Not! "OMG DID JIM'S SIGH IN THE 2nd HOUR MEAN HE HATES OPIE?????!!!!!! <orgasm>

What I don't get is why people hate Opie more SINCE or BECAUSE of the firing.

He's gotten worse since the firing. The fake low-voice, the fake gravel-laugh, not being able to say more than two words without doing a weird stutter, mispronouncing simple words (larynx = Larr-nix, Source = sauce), zero chemistry with Jimmy... its endless. I listen to clips with the same morbid curiosity as if I was watching ISIS videos. Did you hear his macho man impersonation this week? America should have a national moment of silence to reflect on how bad that was.

Exactly. Opie is even worse now.

Opie didn't fight for Anthony's job

I really hope you get paid for this shit.

I'm not mad at Opie, other than for the fact that his presence contributed negatively for so many years to my enjoyment of listening to hilarious people communicate.

But without Opie there is no Anthony.

And without ant no O & A.

Most hatred of Opie has nothing to do with Ant. It has to do with him being an unfunny no talent twat who lies through his teeth and entertains no one.

Because Ant is out of the Sirius XM building, which was far more integral to the "funny" of the show than Opie, because it ensured a rotating cast of comedians and celebrities to interact with Anthony and Jim. Now Ant is in Long Island chatting with Keith the Cop about race riots. This is great. Yeah. We all wanted that.

Also I hated Opie for a long time before the shit went down. I guess I've just seen so much of his true colors that I can't really stomach listening to him, even in about 50% of shit from the past decade, anymore.

But Opie didn't tweet what Ant did (knowing our current climate).

Opie didn't fire Anthony.

Anthony could have set up a show in New York City.

Why are you going to such lengths to miss the point?

They're mad that TACS isn't up to par so they vent their frustration in opies direction. Though a lot of the Opie criticism is valid, they are too scared of each other to say anything negative about TACS. Especially when their fuher gets upset and starta posting on here.

Stop bullshiting. Most fans of ant are saying what they could be doing better.

Yeah, until he starts posting on here. Go back to the other night and count all of the "I love you Anthony"s. It felt like we were outside of TRL during a backstreet boys appearance.

Opie sucks and was nothing more than dead weight on the radio. Nothing Ant does with TACS changes that.

Shouldn't you be fucking happy you now get Ant solo and not Ant with Opie?

No, you dummy! We got:

OAJ -> OJ + A

We wanted:

OAJ -> O + AJ

Understand?? Jimmy is in the mix too!

Then why be pissed at Opie? Why not Jim?

Or just AJ, the O wouldn't be necessary for what many people want.

I'm an O&A fan .Not feeling the solo work. This is the O&A sub & not everyone that hates Opie loves Ant. This concept may be too complex for your Black & white sensibility .

You capitalized the B in black but not the W in White.


Is OP Spock?

Not to mention Opie similiarly pulling a Todd Pettingel on Ant the same way Todd pulled on Scott Shannon. Todd is Opie's radio doppelganger but Op doesn't even realize this due to his lack of self-awareness and lack of intelligence, and cannot understand the profound irony of calling Todd a hack. And if you try to explain the irony to Opie, he won't understand b/c a hack wouldn't understand as that what makes a hack a hack.

It really is a shame that Opie was Scott while the Scott and Todd show was on (the idiot who couldnt follow the humor and would interrupt with nonsense killing the moment) but has since become Todd from the Todd show.

and Todd makes more money than Opie. so it's also ironic when that time a listener called into the show to tell Op how awful he was, Opie was saying how much money he made in this career and used that as a measurement of talent.

Shouldn't you be fucking happy you now get Ant solo and not Ant with Opie?

NO. Because even as fans of Anthony, next to no one wants The Anthony Cumia Show. Everyone wants the Opie and Anthony Show.

Opie was the necessary evil to get Anthony and Jim.. and Anthony and Erock... and Anthony and Travis.. and Anthony and the usual gang of comedians that rotated through... and Anthony and the quality of guests that XM/Sirius could generate. So why should we be fucking happy?


I really hope you get paid for this shit.



And we know deep down Opie is happy Ant is gone so he can now be the "star" host instead of just a star co-host despite his incompetence as an on-air personality and happy Ant is gone out of resentment he had for him for the last 15 years.

Ant fans know Ant deep down would've rather kept working for SXM for that huge paycheck as oppose to not working for them. His fans want him to be at his most happiest. If Ant wanted never wanted to ever work for SXM again, then we wouldn't want him working for them either. If Ant wants to go back then we want him to go back. Whatever makes him happy is what most of us Ant fans want. If we wanted Ant to go do his own thing, we want it happening entirely on his terms and not just b/c he was fired over complete bullshit. We're pissed at Op b/c Ant would've wanted to stay at SXM and would've wanted Opie to realize that and actually make an honest attempt to keep Ant.

Ant fans were/are pissed at Opie post-firing b/c:

a) he's a scumbag for lying on the air about doing everything he possibly could to convince management into keeping Ant at SXM, (b) for implying on-air to the audience how Ant is choosing not to go back to SXM by saying "the ball is in his court". He made it seem Ant didn't want to go back and implied how Ant always wanted to leave O&A and go out onto his own even despite Ant denying he actually wanted to do that. Op made it seem Ant was the one screwing the fans by not coming back. Totally manipulative, 2-faced, backstabbing scumbag move on Op's part. We want Ant in charge of his own career on his own terms b/c we all know he deserves that.

And we're pissed Opie is still on the air pisses us off b/c (a) since he has to talk more with Ant gone, his hack talent, his hack creativity, his hack humor, his hack personality and his overall hack way of living his life as a human being negatively rubs off onto Jim and his comic friends based on guilt by association. I'm thinking Jim and his friends now consider co-hosting or appearing on the show now as a burden now that Ant is gone and Opie is so awful and becomes more awful each and every day he show is still on. It becomes more a chore. They don't deserve that career liability from working with Op, they don't deserve the embarassment. And like Ant we want Jim doing the kind of show he actually wants to do, we want him at his most happiest and he's not right now.

I think it is weird that you care about another grown man's "happiness."

When it has an effect on entertainment I pay for, yes. I want the most out of my buck.

Way to tl;dr

Go brush your teeth with a shotgun op

Thanks, Norton Joke repeater.

Why not hit yourself in the head with a bucket of aids?

That's the bit

I think Opie says "that's the bit" as well. Good job of fitting that on in. Jesus fuck christ, you're one talented motherfucker. I bet you can name every single President there has ever been.

Be more mad you pussy

Oh I just now got it. LOL. By brushing your teeth with a "shotgun" he actually meant to stick a shotgun in the mouth and pull the trigger. That's really clever and original, did you come up with that yourself? Have you ever thought about going into radio or standup comedy? Move to Hollywood ASAP. With zingers like that, it would be a crime against humanity if you didn't. I'm giving you a new nickname, you're now called "The Sniper".

You capitalized the B in black but not the W in White.