Jimmy's Live read. "Click on the microphone on the top right of the screen and use the code word Opie! Oops!" (Ant,Jim and Ants crew laugh)

10  2015-05-15 by Lilcumia

On Tacs. Funny Ep. Worth signing up for a month just for this ep alone. Jim was on fire and hypnotised Bobo was hilarious


Me: Hilarious? Thats my word

The Philly crew always call me hilarious

Bobo was the low point of the show. It was terrible. Other then that the show was fantastic

yeah, bobo should never be on

I'm a subscriber and loved today's show, but no it is not worth signing up for a month just for this show. This show makes me more frustrated because it was great but for every funny one like this there are 25 boring and bad ones. It's just disappointing.

Here comes the Cumia cum kids defense force

I would buy that shirt

Your entire post history makes you seem like a SJW, seriously, why do you come here? Are you a fan of tits and paycheck? Because I doubt you were ever a fan if O&A... Or is it your another "I hate anthony but I listen for the comics" faggot who like to gloss over the fact that Louis has said nigger and more offensive shit at 10x the rate ant did?

Your entire post history makes you seem like a SJW

Wait, what?

accusing O&A fans of just all being a bunch of racists etc

It's the only place to get O&A news and gossip fast, and I don't want to intrude on wackbag's community. Reddit is a really shitty and meme oriented community where it really doesn't matter if your post quality is low. Just notice how often people click a down vote instead of verbally slamming someone. It's because they're used to quickly dealing with opinions they don't like, and on top of that they couldn't hang in a conversation even if they tried. Which is why when some heroic poster starts to slam a controversial opinion, he is instantly rewarded with 40 faceless nerds who would be getting asspounded in a second. Now watch me get down voted again because I don't blindly follow the agenda of the board. Oh no not the karma points boohoo.

Me Cumia defense force? I think TACS sucks asshole. It's probably a worse show than O&J in my opinion.

What I meant is 'Here comes the defense force to try to damage control against your comment', but I see you're already lost in autism.

My Autism aside, you weren't exactly clear.

How would it make sense to call you a TACS defense force drone? Get well soon.

So the best endorsement for a TACS sub is that once a month you might be lucky and Jimmy will fill in for Ant when he's sick.

This thread was more so to point out Jims line about Opie and not Bobo but what evs

The Philly crew always call me hilarious