The Opie Stangel' show Featuring Jimmy

18  2015-05-15 by PeppyChipperson

Hey Jim, you still glad you re-signed with Sirius? How's the show working out when you a stand up comic, now have two comedic writers come in to write for the show your on. Oh and they seem to be on mic quite a bit also.......this show is a total train wreck.

From the hilarious off the cuff riffing between Anthony, Jimmy, Patrice and the various comedians who used to kill on the a scripted, unfunny, "topical" morning zoo shit show.

Opie it doesn't matter what management says, or what those 4 people on Twitter who tell you the show is amazing say......the show completely sucks.


What the show needs now is some female energy in the room, someone to make sure the guys don't get too crazy or insensitive.

um...there's plenty of female energy in that room.

But that's enough about the pheromones oozing from Opie's sweaterpuppies.

isn't that what sam's for?


another two people Paycheck has to pretend to laugh at,that's all he needs.

ME: Then why keep listening!? tit tit slurp

I read this as 'tits sip burp'

since they are not wearing pants, its easier to get in there and lick it


Good for him. He is going to get the money he needs to buy the place he wants. And he can always come over to Anthony's as a sanctuary to have some fun.

good post

What, do you mean the edgy comedy of Doug Benson and Esther Ku somehow don't stack up in your eyes to Vos, Patrice, Bawby, and Colin smashing each other and the hosts? Come on now, Opetits has been doing this since he was 18. If you don't get the genius of it, you're just a hater, not a fan. Not that it bothers me, just admit you are a hater and move on.
