So, how long ago did Opie block you on social media? Looks like I'm at about 3 years.

0  2015-05-14 by truthie


That's a hilariously crafted tweet

I was never blocked by opie. Ant blocked me almost immediately. I figured it's a combination of 1) Opie not really reading everything, and my insults slipping through the cracks, 2) Ant going on an unblinking, mouse-finger-hovering coke binge when he's in twitter rant mode.

I suggested he was terrific on a nopie show. It was clear, concise and fluid.

Social media, what am I eleven?

he blocked me yesterday for Stangel related tweets. And here's the real kick in the ass, I never once check his Twitter before this, but now that I am blocked, all I want is to see his tweets.

You can see them from a browser without being signed into twitter.

And he knows it too.

I posted the 'Greggshells' movie poster I made on Opie's Twitter. Never blocked me.

I'm blocked by Anthony and I never even fucked with the guy on there.

Who's more sensitive?


He blocked me about 4 yrs ago and I swear I can not remember why. I must've retweeted something that he didn't like because I never @ mentioned him. Not that I have missed anything.

5 years and counting for YouTube! Fuck me that's a long time

ME: "So basically you lie to someone and then they're an idiot?"

That is a long time! A mere drop in the bucket when you think of how long he's been sucking, but long nonetheless.

I got blocked by Anthony and Opie the same day for saying "must have ran out of stuff to do since it's time for the daily fuck around with erock." I did get a rt from erock oh well.