Jimmy to HOST TACS tonight

39  2015-05-14 by Lilcumia


This is some damage control. All the Keith hate, then he does this to distract people from all his massive failures. Oh wow they got Jimmy to host 1 episode, I guess that makes up for the new studio failure. This show tries to do the bare minimum to keep people from rioting.


Imagine if instead of Jimmy we end up with Sam Roberts with special guest Diana Orbani

The rioting would make Ferguson look like a pillow fight.

Oh no no there wouldn't be riots, no...

Fckn negative ninny. Just watch and enjoy the show for what it is.

" then he does this to distract people from all his massive failures" Ohhhhh wait, this shows you dont subscribe because Jim was planned for today already...plz stop

I'm as annoyed by the shortcomings of TACS as anyone, but I don't feel the need to bitch about things they do manage to get right.

If the fucking liberals maaaan

Opie? Is that you again?

Jimmy's doing one show. Better subscribe for a year!

Anthony caught the whooping cough from eating preteen box.

You're making a joke, but I believe that's what happened.

One host is dying in bed, and the show is still hilarious. These two are the ones that should be doing a show together. That fucking cunt Opie should be like Lady Di.

Ant really looks like someone dipped Steve Guttenberg's skeleton in pink wax sometimes.


Alcohol poisoning?

Alcohol is to anthony what iocane was to the Man in Black.

Holy shit i'm dying from laughter already. 11 minutes in.

(If the car makes it by then).............what a disorganized fuck.


2015-05-14 18:44 UTC

Tssss on my way SOCK CUCKA @AnthonyCumia [Attached pic] [Imgur rehost]

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If he comes downstairs in pajamas with a thermometer in his mouth even for a split second I will stand up and applaud

Sits down with Jim for a few minutes with a little thermos of chicken soup.

*Self heating




This will be the shit





Finally, there will be laughs on TACS.

What a coincidence. Anthony is "sick". Amazing coincidence that after throwing a tantrum on reddit he's suddenly taken a turn for the worst. Opie gets reamed on a daily basis and still shows up for work.

Why not just be honest and admit you can't face doing another show that you know people hate.

Did you hear him yesterday? His voice was all fucked up.

Not unusual for a drunk

Opie gets reamed on a daily basis and still shows up for work.

Lol no.

he's suddenly taken a turn for the worst.

Can we acknowledge and ignore people that obviously dont watch the show while trying to have opinions about it.

At least try to keep up. If even for the sake of giving others up to date info.

He was sick yesterday, and it was painful to watch.

Did Anth have another heart attack?

Sick? what a fucking alcoholic.... more pity from Jimmy