With the stangel brothers taking over as executive producers and Sam taking the R&F time slot, what's too become of the unsung workhorse Erik Nagel?

0  2015-05-14 by That70smoke


Ask Steve C.

That was funny, but you really left me hanging on the answer.

just like Steve

bravo sir, bravo.

I can't, he's dead.

That's terrible. I'm sorry.

He passed away.

Ya kidd'n! How'd it happen?!

They will probably need to refill the oats in his feedbag

Same thing he always does. Look at bikini girls and write wrestling fan fiction while ignoring his job.

The bikini girls part always bothered me. Why not just look at porn?

Snacks ! Snacks! snacks snack snacks!

He should go to work for ol tony

If the Sam show becomes a real thing he'll need some level of support. Seems like it could be Erik plus one or more of the others. It would be a demotion, though.

I wonder what the minimum number of required persons is. Ron B seems to get by with himself, Gail and Chris. But then, Ronnie could do 3 hours by himself, a mike and a telephone.

Remember Erocks vague tweets about leaving/guess I'll be seeing you. This must have been it. What happens to Travis and Troy?