Hiring the Stengel brothers & having them on-air is a giant FUCK YOU to Jim and his comedian friends.

26  2015-05-14 by daterapebandit

If I were in his shoes I'd consider it a huge slap to the face, it's another way of saying I'm not funny enough and my comic friends are funny enough neither. ....with all due respect to the Stengels of course, nothing against them.


I think it's a "fuck you" to fans

what fans

The ones that hate the show now because they have the capacity to think critically

Hi Opie!

Whatever it is, they're the new co-hosts. No topic goes by without their comments. Huge change. Two more voices just cut the line and went straight to the mics.

I haven't listened but I knew that would happen. Which is odd to hire 2 dudes with no broadcasting/performing experience & give them such a significant role

Shows how desperate management is

It's terrible. I already am sick of the Stengall Bros. They added absolutely nothing to the show.

They bring nothing to the table.

To be fair there's not much room on the table for anything other than their breakfast troughs.

Line of the day

And roaches made of radio gold.

And ketchup.

How long until the stangels put Opie on the pay-no-mind list?

Or the Fucko List™

Stangel Brother 1: Wow, this Opie guy isn't funny at all.
Stangel Brother 2: I know, but he thinks he is.
Stangel Brother 1: Damn, why did we sign up for this? We used to be the head writers on Letterman! Stangel Brother 2: The O&A Show was funny though right? I guess we thought Opie and Anthony brought something to the show.
Stangel Brother 1: I guess only Anthony and Jimmy did.
Stangel Brother 2: Well at least we'll get a check until TV calls us back up. Stangel Brother 1: We certainly know who TV won't be calling up anytime soon, Gregg "I wish I had a TV show" Hughes. Stangel Brothers at the same time: Let's go eat.

Comic friends? What comic friends? They're too busy doing TV(1), their own podcasts(2), or being dead(3).

1:Louis CK, Bawby, Amy, Maron, Burr

2:same, minus Amy

3: Otto, Patrice

In the case of Louis at least, they're also too busy making comedy specials


Add touring a lot. It use to be guys would rotate in and out a lot after being on the road. Now, going on O and J and 20 other podcasts when they visit/come back to NY is probably not such a hard decision anymore. The core guys like Bobby and Vos come back strictly for Jimmy.

Vos is complete nobody outside of ona fans, also he needed that opie money

I miss Otto and Patrice. :-( they were the perfect type of mean. I wish Amy was dead

When your "steering of the ship" is not enough, management starts making changes on you. Just ask Todd.

I can't believe this isn't brought up more. No way this was Opie's idea.

I think Todd would actually be better on the show then Opie

As long as Opie speaks less.

How about all Jimmys so called comic friends fucking him over by not showing the show that helped make them famous the same love they did when they were nobodies.

Do you even listen to the show?

Marc Maron, Louis CK, Bob Kelley, Bill Burr and Amy Schumer have all done the show in the past year.

All five of those comics have TV shows, so they definitely have busy lives.

None of those five comics have done Live From The Compound.

Yea I listen and have listened to the show before jimmy was even on it. Jimmy with out a doubt gave his comic friends a major platform to promote themselves. It turned out helping all of their careers directly.Now those same comics do not do anything for Jimmy to help him out. How is that a wrong statement? What Jimmy gets to be an extra on an episode of their show? Louis CK thanked Howard stern for christs sake. Thats a slap in the face.

what the fuck are you talking about dude. every single one of those comics youve named has been on the show the last 2 months. louis ck, burr, maron, all of them

Jimmy spoke about the louis thing he said that louis was doing sterns show before O&A

Sean Roushe

Bob Kelly did.

I just think its funny bobby kelley is mentioned with those people, hes a nice guy but those comics imo are in another league to him

The Stengel sores are fucking useless bores.

It is to soon to know what hiring the Stangels means except for one certain thing: paying two more salaries means less money for anything else, be it roadshows, a part or full time 3rd mike, or whatever.

I think Sirius is really investing in Opie as the future of the company. They are grooming him to take over for Howard. So they are going to pour a lot of money into his show. I wouldn't be surprised if they get their own show on TRU TV or another channel. Sirius really wants them to succeed. Which tells you that Anthony's firing was planned a long time ago, and had nothing to do with his tweets. When Anthony was on the show, Sirius never promoted their show. Sirius gave them no money, wouldn't let them do anything fun.

Sirius tried to blow Ant's salary on Gregg's new condo and Jimmy's pay raise.

When they still had money left over they built a new studio.

They STILL had money left over, so they hired the Stangels.

Anthony was making some nice dough at Sirius.

They would never do anything like that again anyway in my opinion

I'm willing to give them some time and see how they "produce" for the show, but as of this week they are absolutely unfunny and unentertaining on air. Which is surprising, considering their past credits.

I would say it's completely unsurprising considering their past credits.

I cancelled my XM subscription so I haven’t heard much of the show lately but I did listen to the Mike Francesa inflategate discussion on YouTube. One of the Stangels (maybe the fatter one, I dunno) was interjecting. He didn’t add anything funny, but it was somewhat refreshing to hear a new and relatively intelligent (yes, it’s a low bar) voice in the room. I actually think it might work. Not in the way anyone here wants mind you, but in a watered-down, cuck-friendly Morning Mash-up kinda way.

It's also a statement that SXM controls the show 100%. It's letting Tits and The Worm know they have no say and that they will do whatever they're told.

I disagree - I think Opie is the one who pushed for this

You could be right. If he did, he misjudged horrendously like he always has about what was good for a radio show. The supposed radio genius has signed his own death warrant in show business.

dont be a fool opie is loves the management guy, and he asked for the fatsos, remember he kept teasing about hiring them on twitter

I was thinking this also. This is kind of a Fuck you to Jimmy. Now would be the time for him to bail....now the stangles are bringing the funny. Good time for Jimmy to head over to TACS for sure.

In case you haven't noticed...they've mostly stayed away from the show since the Ant thing. They're blowing up, and the show is staying exactly where it is.

Maybe none of the comics want it? Sorry I'm gonna give them a shot on air. It is refreshing to hear new voices.


everyone is replaceable.

Maybe hiring these guys is a fuck-you to Opie. I listened to the show today and it sure seems the mics are a tad crowded. And it also appears that the new guys have or will have some 'steering the ship' duties. And, from what I was hearing, Opie was competing with these guys to some extent. I didn't see a major difference in the Stengel bros roles and that of Opie's. Is it just wishful thinking or is it possible that there's a master plan where Sirius is grooming these guys to steer the ship and provide humor and intelligence, making Opie redundant?

Competed how? Do you have an example?

why have producers on third / forth mic? So basically management said listen your show is stale and we are sticking these guys with you and you have no say on the matter.

The real test will be when they have Vos and Bobby visit the new studio. If the Stangles don't disappear into the background or don't keep up with them I'll be disappointed.

wow. Sirius is stealing the show right out from under Opie. How long before they fire opie and jim and the stengels take over the same time slot and channels? Fucking bullshit.

also, who has ever heard of these fucks?

In TV land they've had some cred as comedy writers & producers on Letterman. They won or had something to do with winning a few Emmys or sumphin.

If they were worth a fuck they would have branched out.

I've always been a Letterman fan so I'm giving this a shot, but it is a weird fit.

Totally agree, I haven't listened since Sept but deifinitely won't ever again with the stinkel whales

Stinkel bout it

comedians who have been on opies show bob kelly, rich vos, colin quinn, jim florentine, sherrod small, mark normand, lynn koplitz, bobby lee, ron white, vic henley, jeff foxworthy, bonnie mcfarlanne, doug benson, joey diaz, joe rogan, ari shaffir, esther ku, artie lange, stuttering jon, jim jefferies, pete holmes, gabriel igliasias, gregg proops, marc maron, bill burr.....

i could go on for anther three lines

why would jim norton see the stangel brothers as a kick in the face unless he deserved it!!!! im sick of you faggatinos warping what is going on

the show is in trouble when the other comedians aren't there, jim isn't able to be funny without someone else there, and even when they are he is bombing often. i like the opie show about 50% of the time. i like the ant show about 10% of the time becuase he has the same problem as norton. he isnt funny without another comedian. opie is fine, his job is to keep the show moving when there is a lull. norton needs someone else, and to be honest he isnt that good with comedians he doesnt know.

So are they going to start writing for the show soon? It certainly can't get any worse can it.

What are they waiting for?

The Stankles don't know the first thing about radio. It's like someone propped a mic up in front of a snail.

If they hired no name interns would the mindset be different here?


We blame Anthony for hiring his friends to work for him,

Then mad again when Opie and Jim Don't hire their friends

Who the hell blames Ant for hiring friends?

go visit the TACS sub and see all the love KtC, rat, etc get

Rat was, is, and will never be a friend of Rat.
