Had a convo with someone here about black crime in American and by the end of it I think Ant and like minded people are just going after black people. (Here's how it played out )

0  2015-05-13 by Lilcumia

Poster 1 Here's one example, there are several more to be found. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/video-maryland-man-violently-beaten-by-group-of-teens/

[–]Lilcumia[S] 2 points 23 hours ago Yeah, but couldn't you just as easily take an article about another race doing something and say "look at this!" What about your experience?

Poster 2 Did you know 84% of white murder victims die at the hands of other whites? THE STATS DON'T LIE PEOPLE

Poster 3 I've been assaulted before, but only by another white. Then again, I don't really hang around "those" people.

[–]Lilcumia[S] 3 points 23 hours ago Lol I wonder if Ant has had more physical and verbal disputes with white or black people?

Poster 1 numerically blacks are more violent and kill more blacks but yes you could cherry pick if you wanted to for sure.

[–]Lilcumia[S] 2 points 22 hours ago I don't know what you mean by "numerically blacks are more violent" but if "numerically whites were more violent" would anyone care?

Poster 4 He means percentage-wise. If whites were more violent, percentage-wise, it wouldn't matter because there are so many more whites than blacks.

[–]Lilcumia[S] 2 points 21 hours ago So the stats wouldn't matter cause there is more whites? I'm tryin to work out it out but I don't see what statistics are proving black people are a problem that if the tables were turned whites would say "ok, white people are the problem." Sounds more like a gun problem.

Poster 4 Black people make up 10-13% of the population, but the commit the majority of violent crimes and make up over 50% of jails. That's a big deal because there are so little of them. A "gun problem" would be extraordinary - it would literally mean that guns developed AI and were killing people without the help of a criminal, mentally ill person, cop, suicidal person and occasionally the child of an irresponsible parent.

[–]Lilcumia[S] 3 points 21 hours ago Ok so there is a large percentage of them in jail. Is it on the other races to tell them to stop? Are they less US citizens? If they did the crime they'll get punished, no? Will Ant and people who think like this only be satisfied until whitey holds highest percentage in jail?

Poster 4 You're going off the rails, sir.

(Ant making jokes about race is the hardest I've laughed, though. I used to agree with Ant when he would get angry about this but what's his skin got to do with it? A cunt is cunt)


Crime comes from poverty, where poor people live crime happens in America it happens to be blacks and Hispanics. There are a lot of poor white people but they tend to live in more rural areas and not crammed into giant apartment buildings. I was watching a documentary not too long ago about a new heroin in Russia. They had neighberhoods that looked just as bad if not worse than any American city but not a black person to be seen.

I remember Patrice saying for some reason when a white person does something horrific other white people can separate themselves, but when a black person does it other black people have to answer why.

it's doesn't just happen to be that way, it's by design courtesy of Jim Crow and sharecropping and segregation. the great migration filled inner cities with black people who weren't allowed to receive real educations or pursue non-domestic jobs

I dont hate black people, mostly because there isn no Black People

What do you expect when Patrice and Burr aren't around to put him in his place with their regurgitated Illuminati propaganda?