Listen to today's show to see the "new direction"- Opester's dream

38  2015-05-13 by nolasen

I said awhile back, The Psycho wants to do Entertainment Tonight Radio with Jenny Hutt. She is the perfect co-host for him. She plays the dunce below him that no one else is capable of. Norton is the go between in his eyes, to try and not lose all the audience base overnight during this transition. Now, in his eyes, he has Letterman's production machine behind him. So his new career as a semi-retarded Pat O'Brien can finally take flight.


I'm happy with the new direction of the show, there just isn't enough generic celeb interviews out there

Can't wait for such insightful questions of inquiry such as "So you decided fuck it and to become a singer as a teen?" and "Man woah, how was it like to do this movie knowing what chances you were taking?"

A child could figure out more interesting angels to unpack anecdotes from people.

tss yeah and maybe bring out some devils too or sumpthin

So hmm what do you think the ol'situation in Washington right now? I really hope those folks get around to sorting that out. Am I right? Jim? Am I right?

there just isn't enough generic celeb interviews out there

yes there are!

Oh literal SilentlyScamming...

Man, these literal jokes are getting pretty old. Do you guys honestly think this shit is still humorous? WE GET IT, YOU LISTEN TO SHOW

its always ass hats like you who make comments like this who, when you go into their post history, do the same shit.

JUST 10 DAYS AGO you did a chip joke.

fucking hypocrite

Edit: And after it's pointed it out, they usually delete their post. Just in case you think you can just delete away your shame here's the rage comment and here's the stupid chip joke made just last week

Lol, Jesus Christ. Sounds like someone has a bit too much time on his hands... Although I would agree that it would seem hypocritical for someone like me to hate against something like these "oh literal _____" posts while simultaneously doing chip posts. However, the difference is I actually find chip posts amusing and hilarious at times, while these literal "jokes" are tiresome and repetitive dogshit drivel, at best.

But you win, Mr Detective. Great work. Also, I didn't delete any of my posts, so the fact that you went above and beyond to screencap my posts to prove your shitty point is hilarious to me. Bravo.

Oh literal Scamming!

Have you ever thought about becoming middle-management at SiriusXM?

it's all I think about

All of those cryptic E-rock tweets (not the "everything that is good..." one but the other one - what was it something like "well I'll see ya later" or something - was that in reference to this hiring?

The reverence people 40+ have for Letterman is mystifying to me. Let alone two shitty writers who worked on the show in its Willie Mays with the Mets era.

He was great in the 80's. Besides that, he and Paul Shaffer have looked and acted like your lame uncle for the past 20 years. I've never seen someone with so many dadjokes get pity laughs as much as Letterman does. His top ten lists have always stunk and if that's the kind of humor the Stangel Bros. bring to the show--well fuck it, it's not like I've listened to this dogshit since Ant got fired anyway.

I don't give a care what anybody says, I like Letterman.

Mostly it makes me lose respect for Norton. They styled themselves as "real" and its now very fake. I wish he and Ant and worked together, maybe Norton could bring the professionalism Ant lacks and all the Cuck's blunders would have never happened. Who knows.

Why would anyone in their right mind quit a gig where they get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to shoot the shit on the radio?

Jim Norton isn't working for the hell of it, he's just like all of us, he has bills to pay.

You're right, an artist shouldn't take risks, instead they should get comfortable and slide into mediocrity. Good for Jim if he wants to be "anti comedy boy" on the new E! presents: Opie! Raqio!

Please name two radio talk show hosts who quit their jobs.

I'll be waiting...

The truth is simple: Radio talk show hosts get paid a hell of a lot of money for working part time. No one in their right mind quits. They get fired, or laid off. That's it.

Fez Whatley and Todd Hillier

You seriously think Fez "retired?"

That's hilarious.

Fez wasn't pulling his weight. After years of that, they put Fez on a month-to-month contract.

Eventually, they stopped renewing that contact.

There's no difference between getting laid off and having your contract expire.

whatever you say rube

I was also joking, no need to go full retard

Adam Carola, Jimmy Kimmel, Carson Daily, Larry King, even Dan Soder... A bunch of unknowns really.

Adam Carolla was laid off when CBS pulled the plug on the "Free FM" format.

Dan Soder went out the same way as Fez - they didn't renew his contract.

I have no idea about Carson Daily or Jimmy Kimmel or Larry King. I thought they were TV guys, not radio guys.

People don't quit radio. To expect Jimmy to do that is sheer stupidity. It's not going to happen.


It's the fact Jim used to present he mad morals and go after people who showed none.

I think most artists don't wanna be seen as sell outs and Jim publicly ( well his fans ) is now seen as one

Jim knows he lost a ton of respect from the fans but he was more money and an easy life so there's that. Jims got the materialistic life he wants but I think in his mind he wanted the outspoken and being real persona. He had to choose. As a fan I was disgusted but good for him for staying rich.

He's riding the wave and he's miserable.

If someone paid you eight hundred dollars an hour to talk on the radio, would you be miserable?

I don't understand you people. You act like sitting in the same room as Gregg Hughes is some intolerable torture.

Sure, the dude is a fool, but eight hundred bucks an hour is difficult to walk away from.

Does an expensive whore feel shame? Ask James Norton

It IS intolerable can hear it on the fucking radio and whenever that cunt Opie fucks up or shits all over the humor. Would I put up with it for what Jimmy is paid? Maybe for a year or two....but I'd be out of my mind in no time. It is not all about money. Jimmy used to love being on the radio, mostly because of Anthony. Now he is there simply for a paycheck.

"The Stangel brothers are here to produce the show but I guess Sirius had to word it some other way"

Funny how they worded it as "hired as writers"

The Opieradio channel is listed under "Entertainment" in the Sirius app. Guess they do word things weird.

Well I don't believe it said they were hired as writers, it said they are comedy writers who have been hired as creative consultants.

You've been klurdjonsked!

Word is bond.

Opester's dream sounds like pure fucking shit. Anthony had tons of talent, and even that could not stand up to the wear of Opie's cuntiness and narcissism. Poor little bitch was all hurt that Anthony didn't want to have a relationship off air.

The problem is OPIE, and it always has been. The guy kills all humor and there is a reason why he is bashed so badly by former workers. Yes, we all know that he "found" Anthony and got him into radio. That excuse stopped working 15 years ago. Throw all the money, writers, and producers at will always be shit as long as it is OPIEradio.

now this is cringe radio.

That fucking duet bit was the absolute worst thing ever. The Todd Show is more listenable than that mess. And this is the amazing Stangler Bros at work?!

The only duet I wanted to hear was Chip yodeling into Jenny's twat.

The Todd Show is godly compared to this garbage. What I wouldn't do for a parody song.

Duet bit? any kind of time stamp on that?

Sorry I don't. It was the last 30 min or so of the show with Jenny Hutt. Jim tried playing along with Chip singing but by the end he was fucking enraged and having no part of it.

haha, i'll have to tune in at least for that

If you live in Atlanta, you get the feeling that Opie wants to turn it into The Bert Show. Main guy acting like a schmaltzy schmuck, bunch of doofus dudes telling rad stories about what naughty rascals they are and a harem of holes shaming the naughty nitwitted fellas with "you guys" eyerolls and scoldings.

I'd respect Sirius equally at this point if they invested in NOLA/Houston fav Rod Ryan at this point.

They should just replace him with Bob and Tom and call it a fucking life.

Hey it's me. You're so fuckin' hot. Betsy is like all of a sudden not into it. But as soon as we get together, I want to fuckin' suck your pussy, talk dirty to you, watch you and Betsy eat each other, suck my cock, beat off onto your face, get another women out, hire a hooker. Let's get crazy, get some coke. So if you get this message, if you agree with this, just look at me and say "yes."

  • Pat O'Brien.

That was great radio. RIP

Opie and Howard are going down the same sanitized path SiriusXM wants them to go down. The edgier elements have been disposed of (Artie Lange, Anthony Cumia). Howard's playing along because it also happens to serve NBC Universal's interests, but why is Opie letting Sirius turn him into just another generic radio host?

HE's not "letting" them, he just is that now. Only thing he ever had that was "edgy" was fucking with callers, jumping on cakes, breaking guitars and the like. He blasts easy targets. That doesn't play well for an old man. He knows that. Howard has been boring for years, but even in his current incarnation he is an infinitely better conversationalist than the Opester. Also Howard's value comes from his name, the Opester simply does not have that value. The best name value he had was as "Opie and Anthony" and that would have been over a decade ago and even then still wasn't Howard level of value.

Because he desperately wants to have a gig where he has to consider NBC, ABC, or some other television network's interests. If Howard can feature on a cornball talent show with a target audience of Jean Lundergaard, then why can't Opie cross over too?

Kudos on the Jean Lundergaard reference. Upvoted.

The saddest thing is that Opie is too old to do that. Howard was a major player in radio and the best he could do is a third-rate American Idol that nobody gave a shit about. What does Opie think he can do? He might as well just announce wrestling.

omg imagine the dipshit with a hole, that could break the internet or at least some forums.

I can't tell if this is taking a shot at Opie or if he's trying to establish camaraderie with his new employer.

This one really hurt when I heard it. So douchy. It makes no sense to me as a shot at Opie being that they just got there and are supposed to be helping him. I think it was this fat, autistical douche trying to fit in with the "hip" vernacular of the show and/or thinking he's mocking the "haterz".

I mean, he couldn't write that kind of raw organic dialogue for 90 year old Letterman, corporate piggy-boi is letting his tie loose MAHHHHN

I agree. Maybe these brothers will be able to help Jim with interviews since Opie has zero frame of reference on anything but I don't think their humor will resonate with the greater O&A audience.

Writers or producers, I didn't see "co-hosts" in their job description anywhere. The Opester will milk them as much as he possibly can. That is his specialty, he's a professional milker.

No, but they probably want the "Opie Radio" audience...yuck.

These douches are Jewish frat bros. They know Francesa and hacky comedy. My mother has loved letterman for 15 years - she's 70. That says a lot.

"Listen to today's show..." could be the best suggestion to absolutely ruin my day

Opie has just gone full The Todd Show. He literally is reinventing radio. Ugh.

I imagine if Jenny Hutt becomes Opie's new co-host, he'll end up like Todd: being shuffled off slowly so it just becomes Just Jenny, the three hour version.


It wasn't as bad as the shit show the last couple months.

At least now it's just mindless white noise.

Opie is prob making the better business choice for himself. Make middle of the road horse shit they can keep on in businesses etc.

Shock jock days are over. Any is doing a show from his basement with monkey sounds over the Baltimore riots.

It's over folks. Move on

"So his new career as a semi-retarded Pat O'Brien can finally take flight."

Good shit. If it hasn't crossed your mind already, you should consider professional writing as a career.

Thank you.

I saw this comment on Opie's Facebook Post about the Stangel Bros. joining. This comment is perfect!

The Stangel Brothers are there because Opie is failing fast! Or do you think it's just a coincidence that the show never needed writers in the 20 years Ant was there? Sirius is doing everything they can to protect their multi million dollar investment. Opie has to pretend to be excited about the writers coming in. It's either that, or admit Ant really Was the O&A Show.

Opie has literally become the radio jock he made fun of for 20 years!

Jenny Hutt may be an annoying cunt, but she use to be a lawyer.

Opie struggled through his bachelor program.


The funny thing is I always got the feeling that Opie found Anthony very funny. His laughs during Anthony's jokes seemed very genuine. He seems like he fake laughs at most of Jimmy's jokes.

I don't know if this is Opie's dream. I think it's more that Sirius is forcing them into this direction. They did the same thing to Howard a while ago. I honestly think they are grooming Opie to take over after Howard leaves.

No way they are grooming Opester for the Howard spot. He may believe that, but that's a different stratosphere that he hasn't even flirted with.

I say it's his dream now because he is old and has a family. He wants an easy gig. While the shock jockery of old is good for getting attention, making a name, it isn't sustainable in today's climate. Semi-retarded wannabe Pat O'Brien is sustainable. Homogenized drivel is abundant. No risks. That's what he wants to do.

Even if I'm right on this it doesn't mean he doesn't find Anthony's humor funny, he just doesn't want to do that sort of thing. In large part because he's always a spectator, because he is devoid of talent, wit, humor, or above a 1st grader comprehension level, but also because real humor is risky. Celebs won't do your show, you'll get fired and such. if there is anything he may have learned over the years it is that fact.

Certainly Opie can never be Howard, who is a bigger-than-life natural at what he does. Like Howard or not, he brings confidence and usually competence to everything he does.

Opie's realistic dream should be to fill all the timeslots on OpieRadio with quality content, then take credit for it, and a piece of the action too. Get that 3 day week he's been hinting about.

Meanwhile Opie needs to keep looking for that magic 3rd mike. Sorry, it's not you Sherrod, nor probably you Florentine, though I like you. Maybe it's Soder or Kelly. Or maybe it's nobody if he doesn't gel with Jim.

Sadly, some days I wish Erock or Travis or even Denny on mike instead of Jimmy...and I like Jimmy. But bummed-out Jimmy doing his tired voices is only funny in small doses.

Why? Howard was only there to give Sirius some legitimacy when they were a new company in an old business. Now that they've stuck around a while and defeated their competition, Howard Stern is useless to them. You really think they're going to spend a few million per year to have some guy slowly slide into a lackluster weekly show with the vague promises of getting ad space on some reality TV show?

I have no doubt that Opie wants to be Howard, but Sirius doesn't need a Howard. They just want to see if they can salvage something from the O&A mess. At this point I'm wondering when Jimmy will be dropped as pedophile/shit humor doesn't really mesh with what Opie is trying to do.

He will never be Howard in the sense of crossing mediums and being mainstream famous. "Opie" will never be the name Stern is. As you said , Stern helped legitimize them, but they aren't so far along that "Opie" "Sam Roberts" and "Jenny Hutt" will keep them afloat at this range. Sirius doesn't make stars. All the things they say about podcasting and how no one not famous elsewhere has yet to be successful at podcasting are true, but the exact same can be said for Sirius.

Even if they were a star making machine, a guy named "Opie", pushing 60, best days were 15-20 years ago as a fake skater bro shock jock, and can't hold a conversation on his own, and his eyes are collapsing in on themselves (furthering the notion that there is a mini-blackhole in his skull), is not the guy you put forth as ANY company as the new fresh face, or flagship show. It is just absurd to me.

They may go cheap and think it may work on some level, but holy shit, Carolla's podcast network would have more respectability. That's a huge drop off. This isn't Jordan to Pippen, it's Jordan to BJ Armstrong.

To the mainstream (the very limited mainstream under 30 that MIGHT know of him) he is just a has been shock jock that their parents told them about the time he got people to fuck in a church. That's all. Completely different footing to start a flagship with compared to what Stern had and WHEN he first went there.

Good comment.

I could definitely see a scenario where Sirius radio becomes even MORE milquetoast than it already is.

The reason that television was fucking horrible in the 1980s, and excellent today, is because there's WAY more competition than there was thirty years ago.

I hate when Opie says "That is quick!" Just laugh you idiot, we all know how quick Jimmy is.

Oh literal SilentlyScamming...

Oh literal Scamming!

He's riding the wave and he's miserable.

You're right, an artist shouldn't take risks, instead they should get comfortable and slide into mediocrity. Good for Jim if he wants to be "anti comedy boy" on the new E! presents: Opie! Raqio!

Man, these literal jokes are getting pretty old. Do you guys honestly think this shit is still humorous? WE GET IT, YOU LISTEN TO SHOW