Did Sam Roberts start his gay lil new show yet?

0  2015-05-13 by SeattleThatNeedle


Ant said he is going to be on the same time as Ron's show, who the hell thought that would be a good idea.

I couldnt give a shit about Ron. I'll give shitty same Sam a listen.

I listened to you now you listen to me: you're a faggot and you're against the Lord.

You definitely sound like a sam roberts listener

Cant wait to hear him use incorrect figures of speech and hang at the end of his sentences because he has the vocabulary of an 8th grader FIVE FIVE FIVE FIVE FIVE days a week!

Maybe he will talk about molly that's hip. Bet he never chugged beer or did bong rips in highschool... or has eaten from any section of a menu but "kids"

sam's the smartest guy in the room. too bad the room is full of obese dullards