Some fuck taking shots at Anthony in his 'Misery Loves Comedy' review

4  2015-05-13 by Houghton91


Whoopi Goldberg pops up once or twice, but that doesn’t adequately cover women or people of color.

This quay is obviously judging everything in life according to his SJW check-sheet. His opinion isn't worth the server space it resides on.

It's not enough, it's never enough. It's never fucking enough.

The whole thing could've featured bi-racial, poly-abled two-spirited transwymyn who don't need no man and they still would have found something "problematic" with it.

no mention of leslie jones

(except for garbage human Cumia)

Did Opie write this?

Opie can barely read an article let alone write one. Nice try with the hate tho.

Maybe the Stangel brothers wrote it.

Nah the article had no top ten lists.

Turning Frowns Upside Down or Some Shit

Oh no, its one of those hack comedic writers. Fuck me, adding "some shit" to the end has me howling.

He DOES request that we "Get in touch by e-mailing me at [email protected]."

Ugh. What a fucking terrible article.

There is no Chris Rock or Leslie Jones or Kevin Hart or Dave Chappelle or Paul Mooney

Guess which person has no business being mentioned amongst the others?

I bet he googled "black female comedian" before writing that sentence.

If it's a white man from San Francisco who finds Paul Mooney funny, I think that's all you need to know about this article.

That's what I thought too, I was just talking to someone complaining about what crybabies anybody from San Fran or Berkley are about anything, and how 'culturally sensitive' they want everyone to know they are. But this is from Sante FE, in New Mexico, right?

I love the it escapes this critic's mind that maybe Kevin just wanted to interview his friends, or only mention comics/funny people that he was interested in talking about. Like he's supposed to ascribe to this global policy or some kind of shit.

I wanted to see this in theaters but it was only up one week here and I missed it, fucking bummed. (I know I can still see it I just really wanted to see it in a theater)

What horrible sentence structure. No wonder they don't have a real writing career.

Who cares.

Terrorize him.

If this was 2009, I'd say this guy was fucked.

Man I miss those days. Being a pest was so much fun

The swarm is gone and we're a buncha queen bees.

Oh em gee valley Pete. Ur so groady

This guy is an sjw cunt for sure.

I also don't give a fuck about Anthony. All ant does is talk shit, he can take it.

Jesus, I was expecting this to be over sensitive Cumia ball licking but the way that guy went after him was from a very deep place and Outta nowhere. Who the fuck is this guy, there must be a history. And ant is not a hack, he obviously doesn't even know what that word means

I agree. It's fair to call Ant a racist, but a hack? That's ridiculous.

And, if the title of the movie is Misery Loves Comedy, who better to interview than Ant? The best comics of the past 25 years all find Ant hilarious. None of them dispute that. But obviously Ant has demons he has to exorcise and that are derailing his career. What better person to interview than Ant then, considering the whole point of the documentary? If anything, I would say that a more honest critique of the film would have demanded more of an examination of Ant's issues as an illustrative point that humor can often come from a very dark place that unfortunately spills over to the point that it's no longer funny, so where is the line drawn? And how much leeway are comics given to push that boundary? And what should the consequences be if they do indeed go too far? And should there be consequences at all? And can a guy like Ant sink deep into the abyss before finally reemerging even funnier than before once they get that weird shit out of their system? Or can you sink too damn deep into the abyss such that you inevitably reach the point of no return and drown in obscurity?

But Pollak loves Ant and aimed to make more of a lighthearted examination of the topic that celebrated his love and appreciation for his fellow comics, so he didn't do a deep dive into the Ant dilemma. But if I was being an intelligent reviewer that had problems with Ant being in the doc, my beef would be that it would have been much more compelling to dig deep into Anthony's story to find where misery and comedy connect. But, nah, instead this scrub writer wrote a superficial review and looked for easy to get scooby snacks and chin rubs from his fellow SJWs. Shaggy loves you Scooby.


Ant takes shots at people all the time,don't be so sensitive.

I'm not being sensitive, i'm merely pointing this out. Do with this what you will. Hopefully that involves you, a bottle of whiskey and some train tracks.

As much of a cunt this reporter is, he is using free speech to talk trash.

you're an idiot for giving him click revenue

Oh, i'm sure he's really making a fortune by posting it for 100 people on this sub. I don't think he's going to become a media mogul, relax.

Figures it's San Francisco.


Still, it's fun. That’s because its subject—comedians and how they operate—is important to comedy fans. The comedians featured know how to tell a story (even if the movie itself isn’t interested in showing one). And it’s, at times, riotous. That helps.

He's trying so hard to find a reason not to like it despite the fact he said these people tell good stories and it's funny.

This pathetic little fag claims to be a TV producer and only has 273 twitter followers.

His twitter is @ThaRid if anyone wants to fuck with him there.



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2014-10-27 22:54 UTC

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its just not true that anthony is hack, that is dumb writing. in fact its kind of hack writing to call a comedian you don't like hack. (edit: to call him hack just cuz you don't like him )

I thought San Francisco was awesome when I was 13 now I think everyone there should be immolated.

Well hold on now, let's examine what the guy said.....

"Plus, there’s an unwelcome appearance by that revolting hack Anthony Cumia—you may remember him as the half of Opie & Anthony that got kicked off his own show for tweeting racist bullshit; he was still making racist tweets the night before this review went to press!—when so many other good comedians could have filled his slot."

In fairness, many say that Anthony is physically unappealing. Revolting is a bit harsh, but beauty IS in the eye of the beholder, so we really can't say that the author of the piece doesn't find Ant revolting, and certainly that his presence in the film is unwelcome to him.

Hack? Anthony does still frequently do impressions of a comedian that hasn't been relevant since Reagan's second term, and make references to films that he was renting on VHS around that same time.

There's also technically nothing incorrect about saying you 'may' remember him from the Opie and Anthony show, and for being fired for his racist tweets. I mean the non fan may remember him from that. Or they may not.

And as for him still making racist tweets as that review went to press? Anyone want to take the Vegas odds against that being true?

So many other good comedians that could have filled his slot? Again, a fair statement considering all Anthony does these days is rant about guns and black people. I mean, is he really a comedian anymore?

So, it's more like "Some fuck gives a relatively accurate assessment of Anthony in his 'Misery Loves Comedy' review", isn't it?

What the reviewer said is exceedingly accurate. Hell, Anthony tweeted about guns and "animals" around 3 am this morning. Whatta life.

So only blacks can be animals? I call any scumbag that commits violent crime scum, animals or savages.

Okay, so gold star for you. The point, however, is that Anthony has a history of referring to black people as animals, and he was doing it as recently as 12 hours ago. (From one of the July 2nd tweets that cost him millions, and he later deleted: "Savage violent animal fucks prey on white people.")

When Blacks, in general, are acting the way they do....oh well. He is referring to the Black assholes that are committing crime. It is kind of hard to sit by and not point out the obvious fact of inter racial violence in this country.

He deleted all his comments on twitter because morons will go through them and cherry pick shit that sounds bad.

"Savage violent animal fucks prey on white people."

I do not see any race stated there. And even if it were, is he wrong?

Ant's white knight army ASSEMBLE!!!

Nah the article had no top ten lists.
