The Stangel's actually fit with Opie's personality

10  2015-05-13 by jsmill1

As Letterman got older, he adopted that sort of "I'm old, I don't know what the kids are doing these days" character. That's kind of what Opie has been doing (unintentionally of course) in the post-Destroyer, New Father era. He used to destroy things and now he creates life...but he doesn't understand this new world, maaahhhn. His days of road sodas are far behind him as he struggles to comprehend new technologies, social media, science, music, art, history, entertainment, literature, etc.

And as much as I've not given a shit about the show lately (and sadly this sub), I am interested to listen a bit here and there for few weeks to see the kind of stuff the Stangel's have the ol' Opster doing. Will they take him down the path of roach eggs, or possibly even save the show? Maybe they can talk some sense into him because they have an Emmy. It should at least pump some life into this show, or just give us something new to discuss.


Umm, did you see that the Opster is using Meerkat and eating peanut butter health cookies? Nice try with the hate.

Don't forget the classic edgy material like the ketchup challenge or the extreme roaches in my eggs breakfast. Radio Gold

Those WERE good. I'm still waiting for someone to post a bit from Letterman or something the Stangles wrote on twitter/their website, that would make them qualified to write for a national radio show.


they have been contributing for the past 4 months apparently

yeah and the last 4 months have been god awful, but that won't stop Opie from saying that the response to the Stangels has been overwhelmingly positive, even though there's no evidence of them ever being funny and most people don't know who the fuck they are. For the Price of one Stangel, you could probably hire Kurt Metzger and Jessie Joyce and still have enough for a years worth of juice drinks.

I cant wait until 90% of the calls are "Sharon, from Tampa is on the line, she has the same problem that mine and the Stangels kids have where they can't sleep at night if they drink apple juice. Sharon, you're ON!"

No, the show has been pretty good.

Oh, so you're one of the guys from Twitter.

If that's what we are in store for wow look out!

I listened to the 5/12/2015 show after not listening for around 5 months and I must say it was god awful. Devoid of humor except for a rare jimmy line/character but man I couldn't even make it through the whole 3 hours. I can't even understand what they contributed.

Heard that fat cunt Stangel actually say "I was all in with X-files until you left and then I tapped out." to Duchovny. So yeah, they fit the "new direction" as the mecca of cornball faggotness wannabe brodom.

Grapefruit beer

One of the Stangel's today to David Duchovny : "I was all in were you were on X-files but when you left I tapped out"

Apparently they've been "helping out" to make it feel like "a different show" for the "last few months". So their arrival should amount to squanto