Jimmy does not like Marc Maron

0  2015-05-13 by daterapebandit

That was the impression I got when Maron was on last week. Jim's tone and affectation throughout the interview was very different compared to when other comedians are on. Some of it probably personal and another part was Marc getting his new own Vice show while Jim's didn't get renewed. I don't think Jim realizes how transparent he is at times.



Here's the deal with Jimmy: whenever a comedian guest is more successful, more naturally witty or clever, or achieving in areas he is envious of, Jimmy clams up. Or resorts to some self-deprecating dirty joke.

Just today when Florentine mentioned that his Louie performance was submitted for Emmy consideration, Jimmy almost went into full depression. Can't even pretend he is glad for his long time friend.

I think Jimmy has succeeded really well considering his limited natural talents. I think he is pretty good at radio when he stops pressing, doing his dumb voices, and relaxes and speaks sincerely. It just seems he can't be content with that and the level of success he has achieved.

Maybe I just don't have enough experience with him, but can someone please explain the appeal of Marc Maron? He just seems like the typical neurotic Jew comic.

Suggestion on something specific that will show me why I'm wrong?

His podcast and IFC show are more acclaimed than his actual stand-up. I'm a huge Maron fan but I still can't explain to people in words why I do, I just do and it is what it is. Ironically, I cannot stand the neurotic Jew comic gimmick either, so that's not the reason why I'm a fan.


you sure Marc's appearance you're referring to wasn't the time where Maron was eating on-air? LOL

Maron is garbage and only likes talking to himself.

7:50 - "parrots don't understand english, right?" opie projecting, L3mao

Maron is supposedly very difficult and moody. He comes off as cunty. I dislike him

Nah, Maron has loved and respected Jimmy for years.

But it appears to me the feeling isn't mutual though.

Since you pointed it out, I can see what you're talkin about. Who cares anyway? First world shit, ya know.