It's very possible that all of the activity on this sub is between you and one maniac with hundreds of alts.

10  2015-05-12 by SarahDunsworthSucks

This thought will be in the back of your mind any time you're here from now on.


Fuck off, Lahey.

I am the liquor.

Bottle kids!

Life isn't about getting drunk and eating chicken fingers, alright?

Going to this subreddit is looking into the shit abyss

As long as there are no shit hawks

I saw somebody do something like that on another sub. He (or she, or it - might have been a tranny for all I fucking care) was having an argument with himself on different accounts. It wasn't a small argument he was staging either, it was one of those long back-and-forths where nobody else on the sub really gives a shit. Couldn't tell you why anybody would engage in such lunacy.

The two accounts were given completely different personas, and the "mastermind" running it even went so far as to make sure that one account had better spelling/grammar than the other. I only found out what was happening because he accidentally posted a reply (to himself) with the wrong account. I checked in on the thread five minutes later and both accounts had been deleted.

Cool story bro


We are legion.

It's the O&A sub, if anything, we are lesions.

Don't know about the others, but I got one account. And Opie stinks.

I've been in contact with the owners of reddit and they have confirmed that this is a fact.

Found Opie!

Nah. I think that's more of an excuse people use when they don't agree with you. I have my account, my opinion. If people agree or not fine. What does fans making alt accounts change anyway?

Who? You?

It is odd how there's so many ant hater and "i unsubscribed a LONG time ago, thanks for the hate though" low activity accounts on this sub lately... i dont really think its stopping people from subscribing to ant so idk the point

Which one of my accounts posted this?

what if, like, it's all just aspects of opie debating within himself?

no just the person against what we say Benjamin 72 is the one with over 50 alts

On topic: Does Sarah Dunsworth suck in a positive way?

Will it?

Tss why not Tommy EASTfall or somethin?

no it wont

it's not that far off... there is one guy or a small group of likeminded buttfuck's who spawn alts and spam this and the o&a sub.

i sometimes wonder just how sad a pathetic this persons life must be, it's quite astonishing if you think about how much time it would take to do it... like pretty much most of your life wasted trolling 2 subs. it's fucking pathetic in the saddest way possible.

You sure are a lonely faggot for all the posts you make durnig the weeks worth of time i'll occasionally go inbetween checking this sub.

redditor for 23 days

Go away you nigger.