Bro Joe goes off on people of colour. Listening to TACS and Joe here, are black people constantly going around beating up whitey in America?

0  2015-05-12 by Lilcumia


Boy those Cumias sure do hate the blacks!

their lifes were basicly the American History X dinner flashbacks

Says race specific stuff, then walks it back with 'doesn't matter what color...' He really cumia'd that.

Fuck you jungle dwelling fucking Neanderthals OF ANY COLOR.

"Fuck you bean-eating fucking wetbacks OF ANY COLOR."

I am sick and fucking tired of these darkie black darkie darkies OF ANY COLOR...

That's about on par with what a man who pretends to be another mediocre guitarist for a living would write.

"Your lives may improve to the point where you'll think twice before fucking it all up."

So they should bide time until their brother hits it big and they can leech off him too?

I also love this chubby dullard talking about how once he has someone lay their hands on him he'll knock them the fuck out. He's the toughest 58 year old I've ever seen.

Why give him the attention he wants?

I love Anthony, but the Cumias's need to use social media for promoting their gigs, telling jokes, and THATS IT.

Most of the time they are right, but you don't gotta be an asshole about it.

I only read the parts in all caps and he makes a fair point.

No, this is simply confirmation bias.

"Pretty much embarrassing themselves" I guess bro Joe would know a thing or two about that.

I would love for Bro Joe to take a DNA test and lets see if there is some Jackson blood in there. I'm betting he has some.

from what i've seen with my own eyes, yes.

i'm a very fair-minded person, i don't think people are genetically inferior. just inferior by happenstance.

are there black attacks against whites without provocation that exceed white attacks on blacks? i think you could make the case, but it takes actual research that nobody will do. it's a problem, and nobody really cares to hold up a standard for the black community to live by.

but anyways... we all know this.

Here's one example, there are several more to be found.

Yeah, but couldn't you just as easily take an article about another race doing something and say "look at this!" What about your experience?

Did you know 84% of white murder victims die at the hands of other whites? THE STATS DON'T LIE, PEOPLE.

I've been assaulted before, but only by another white. Then again, I don't really hang around "those" people.

Lol I wonder if Ant has had more physical and verbal disputes with white or black people?



numerically blacks are more violent and kill more blacks but yes you could cherry pick if you wanted to for sure.

I don't know what you mean by "numerically blacks are more violent" but if "numerically whites were more violent" would anyone care?

He means percentage-wise. If whites were more violent, percentage-wise, it wouldn't matter because there are so many more whites than blacks.

So the stats wouldn't matter cause there is more whites? I'm tryin to work out it out but I don't see what statistics are proving black people are a problem that if the tables were turned whites would say "ok, white people are the problem." Sounds more like a gun problem.

Black people make up 10-13% of the population, but the commit the majority of violent crimes and make up over 50% of jails. That's a big deal because there are so little of them. A "gun problem" would be extraordinary - it would literally mean that guns developed AI and were killing people without the help of a criminal, mentally ill person, cop, suicidal person and occasionally the child of an irresponsible parent.

Ok so there is a large percentage of them in jail. Is it on the other races to tell them to stop? Are they less US citizens? If they did the crime they'll get punished, no? Will Ant and people who think like this only be satisfied until whitey holds highest percentage in jail?

You're going off the rails, sir.

Crime statistics show blacks are killed less then whites are by cops. They also demonstrate blacks kill more blacks then anyone else does.

What's your point?

That idiot brother Joe is right in complaining about the problem of violence among blacks. Ill spell it out, they have lower IQs, are lower functioning and the vast majority are indoctrinated socialists that will never stop screaming that whitey owes them something due to the political advantage it affords them.

For example:

What do you base your lower IQ / "lower functioning" statements on? Help me out here; I really want to understand what it's like to be a cunt.

This is true. Neil Degrasse Tyson is black and he seems pretty smart.

Hahaha yeah pick the one exception that is held up for the media who is in fact very mediocre in his field.

the opinion of world-famous biologist James Watson and the general achievements, or lack thereof of Africans. Also Africa is still in mud huts while I'm at it. Tell me of some great inventions from the community, peanut butter doesn't count. :-)

Those whites that are killed by police are armed in a majority of cases. See the difference?

go on, enlighten us

How are the Jews involved?

Jews are the leading socialists just like in Russia here's a link to that;

Here supporting evidence:

Here's Putin saying the same thing

Here's a jew PROVING the holocaust is a lie:

Here's a simple wiki link showing Marx was a jew;

Here's a link establishing Lenin was a Jew:,8599,2077413,00.html

Here's a special link just for you sweetie:

Sorry, you're right. You're not obsessed with Jews at all.

Why do youre care what I post?

denying the holocaust has nothing to do with facts. It has everything to do with you thinking the world is against you, and that you have uncovered the truth. You're a retard. And we're all laughing at you.

ok ill be civil if you will. I do not deny the holocaust. It is a thing that happened. I would appreciate you not labeling me. The term is historical revisionism. The numbers are highly inflated and the causes were not some dastardly plan.

The term is historical revisionism because you're not even brave enough to announce your true beliefs. Your Jewish obsession goes far beyond the holocaust. For proof just read your own posts. You hate Jews, you think they've fooled the world. Be proud.

No, holocaust denier is a jewish applied term and you clearly apply emotional value to it. Jews were mistreated and killed, I don't question that. That's why the term is historical revisionism. Are you brave enough to behave like an adult or will you continue to try to appeal to emotions and obfuscate? So far you've characterized me in multiple ways and told me about my failure to be brave. Balls in your court. I'm pretty sure I know what you will do.

Okay the balls in my court. Now what would you like me to do? Prove Hitler ordered the extermination of Jews or prove that your obsession is fueled by immature hatred and not the bullshit you accept as fact. Grow up and get on with your life. Being angry about the Jews gets you nothing but people rolling their eyes about you after you leave a room.

Wow took you all night to type that up huh? Yes prove the 6 million myth and prove it was deliberate. Show your work(we both know you won't) Tell me the exact method and how they heated the zyklon b. Tell me how toxic a dose per person and show me the ventilation system so the guards dont die too. How long did those rooms take to air out? Why are there no airtight doors any of these showers rooms / fake gas chambers? While I'm at it explain why all the supposed Death Camps (tm) were found by the Soviets(85 percent Jewish leadership) and not by America.

Tell me about the brothels and swimming pool at Auschwitz and explain to me why the prisoners had hospital and RED CROSS access at a death camp. Tell me how long it takes to cremate 1 corpse with technology from the 30s and 40s. Then tell me how long 6 million would take while they are supplying your munitions and you are fighting a two front war vs the two world superpowers.

Explain to me during all this that 900,000 people were killed at Treblinka and then dug up and then cremated. Let's talk about that massive waste of energy for man power and fuel. Shoah me some proof. The myth is crumbling.

Obsessed yes, with historical proof and documentary evidence. Of which you have NONE. Now insult me and walk away kid. You and I both know you won't debate me or be civilized you will only insult me. Only someone with nothing else to offer in a discussion results to such tactics. You can't win a debate with emotionalism. As Ant would say, this ain't your show. 😎

I win.

jew logic

You could have saved time and just said you were a racist.

Taaaaanks for nuthin!!!!!

oh no the R word, your mind is so full of substance. Please repeat more Marxist rhetoric for us.

I don't know what you mean by "numerically blacks are more violent" but if "numerically whites were more violent" would anyone care?

How are the Jews involved?

The term is historical revisionism because you're not even brave enough to announce your true beliefs. Your Jewish obsession goes far beyond the holocaust. For proof just read your own posts. You hate Jews, you think they've fooled the world. Be proud.