Jimmy RANTS About Rape Culture

12  2015-05-12 by Johnniebutters


Comedian Jim Norton RANTS about Rape Culture! What do you think? Whose side are YOU on? Share your thoughts #TMZLive

Hey tits. Repeating the same points that Jimmy makes after every sentence doesn't add to the discussion. It's actually annoying.

ME: ctrl + c; ctrl + v

Copy; print?



What's that L-3? Seriously? I just.....he's so stupid.....and no one calls him on it.

exactly....if scott shannon said that during a jocktober it woulda been an hour of ridiculing and a permanent soundbite...and jimmy just hears him say this shit and says nothing. and are those other voices the stangle bros? are they gonna be there permanently from now on? if so...wow

love jimmy going off the rails

Jim wants the college to speak out against that professors tweets but what if they aren't against them. Shouldn't they have the right to say nothing. Would be great if a student or another professor tweeted the exact same thing but changed the races. Just to see if that would have been a problem.

Of course it would have been a problem.

Jim Goad brilliantly tackled the subject of so-called "Rape Culture" 20 years ago in his zine "Answer Me!"


"Feminist anti-rape theory is founded on the notion of a "rape culture," that our society is somehow telling its young men to go out and rape. Yes, that's true - rapists and child molesters are right up there with doctors and lawyers in terms of societal esteem. Our culture holds the sexual criminal in VERY high regard.

Ahem - from what I've seen, there seems to be SOLID societal consensus that rape is the vilest of crimes. Even the sex-sensitive left and the sex-fearing right would agree on that.

Rape provokes such screechingly negative reactions because our very idea of society is founded on the nuclear family. Man's natural tendency is to rape; our "culture," in part, arose to counter this tendency. Rape conjures images of a not-so-distant Viking diorama of anarchic debauchery, where men slugged each other for the privilege of slugging women. Monogamy is a form of protective pairing. Our entire socio-sexual Magna Carta is antithetical to rape. If we indeed have a culture, its anti-rape message couldn't be more loudly expressed."



The ironic thing is that Jimmy flying into a rage at the presumably feminist construct offending him is actually more rape culturey than the original joke.

Jimmy, just stick to being funny. You sound so undereducated it's embarrassing

Opie, go fucking die already